Cascade – "Processing"
by Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel

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Title   "Processing"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel
Posted   Sun Apr 28, 2013 @ 3:49am
Location   Chief Counselor's Office
Timeline   SD 72 14:30

Ronan leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh. He'd been spending a long time writing out a debriefing post on his experience on the 'away mission' via the interface. He knew it had been sucessful, in terms of the brief intel they'd been able to gather, but the experience had been a bit shocking for him, more then he'd thought it had been. Thus he had made himself write a stream of conciousness report on his experience.

He'd of course spent time resting and allowing himself to recuperate following the mission. A long sleep and some food had been helpful in allowing himself to center his mind again. Now here he was, trying to explain how it felt like he was in two places at once. He'd known he was in the lab, and still on the ship, but a big part of him had been on the ship. It had all felt so real, so much so that it had shaken him slightly when he went to bed that night.

He typed furiously now, trying to get down the feelings he'd experienced himself, but also the presence he'd detected on the ship. He'd felt nervous of course, as was to be expected on his first mission on a new assignment. And of course, the mission was unsual, but he'd tried prepare for it well. But it had been more. When he had been on that ship part of him had been scared, and he just realized that it wasn't normal. The presence he had slightly experienced had projected somehow to him. Touched the well established barriers of his mind, and given him a sense of fear. He had also sensed the fear the presence had itself. It was terrifed, and like a scared child or animal, was lashing out at anything that came close to it.

~That's it!~he thought,~The presence over there is terrifed for some reason, and we need to be careful not to spook it too much.~ Saving his work, he slapped his combadge and said "Larel to Villiers. Commander, can you join me in my office? I may have some insight into the prescence I felt on the ship".


Lieutenant Junior Grade Ronan Larel
Chief Counselor
SB Deep Space 5