Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Killer and Killed
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Killer and Killed
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 4:01pm
Location   Civilian medical in-patient care
Timeline   SD6 11:00
OOC: Hello to all whom I haven't talked to in a long while and Hello to all the new crew who have signed up since I went on ELOA. I look forward to simming with everybody again now that the semester isn't running me ragged. This was supposed to be my part of the Civilian JP reaction to Riley’s death, but it got a bit long, so I'm posting it separately.


Kaia sipped her warm beverage as she stared out the window into the infinite starfield beyond. She was going to miss the view when time came to transfer back to her closet-like quarters in the steerage decks as she was due to be released from medical today. In the meantime, the station was all abuzz with the funeral of Lt. Riley. Lieutenant... She mulled the word over in her mind. She remembered meeting him before he had that title. She hadn't gotten to know him well enough to know whether or not he deserved it, but from what the medical staff had been saying about how he had died, he very well may have.

Not necessarily in Kaia's opinion, though. She didn't like making judgments without information. All she knew was that she herself had come to within inches of her life days earlier. She made it out of her situation, Riley hadn't made it out of his, and that's the way the galaxy revolved. She'd seen the same situation, literally, an uncountable number of times. Dealing with the deaths of people she knew was hard enough. She was numb to the faceless dead, and had been for as long as she could remember. The fiasco at starbase 24 a few years back hadn't helped that, either.

Kaia thought about what the doctors had told her about the whole situation; the Lytosian attempt on the life of the station CO. She snorted with a quiet indignation and took another sip of her drink. Riley was dead, what had become of the assassin? Why did they attempt to take the life of the CO? What would that have done? She wondered and thought back to the Baoaran incident followed by the destruction of the USS Creator.

Now THAT had been an assassination with purpose. Only a handful of people on the station fully understood its significance, the fact that the CO was among them was the important part. Tahir would probably never know who did it or why, but she fully understood what might have been if it hadn't happened, not just for Deep Space Five, but for the whole Federation.

All the feds seemed preoccupied with the dead 'hero'. Kaia sighed and shook her head. She hoped someone was burning the midnight oil doing the political wet work to find out the ‘who’s and ‘why’s of the assassination attempt. Kaia was becoming increasingly confident (or was it simply less skeptical?) about the feds and their procedures.

They had their good intentions, in Kaia's opinion often annoyingly so, but sometimes it made them a bit timid at getting their hands dirty. Thankfully, they had people like Kaia and Natrina around to help them out with that, not that the feds would be very appreciative if they ever found out. The feds were just lucky their well-being and Kaia's well-being were generally parallel in nature.

Okay, there was the incident with the USS Legacy that landed her in medical in the first place. It probably didn't do the federation any favors, and they'd have to rebuilt their prototype, but they wouldn't know. According to the sensor logs brought back on Kaia's ship, the unpiloted Legacy had flown into a star and been destroyed.

As for the parts of that mission that the feds didn't, and hopefully wouldn't, know about, Kaia took responsibility for her actions. She had known the risks, accepted the risks, and in this particular incident got burned by the risks. She hoped that Natrina and Haldamir had managed to extract a pound of flesh for their troubles. This one would take some damage control on her part.

Once she was out of here, a few subtle modifications to her medical records were in order. And provided that she kept herself in one piece long enough, the incident would fade into the obscurity of the hundreds of thousands of mundane civilian medical cases on the station. None of the medical staff had questioned why the symbiot in her system wasn't in her record, nobody would notice when the record of it would quietly disappear. If anyone did question it, they might quietly disappear too.

Kaia's methods were rarely as blunt as the tip of a phaser rifle, though her results were often quite spectacular. Admiral Sorensen and his crew had been witness to that.

"Rest in peace, Jonathan. You've earned a break." Kaia said to an empty room, still gazing into the inky blackness beyond.


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Owner of Xenology Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."