Cascade – "A short chat"
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel

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Title   "A short chat"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel
Posted   Fri Mar 08, 2013 @ 1:02pm
Location   Larel's office
Timeline   SD71 14:30

The message he'd gotten from the "man upstairs" as Phillip called it (though, personally, Kaelin just nodded along, not truly understanding the reference), Kaelin was less than enthusiastic with his new assignment. He wasn't a counselor. Sure, he was a strong empath, but he figured that was hardly a qualification to allow him to just manipulate someone into doing something. In fact, the main lecture he got when entering Starfleet was to make sure he didn't manipulate anyone, so he wasn't exactly used to such an act. After nervously pacing his living room and uploading every possible psychology book and article onto his paDD, Kaelin realised he needed help. Professional help. He wasn't used to this! Reaching out to someone emotionally required training of some kind. Yes, he was Deltan and, as such, had a natural gift for communicating with people on several levels. But that was with other Deltans and he was being asked to communicate with a special he wasn't even sure he could pronounce correctly. Especially with his experiences.

After a shower and two cup of strong tea, Kaelin put on a fresh uniform and made his way out of his quarters and towards the new Chief Counselor's office. He hadn't met the man yet but, if this actually went forward, he would be soon enough so it was probably best to consult him on the issue. Compulsively making sure he looked half-way presentable, Kaelin pressed the chime for the Betazoid's office and waited nervously for him to answer.

Ronan looked up from his desk when he heard the chime. He hadn't been officially assigned Chief Counselor yet, but rather just a Counselor on the station. The Commander had been nice enough to let him use the counselling offices, and informed the staff that a trained counselor was on board if they needed him. Clearing his throat he said "Enter" After the person did, he said "How can I help you today, Ensign?"

"Um...I'm Kaelin Niers. We'll be working on the new mission together," the Deltan began, walking into the room. "I was hoping we could speak beforehand? I have a few...concerns," he finished nervously.

Nodding, Ronan walked around the desk and gestured to the small sitting area nearby. "Take a seat Ensign. What seems to be bothering you?"

"Thank you," Kaelin said, sitting down and crossing his legs. "It's just. I'm not a counselor. How am I supposed to know what to do? Besides, ever since I've joined the fleet, I've been trying very hard to limit my involvement in...well, people. And now suddenly I'm jumping into calming some...thing, down." Kaelin managed to say it all in one breath. "May I have a glass of water, please? I'm feeling a little lightheaded."

Nodding, Ronan stood up and went to the replicator. After getting the glass of water and passing it to Kaelin, he said "Please, try to relax. Can I ask why you've been limiting your involvement with people?"

Kaelin downed the glass of water in one gulp, feeling the cold seep through his body as he took a deep breath, willing himself to relax. At the question, he opened his blue eyes and looked over at Ronan. "I'm Deltan," he said, as if it were obvious. And, to him, it was. "People don't exactly enjoy my effect on them. And the ones that do rarely react favorably."

Ronan nodded, and then said "But that is their issue, not them. It's not as if you can turn off your... ability." Pausing, he added "I don't mean to lessen how difficult this experience is for you. I can sense you are very upset. Forgive me."

Kaelin looked down at his glass, running the tip of his finger over the rim for a moment. "No." He shook his head. "Forgive me. I sort of barged in on you like this. Hell, we haven't even met," he admitted, looking up at Ronan once again. "I'm just...complicated and in my own head. And honestly, I'm nervous about what we can do about this mission. I'm out of shape in using my empathy actively and with a lot of purpose like this. Plus, I've gone off my pheromone suppressants just in case since I got the message so that's driving me a little crazy too. So, I'm really, really sorry for this," he told the man sincerely.

"Don't be sorry"Ronan replied"Even though I've only been onboard a few hours, this is my job, and also what I choose to do. I could have told you I was busy and scheduled an appointment down the road right?"

Kaelin smiled. "Yes, well, you're sweet," he admitted with a small shrug. "But, I'm still sorry for this. This isn't therapy. I have my own therapist on the staff, so that is actually taken care of. What I really wanted to speak to you about was whether we should have any kind of plan of action for the mission?"

Ronan shrugged, "I'm not sure to be honest. I think we need to go into the mission with an open mind, and hope for the best." Pausing, he added "I know I'm not your therapist, but I'd like to be your friend. After this mission is over, how about we grab a bite to eat, and relax?"

Kaelin nodded as Ronan commented on the mission, figuring he was right. At the man's next words, he smiled brightly. "I'd like that!" he agreed enthusiastically. "In fact, I insist that, once this mission is successful, I take you out for an official 'Welcome to DS5' evening," he told him with a nod. "How's that?"

Smiling, Ronan replied" Sounds like a plan", then noticing the time replued "I hate to cut this short, but we should probably head down to the mission planning meeting"


Lieutenant Junior Grade Ronan Larel
Chief Counselor
SB Deep Space 5

Ensign Kaelin
Medical Officer
SB Deep Space 5