Incommunicado – A Trill for Lunch.
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   A Trill for Lunch.
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Tue Jul 10, 2012 @ 12:21pm
Location   The Plaice to Be (1N 33), Promenade Level 2/Deck 142
Timeline   SD83

Rose strolled into the restaurant, the smells of the fresh seafood had drawn her to this level on the promenade, despite all the competing smells! Noticing the large Octovian woman slicing various types of fish and marine creatures with her eight tentacles, each tentacle weilding some cooking utensil.

Rose thought it was quite ironic that an Octovian, an aquatic species, would take employment in a seafood restaurant. Taking a seat at the bar she watched the various dishes being carried through the restaurant, casually glancing at the Octovian stuffed into the back kitchen weilding knives and pans. Rose delved deep into the menu, taking particular care to not be drawn to anything with tentacle in. The last thing she would want was the poor Octovian woman loosing one of her eight arms for Rose's lunch.

As usually around the afternoon, Saria came by at The Plaice to be to drink a Fish Juice, a traditional Cardassian drink. When she walked in, she smelled the familiar smell of fish and salt water. There was a red-haired woman sitting at the bar, reading the menu thoroughly. She already knew who it was: Lady Rose Corrigan, Reports officer and author of the Corrigan Files. She went for the seat next to her. She shoved it back, and sat down on it.

"They say that the Bajoran Mala Fish is served here fresh. You should try it." Saria said.

Rose was slightly startled by the young Trill's arrival at the stool next to her. However applying the upmost social skills she simply smiled and said, "Excellent, would you care to join me...? I'm sorry we haven't met, I'm Lady Rose Corrigan!"

"I would be pleased to join you." Saria smiled. "I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex. I'm quite new on the station, and have to represent the Science department while I'm still an Assistant Chief."

"Pleased to meet you!" Rose said politely. Turning to find eye contact with a nearby barstaff, "Excuse me, I'd like to place an order for the Bajoran Mala with asparagus and two glasses of iced tea for me and the Lieutenant?" Rose spoke with such charm and enthusiasm for something as mundane as ordering iced tea. The barman nodded and began scurrying about leaving the two ladies alone.

"So Lieutenant and assistant chief of the science department, I'm quite the social scientist if I do say so myself!" Rose charmingly blew her own trumpet.

"Social scientist? In what way, exactly?" Saria asked. She watched the barman as well. When he turned around, she signed him to order a Cardassian Fish Juice after the iced tea. The barman nodded as well.

"Like a... Counselor? Or a therapist? Or maybe behavoural study?"

"Actually, Archaeology!" Rose said with a smile, she always did enjoy talking to Trill's they always seemed to lead so many different lives. "Ancient civilisations, history cultural anthropology that's my forte, you might say!" Rose continued.

"How are you finding the station then Lieutenant?" Rose asked trying to move the conversation forwards.

"Archaeology! That's one nice profession. If you need any assistance once with artifacts not much older than a thousand years, I might be able to help you. However, it is mostly limited to Trill itself." She said, tapping on her belly, on the place her symbiont is located.

"But the station treats me well. I really like the people, ever after a few lifetimes of Starfleet memories." She smiled.

"I do envy your species sometimes, spending my entire life trying to work out why a civilisation disappeared and you are just able to access a memory depending if your symbiot was around at that time!" Rose said admiring the young Trill woman, as her order was placed infront of her.

Taking a few bites, Rose smiled at the taste, and gave a quick nod of appreciation to the Octovian chef, who simply smiled back.

"Thank you Lieutenant for the offer of assistance, I am yet to begin cataloguing my fathers artifacts and unravel this mess I am in, but that is a completely different story for another time!" Rose said with a chuckle.

Saria laughed. "Well, I'm getting called "old man" a lot. But yes, it is... special, and also strange at the same time. I have seen Trill developing from forts and crusades to spaceships and the UFP, and all that seems normal for me to know. I sometimes lose track of all my previous hosts though." She took a sip from her iced tea, watching the fish being eaten by Rose.

"It's funny though, I was Commander for a few times, Captain twice and Admiral once. I also negotiated the Cardassian-UFP peace treaty, just before they occupied Bajor."

"Sounds like you've lead many exciting lives, I guess it must be nice to just be able to start again and continue your ancestory so to speak!" Rose added trying to be delicate around the subject.

"Well, I have their memories. But I know them like I've been there myself." She drank up her iced tea. "Ah, thank you for the iced tea." She said, picking up the Cardassian Fish juice the bartender gave her.

"However, your job sounds really interesting. I mean, I do nothing with those millennium-old memories but remembering them. However, you analyze the history. It makes me feel like why I didn't realize what I could do with my memories."

"Perhaps you should start writing memoirs, actually but memory to paper so to speak." Rose added taking several bites from her meal, making sure to maintain decorum and class.

"Maybe I should yes, but if needed, I could always "summon" one of my previous hosts in my head, making them look like they're in the same room as you. It's called a Zhian. I even did one this morning." She said, drinking from the thick substance.

"Sounds fascinating Lieutenant!" Rose said politely taking a sip of her drink and dabbing her mouth with a napkin. "My word is that the time?" Glaring at the large digital clock in the restaurant "I must dash as I have a scheduled medical later today - an appointment one is not looking forward to!" Rose huffed.

Saria nodded. "Neither are they my favorite. But... duty calls. It has been a pleasure to join you this afternoon." She said, reaching out her hand to Rose.

Rose gently shook the hand of your young Trill she had enjoyed her lunch with. "The pleasure was all mine Saria, we must do it again sometime!" Rose declared as she rose from her bar stool and adjusted her uniform and headed towards the exit.

Saria watched Rose leaving, then tending to her juice.


Rose Corrigan
Reports Officer


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Asst. Chief Science Officer