Cascade – Meeting the 'Consultant'
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Commander Rakka

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Title   Meeting the 'Consultant'
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Commander Rakka
Posted   Wed Feb 13, 2013 @ 6:53am
Location   Security
Timeline   SD71, 0600

Malak walked from the 'Crows Nest', a padd in hand. His eyes go over the data that is coming up. A soft sigh as he tries to parse through the information. His voice had a soft tint of frustration,"..Find out what's happening?" He slowly shakes his head as this seems so confusing. A few button pushes later and he see's Commander Rakka pull up. He probably should find out through some of the lower orders. You can always find out more information from the second in command then the boss - or so the saying goes. His eyes go over the woman's physique and then her species.. Nausicaan. Great.. Atleast he could remember back to a few hosts that have dealt with them.

He taps his compin, his voice straight to the point and gruff,=/="Lieutenant Muz to Commander Rakka."=/=

Rakka had just dismissed Lieutenant Wyman and was about to have a look through Trellis's desk drawers when the comm came. Muz? Who the hell was this now? =/= "Rakka here," =/= she replied, pulling up the name on Trellis's console. Clearly she had fallen behind on keeping track of new staff.

=/= "Commander, I need to find out more information on 'incidents' that have been occuring around the base. It seems like there's some rumors that weird things occuring to people. Because errors or 'weird things' can result in people dying in our department, I was hoping I could get some clarifications?" =/= Malak's voice stayed even as he answered the woman. It was straight to the point.. very 'untrill'.

Weird things. Rumors. Rakka sighed. Could this station go one lousy week without working itself into an unnecessary panic? =/= "By all means... let's discuss. You can find me in the Security Chief's office. Rakka out." =/=

=/= "Aye." =/= Malak said back with the same tone. After it beeped off there was a small chuckle to himself. He didn't necessarily prefer not being his cordial self - but that would get him nowhere fast. The man began to move a bit faster and headed to the turbolift. It was only a few minutes when he made his way into Security. His eyes going around the different décor - or lack there of. His eyes finally coming on the Nausicaan. His face was serious and he nodded,"Commander."

Rakka shifted her jaw, studying the man. He seemed rather grim, for a Trill. She had the distinct sense that he was putting on some kind of act. Probably it was a racial thing. She knew her appearance could be startling to some, and more than a few residents of DS5 had had some terrible experience with Nausicaans, or knew someone who had been killed, injured, or cheated by one. She was used to people acting strangely around her.

"Lieutenant," she finally replied. "Have a seat."

Malak nods his head as he makes his way over towards one of the seats and does indeed sit down. He leans back as he watches the woman,"I needed to know about anything you've heard or if there is anything I need to prepare my people for?" He watches her a moment and his hand eventually came up to run through his hair,"Or if It's just baseless rumors?"

"Depends what 'it' is," Rakka said, crossing her arms. "What rumors are you talking about...?"

"I am not lying to you or being coy." Malak offers with a shake of his head,"Ever since a vessel has docked - strange things have been occurring. People are off, not quite at their best. Have their been any reports or anything of that nature? Anything that I can perhaps be on the look out for you? I don't want anything going wrong while I am piloting at well over high impulse." He says with a slight smile.

The Nausicaan narrowed her eyes and made a *clicking* noise with her fangs as she contemplated Malak's words. "Exactly how long ago did you arrive at Deep Space Five, Lieutenant?"

"Less then a week." Malak offers straight off as he watches the woman.

"And, since then, you've formed some grand theory that 'people' are 'off' lately? You somehow think yourself qualified to judge whether or not people here are 'at their best'? If you're planning on doing any more during this meeting than wasting my time, you're going to have to be a great deal less vague. What actual evidence that you have that something is amiss? What are these 'strange occurrences' you speak of?"

He shakes his head,"You either misunderstood, or I wasn't clear. I am being told that things are being off. Now how is that defined? I'm not sure, which is why I am asking you." He pauses,"To be clear, Commander - When I hear and am concerned about something that could effect the safety of those under my command and my ability to trust what is around me - you do want me to come to you and simply ask to make sure everything is alright, right? You don't want me to continue thinking things that I am not sure about? Is this the right protocol, or should I have not said anything?"

Rakka uncrossed her arms and massaged her temples. "If you have a security concern," she said very slowly, as if talking to a child, "talking to Security about it is the right step. HOWEVER--you still haven't actually told me what HELL your concern IS! If you have nothing to offer me other than the word 'OFF', I don't know what in god's name to make of that! What do you expect me to do? Ask my staff to be on the lookout for 'offness'? Please, Lieutenant--this is a joke! Now I am going to ask you one more time--what is the nature of your safety concern? And don't you dare tell me one more time that things are 'OFF'! I need you to point to some actual evidence of a potential security threat!"

The trill sighs, as he sits back becoming somewhat frustrated himself. He pauses a moment and stays quiet as he watches the Commander. He slowly nods his head,"I am not here to report anything, Commander." He states slowly as he watches her,"I mean have their been any reports of anything going on that is out of the norm and has caused safety issues. Examples of this include halucinations, daydreaming, feeling stalked, over exhaustion - wide ranging reports that have caused issues." He slowly stands,"As it seems that you don't know what I am talking about - I will assume that there are no such things going on. I apologize for wasting your time. I am always at your service if you need anything." He slowly nods his head,"I will be getting out of your way."

"Very well then," the Nausicaan muttered. Hallucinations--exhaustion? Where were these concerns coming from? "Sounds like it's sickbay you should be talking to. If there was anything like widespread hallucinations happening I'm sure the medical staff would have reported it."

"Aye.. Agreed. Thank you, Sir." Malak offers with a bow of his head and then turning around and heading out.


Malak Muz
DS5 - Starfighter Wing Executive Officer

Cdr. Rakka
Security Consultant / Trainer