Things Past – Great Expectations
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Great Expectations
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Fri Apr 27, 2012 @ 8:56pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   ??

Bruce walked down the corridor after being brought back from his leave. He hadn't realized it but he scheduled to visit Earth the same time an Engineering Convention was taking place and had been able to pull in some favors and listen in on a few of exhibitions. Entering his quarters he threw the duffel bag onto his bed and unpacked the contents, doing so quickly as he was good to be home and wanted to get to Engineering. Placing the last of the items away he made his way to a turbo lift. "Main Engineering" He ordered. Arriving he looked around not finding his assistant any where. Bruce however did notice Hiroshi messing with one of the Generators. "Hiroshi," He called. "Where's Kramer?"

"Last thing I heard, he was taking something to the Security Office." Came the reply.

Bruce was curious, but didn't care enough to really question why his Assistant was there. He knew it was something Engineering oriented and left it at that. He walked into his office and started to look over what had been done while he was away. The basic things had been done, but he couldn't help but notice that the extra list hadn't been touched. 'Great just when I think things can get done the crew pulls one over on me.' Bruce exited his office and leaned up against the glass and watched everyone work. He made sure to have a disappointed glare to everyone that looked him in the eyes. That's all it took for them realize things weren't going to be sunshine and roses much longer.


((Turbolift door located between Chief's office and Asst. chief's office.))
The doors on the turbolift open and Lt. Kramer walked out, turned, and took a double take to see the Chief standing at the glass wall in his office. He said, "Well, hi Chief. I didn't realize you had made it back already."

"Wish I hadn't been back so soon." He said lifting his from looking at the floor to his assistant. "Care to tell me why only basic things got done on my leave?"

Vince's mouth instantly went dry. He tried to wet his lips, but it didn't help much. He really hated being under pressure. Issues were one thing, which he can deal with. Pressure from senior staff was always a burden to him. "Well, Chief, . . we still have the last few crews repairing the docking port." He counted on one finger. "The CAG has gone over my head and requested additional engineers to bring his fighters up to 'his' expectations." Vince licked his lips again counting off another finger and added, "It's just a big place." he sounded exasperated and slightly desparate.

"And your trip to security?" Bruce asked.

Kramer smiled and couldn't help but chuckle, "Heh heh. I was delivering a small creature to Security that had caused a localized loss of gravity in the residential ring sector." He wiped his face, because the Chief didn't appear to believe him. He then said, "This creature had gotten loose and was decomposing the shielding on the gravametric cables to the plating." He kinda shrugged and added, "We did an investigation and have reinitialized the gravity. Unfortunately, it's a bit shotty and cabling needs to be replaced. I'll have the full report on your desk in the morning."

"And what if I decide I rather go be Engineer of the day for some little squirts aboard the station?"

A scrunched look came over Vince's face, "I don't follow you Chief." he said curiously.

"Ive heard about your little classroom visit. While I am glad you are enlightening the minds of children I would have hoped that some things get done around here first. I can't tell you what to do during your free time, but when you are on duty that's another story." Bruce said looking at the Lieutenant.

Vince replied with 'Ohhhh'. Being somewhat uncertain on how to respond. Then smiling like a cheshire cat, "Ah, I was just trying to do my . . civic duty." He paused, thinking quickly. "I'm sure you would have complied if the Dean of Education had made the request when you were here." "By the way," changing the subject quickly, "how was your time away?" smiling pleasently and looking interested, hoping to distract him from the current line of questions.

"That won't work, quite yet any way. While I would have yes, I would have also made sure the rest of the crew were doing their duties." Bruce looked over Engineering again. "I can't very well use leave, if two thirds of Engineering is going to only be on call as it were and mope around here. However its not all your fault. They should have kept on task without instruction. Things will be different next time. Understood?" He inquired.

As the Commander continued the slight reprimand the smile on Kramer's face slowly faded. He replied solemnly, "Yes sir. I understand." He took a moment to look about Main Engineering. It was true that not all the tasked had been completed, but so many additional needs had cropped up during the Commander's time away, but Kramer felt it was not his place to correct him or make excuses. Looking back at Freeman, "I'll have a full report on the Gravity loss on your desk in an hour." Standing more at attention with respect, "Will there be anything else, Sir?"

"I got some upgraded tech while I was away. I figure you can test some of them out once you get that report done. Sound good?"

"Yes Sir." Kramer replied. "And I look forward to reviewing the tech and how we can add it to improve the station."

"I'll look forward to your report." Bruce said entering his office.


LTCDR Bruce Freeman


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. CEO DS5