Interlude – Interview with an assassin
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   Interview with an assassin
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 8:26pm
Location   Box of delights
Timeline   Some time after "T'Pal and her boxes of delights

It had been a while since T'Pal had had this much *release* and not only that, but she utilized the time to study her next assignment. She was very relaxed when she appeared through the holosuite doors and walked to the bar, this time to get a drink. Definitely time would have to be spend in meditation to bring her emotions under control again, but for now, she allowed the after effects of her time in the holodeck to still influence her.

"Bloodwine," she ordered and then gave her meal order to the attractive waiter who served her. Idly she wondered if he was on the menu too.

Thomas watched the woman from the bar as she entered and sat at a nearby table. He quickly ordered a refill then stood and walked over to her table. "Mind if I join you?" he asked her.

The hybrid didn't really expect anyone so her one eyebrow shot up at her mild surprise. "And why would that be?" she asked flatly, studying the man.

"Just trying to be sociable," Thomas said to her. "I'm new to the base and I'm trying to get to know some of the other inhabitants."

"I am sure that even *you*" she said referring to his very young looks, "can summize that I don't fall in the sociable category," she explained dryly.

"Sorry, I bothered you," he said, turning to walk back to the bar.

The waiter appeared with her food and bloodwine, setting it in front of her. Without any further regard, she took a sip from the warm liquid and began to eat.

"What's wrong with trying to get to know someone and make friends?" Thomas asked, sitting down across from her.

Nope.... he did not leave, he was sitting across from her. T'Pal looked up, her food halfway on the way to her mouth. "You need that," she shrugged. "I simply find the idea of *friendship* implying emotional content and from what I've seen so far..... over rated," she said indifferently and the fork continued on it's way onto her mouth.

"So what is it you do on the base?" Thomas asked, sipping his drink.

Something about him alerted her. Was it the intensity in his eyes, the fact that he asked one question, not comment his own opinion, even if she baited him, and asked another one on a different topic? Or perhaps all of the above. She had been interrogated and questioned many times and had conducted just as many. "What I want," she obliged him smoothly.

Thomas looked at her for a moment and laughed. "I like you," he said to her. "Thomas Whitlock," he added, extending his hand.

"Be very careful whom you like," said the assassin very smoothly, while looking at the extended hand. Neither of the species that make up T'Pal enjoys physical contact with others, unless for particular purposes, greeting not being one them. Then she realized that her hair might be covering her ears, so he might not realize what she was, but still not bothered to oblige him. "I am T'Pal" she replied then. "What do you do in the base?" she asked him in stead.

"Vulcan, huh?" Thomas asked, lowering his hand. "Sorry about that. I'm a reporter," he said to her.

"One half of me, yes," she said studying him more intently. "You apology is accepted," she continued in a level tone. "Journalist..." she said carefully. "Always on duty then?" she said and wondered if she could use him somehow, even if he didn't know.

"Aren't we all?" he asked her. "What about you? What job do you hold on the base?"

"As said, I do what I want," she repeated her previous answer. "Who do you write for?" she asked.

"FNS," Thomas said, sipping his drink. "What do you do for fun?"

"So you don't do private work?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"I do what I want," he said to her.

"Interesting," she said with a hint of a smile. "That may be very useful for me to know and lucrative for you," she baited him.

"In what way?" he asked her.

She shrugged casually. "I might need information from time to time," she said. "Or perhaps, I might provide you with news that would need to published," she said noncommittally.

"I think we might be able to work something out," he said to her. "But I'm not comfortable making deals with someone I know so little about."

"But you already liked me," she reminded him with a twitch of a smirk around her mouth and then she leaned back. "What is it that would make you more comfortable?"

"A little honesty would help," Thomas said to her. "Or we could just have meaningless sex," he added, sipping his drink again.

T'Pal was intrigued and amused by his attitude and a smirk formed around her lips. "What do you prefer then honesty or meaningless sex?" she asked.

"From you?" Thomas asked, looking at her. "I think I would prefer both."

For a human he was surprisingly straight forward and T'Pal had to admit that she found that appealing. Perhaps her emotions were not as well controlled as they usually were due to her activities of shortly before, but she could meditate later. She was also a half Klingon and it was illogical to not allow that part of her to live once in awhile. "Opportunist I see, I suppose that comes with the job. Come with me," she said and got up.

"Where are we going?" Thomas asked as he stood up to follow her.

"My rooms."

"Lead the way," Thomas said with a broad smile.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter
DS 5

*Security Consultant*