Beg, Steal or Borrow – No Arm Done?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   No Arm Done?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun May 31, 2009 @ 4:44pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 - 20:08

Petro had finally decided to have her arm looked at. Though she tried to ignore it for as long as she could, it was interfering with her studies. The struggle to keep doing what she needed to get done had become less of a distraction from the pain. For a while, concentrating on her work, and her shortcomings, kept her mind off of her shoulder. Sitting still helped to stiffen the arm, which was fine so long as she didn't move, but when she turned or went to stand the injury reminded her that it was still present and untended.

Chelsea came over to Petro as she entered Sickbay. The Jnaii was not a frequent visitor and Ryan's report on his last encounter with her medically had been moving and full of admiration for her bravery. Chelsea had a great deal of respect for the little person with the big heart and made a point of greeting her personally.

"Quartermaster!" she greeted Petro a little formally but with proper courtesy. "How can I help you?" Chelsea noticed a little hesitancy and an instinctive move to protect one arm with the other but she didn't comment. She simply pulled out her med-corder and unclipped the scan-node from the side, holding it ready to perform a scan when offered either an injury or at least permission to ascertain a problem.

"I," she paused, looking around the room and how busy things seemed to be. "injured my shoulder." She said, embarrassed over the matter. "It hurts a good deal."

"May I take a look?" Chelsea asked first, treating Petro a little like a nervous bird that might fly away if startled. She approached gently with the med-corder probe and held it away from the shoulder so as to assess it without inflicting further pain.

"It gets stiff." Petro said, watching Chelsea examine her shoulder. "It happened when I fell, but I think it could have been a lot worse." She explained, glad that it was only her shoulder that was hurt and not something more severe.

Chelsea read the scanner and frowned. "It looks like you've dislocated it Petro, that must really hurt!" She took up a hypospray of analgesic and held it out.

"If I give you this to numb it a little, I can pop it back in the socket properly. It won't mend until it's in place, I'm afraid" she suggested.

Petro nodded, preparing herself for the pain. "Okay." she said softly.

"I can regenerate the bruising while it's numb and use the sonic massager to smooth the ligaments back into their normal shape, then you should be good as new!" she explained.

"I'm ready." She said, closing her eyes tight. When she dislocated it, the action was sudden and unexpected. Now, it was the anticipation of the pain she was afraid of.

Chelsea administered a full hypospray of analgesic directly into the back of Petro's neck, careful to target the nerve bundles that spread down across the shoulder and below. The numbing effect took only seconds to happen as it had such a short distance to its target.

Then, distracting Petro by asking her to place her feet apart so that she would concentrate on what her legs were doing, the ACMO deftly took Petro's elbow in one hand as if to reassure her and placed the other strategically above and behind her scapular acromion to guide and brace it.

With a deft and precise tug and slight twist at an exact and carefully targeted angle up the humerus, before Petro had a chance to look back up from her attention to placing her feet, the dislocated shoulder was repositioned and Chelsea had already let go.

Without further ado, she picked up the regenerator and began to repair the tendons. Within literally minutes Petro's arm was back in its proper working order.

"There, now that joint will be weak for a few days, so please don't strain it before it is fully repaired." Chelsea advised. "The analgesic won't wear off for an hour or two so you must be extra vigilant that you don't harm it during that time because it won't be able to remind you while it's numb."

Petro nodded, relieved that there wasn't any pain and yet disconcerted because she couldn't feel her arm at all. It simply hung limp at her side. "I can't feel my fingers." she said, a little curious at the sensation. She kept tapping at her hand the way a human child might do to a dead cat with a stick.

"I filled your shoulder with pain relief so your whole arm will feel numb for a while. Don't bruise it or you'll be sorry when it comes round!" she laughed softly, touching the back of Petro's hand with a fingertip gently in an attempt to divert her from poking her arm.

"Oh, right." Petro said, desisting from her former actions and looking at Chelsea. "I suppose I should put it in a sling or something, at least till the numbness wears off."

"You could if you like, but be sure and take it off when the feeling has returned. You don't want to immobilise it for too long or it may stiffen or weaken. The ligaments are sufficiently repaired to be kept moving but please don't strain or put too much weight on the arm" Chelsea advised.

Petro nodded and stood. "Thank you." She said softly. "I'll try not to injure it any further." She turned and headed to the door to make her way to Ops. She stopped in the doorway, turned back and smiled. Without saying anything else, she left.


A JP Between:

Warrant Officer Petro

& Lt. Chelsea Adams