Judgement – Never too early to have some fun
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Never too early to have some fun
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Oct 08, 2011 @ 3:45pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD39 19:30
Both Ayren and Tasha strolled along the promenade with arms linked together sharing some private jokes and laughing like a pair of silly schoolgirls. They were dressed to kill each in their own flamboyant style. Tasha in Purple with matching heels and Ayren in the shortest of black skirts to adorn the promenade in a long while.
"Where next?" Tasha asked as they turned the corner on the second level. Tasha was not paying attention to their position, more their immediate surroundings as the non replicated alcohol began to have the desired effect.

Ayren stopped and looked around, looking a bit confused herself. "Uh......wait...." she said, her hand on Tasha's arm to steady herself as she turned. Then she looked at her companion with a mock incredulous expression. "You're asking me? You're the one living here.... " she giggled. "Ah... I know," she announced as an apparent light went on in her slightly tipsy head. "The Delights Box place....whataya think?" she asked grinning. It was clear from what she could see and sense that Tasha was having a good time. "The night is still but a pup.... " she coaxed.

Seeing the two women, one of whom was obviously looking to be persuaded, one of the main selling points of the bar in question, its painfully good-looking head waiter, Blake, turned towards them. Standing in the entrance of The Box of Delights "Come on in, ladies. We've always got room for two beautiful girls, its happy hour all night! Two for one on every cocktail!"

Tasha's smile widened. "Cocktails two for one!" She remarked before turning to the handsome door person. "Synthohol or actual alcohol?" She inquired not knowing if the doorman recognized her out of uniform as it were and was already keen to hear the doorman's answer.

Ayren smiled at the nice young man and grinned at her friend. "You've already had the real thing.... it's not good to mix your drinks," she whispered in her ear, adding her twist to the old piece of advice.

The handsome young man gave them both a mock look of shock. "I solemnly swear that anything from this bar that you put in your mouth is the real thing."

"Yay!" The Captain remarked as Tasha brought her hand to her mouth, hiding a giggle as she pulled Ayren inside, now taking the lead as they made their way through the already crowded hostelry to the bar.

She looked across the rack of multi-coloured liquids before bringing her eyes to the bartender, "Two cocktails, your choice." She winked as she felt a tug at her side.

Ayren looked at the large choice, feeling exhilarated by the vibe in the place and of course, present company. "I would like to have a 'Maritica Mash' with a dash of Sha'e Spice Liqueur," she said and giggled. "Haven't had that for ages, but I might not be responsible for my actions from now on...." she warned Tasha and whoever heard her.

Tasha grinned, shook her head and nudged Ayren's arm with her hers. "I never realized that this place got so busy!" She remarked, looking around to see if she either knew or recognized anybody in the crowded area of the bar. The few drinks they had partaken in thus far were slowly beginning to have an affect on the station's commander. Some she recognized, some she had seen at some stage and there were one or two that she wanted to steer clear of if she was able.

As her drinks were placed before her, she leaned in to the tender and fingered between herself and Ayren.
"All on my account." Her voice raised over the growing din.

"Yes Ma'am!" The pixie-faced bar tender shouted back. When Tasha just looked at her blankly she handed the payment PADD over for Tasha's thumb print.

Ayren gave Tasha an *are you sure?* look, but then relaxed and after putting her arm around Tashas shoulders, have her a *thank you* hug.

Tasha placed her thumb on the scanner and then moved her glasses closer to her and Ayren's to her left.
"Thank you." She said as she turned and eased herself up onto a stool and brought the cocktail to her mouth, sipping at the cool liquid.

As she sipped, her eye fell on a someone she thought she recognized. The brownish blonde hair slicked to his skull and she narrowed her eyes and dismissed her thoughts, bringing her attention back to Ayren.

Noticing the distraction, Ayren grinned. She was tipsy, so she just had to cash in on that. "I am pregnant with Gorn twins," she said casually and sipped her drink.

"Sorry?" She apologized, not hearing what her companion had said.

Ayren giggled. "I talked crap, wanted to see how distracted you were..." she answered and downed her drink. " 'nother one," she said looking around for the nice man that lead them inside.

Tasha upended the glass she held and placed it next to the full one. Lifted that and without taking a breath, emptied that in a similar fashion.
She licked her lips. "Another two." She grinned as she began to gyrate to the steadily increased volume of the music.
"Twins!" She remarked, having picked up a little of what she had said and still didn't know exactly what Ayren had said.

She pushed forward the four glasses and tried to attract the tenders attention, but Ayren was not prepared to be so patient and was already rising upward on the three legged bar stool.
Tasha's one hand came to her mouth, disguising the fit of giggles she found she had no control over, as the other reached up to Ayren's leg, offering a pitiful amount of support whilst urging her upwards.

"Oh.... yeah right.... she tries to recover," Ayren laughed, the drink really getting to her head now. "Twins.... Gorn twins," she giggled. "I was teasing you, silly girl..." she said. "So who was that?" she asked, loosing her precarious balance, having to lean heavily on Tasha.

"Who was who?" Tasha replied loudly as she struggled to maintain a hold on the curvacious calves of her friend, let alone keep her upright and was beginning to fail miserably.
"Come on down, you'll cause yourself a injury!" ~And Yolanthe won't be happy at the holes in her stool either~ She thought as Ayren's stilettos sank deeper into the leatherette covered cushion of the the aforementioned stool.

Tasha began to laugh as Ayren began to struggle to keep her own balance and if she was to fall now, there would be nothing that Tasha could do.

It was a sight to see, the normally elegant and graceful diplomat decided to lower herself again, but it was more like tumbling down, not having control over all the muscle groups. Tasha's body was the only buffer between her and the floor. "Oops...." Ayren grinned as she came to a halt on top of the station commander, her arms around her neck. "The person you were looking at over there," she said and turned to point roughly where Tasha's attention was a few moments ago. It was only after the question that Ayren clumsily tried to get back on her seat, but wasn't too successful.

Before Tasha could formulate another distraction, a rather fetching example of the male gender leaned in politely between the two ladies to hail the bartender, to no avail. He leaned back in defeat and addressed the two inebriated women, "Excuse me ladies, but what's a body to do to get a drink around here?" He realized the two had mildly surprised looks: one due chemical bliss, the other seemed caught off-guard, if just slightly.

Before they could respond he started, "Forgive me, but I do not believe we've been introduced. I'm Ca... Augustus."

Tasha felt her cheeks redden as her eyes focused solely on the hunk that had separated her and her companion but even in her semi-intoxicated condition she knew when she liked someone and right now, she liked the handsome man she was fawning over. "You would remember if you had!" Tasha remarked as she leaned to her left and winked at Ayren. "I would certainly remember you. I'm Tasha." She stated as she held forth her hand for the dashing blond haired fellow to do with as he wished.

Augustus gently took her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He then lifted her hand up to reverently kiss it. The young woman blushed in response, and seemed almost lost in his gaze. Augustus smiled and brought her back when he asked, "Would your lovely friend here happen to have a name as well, or would that honor cost me a round of drinks?"

Tasha shook her head allowing her hair to sway with the motion and keeping her hand within his.
"Of course not, not at all." She glanced at Ayren before catching the eye of the bar tender and signalling for another round of drinks including Augustus. "I am sure that if my friend can catch her breath, she will introduce herself." She smiled broadly.

It took a few moments for Ayren to react. "I don't have a breath to catch," she said with a frown, a result of serious concentration on two tasks, no three tasks she had to do simultaneously, understand the meaning of words, finding her seat again and checking out the man. And deciding if he was good looking or not. That was a lot to do. The sentence finally made sense. "Oh," she grinned. "Ayren Kelan....." She noticed her friend's interest in the pretty man and she looked him over. "Mmmm....nice.." she said grinning her approval. "Do you have a friend?" she asked.

"He does now!" Tasha said through girlish giggles and finally released Augustus' hand when it dawned on her that Ayren meant for her. "Oops, sorry Ayren. Do you?" She asked the bewildered looking man who appeared to have more than one set of female eye upon him. "If not, I don't mind sharing." She giggled again unable to control her mouth or her giggling.

Ayren leaned to Tasha, also giggling. "I didn't know you had in in you...." she whispered naughtily, her black orbs sparkling with mirth, looking at the poor Augustus. "What do you think about sharing?" she asked, draping her arm around Tasha, probably also to steady herself. The sweetest of smiles was plastered on her mouth.

Tasha grinned back at them both and seeing Augustus' grin, "I didn't know either," She replied, easing the drinks towards both of them and then hers, "but let's have some fun!" She remarked with the wicked grin growing on her face forgetting her rank and position and purely enjoying the moment.

Ayren laughed happily at seeing Tasha really relaxing and letting her hair down so to speak. She quietly wondered when last Tash really had fun. She took the drink and raised it. "Qapla'!" she said with a over serious expression. "No..... wait... wrong one..... to fun and friends!" she giggled happily.

"Or friends and fun!" Tasha exclaimed emptying the glass in one after stressing the word 'Fun'


Tasha Tahir

Ayren Kelan
USS Achilles
(PNPC by Sharon)

Augustus Cyphadrus

Door and Bar tended by
Yolanthes NPC