Beg, Steal or Borrow – Debris Field
by Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Debris Field
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jul 04, 2009 @ 4:50pm
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD9 - Unspecified

Well there’s a small mercy, Deletham thought as he stepped into the reception area of the Consulate and saw that the ugly twisted statue that had been installed by the Ambassador’s predecessor had been knocked from its pedestal and lay across the floor looking like the ugly piece of twisted metal it was.

He stepped round it, surely the Ambassador would not be sorry if it was sent for scrap. So far the facility appeared to have suffered little damage, oh, there was wear here and their where those little soldiers had got overexcited. With Raedheol off the station, having conveniently departed in time to remove all sensitive equipment with him, and the Ambassador preparing to leave with the USS Freedom it was left to him to put the place in order.

Deletham pressed one thin, spider-like hand against the door of the Ambassador’s office, he added a little pressure until the mechanism released and it slid back – clearly there was a power problem in this area; one thing to raise with the station.

The Ambassador, it seemed had already been and gone, the absence of certain items attested to that; puzzled, he brushed his fingers over his chin as he examined a crack on her desk … what had been going on round here?

Chris was dismissed to go see one of the Romulan Diplomat's, as he walk's down the hall's of ds5 he keep's in mind what the lt. commander had said to him before he left. He hope's he doesn't have to bring bad news’s back and that this situation and be resolved peacefully thinking about the question’s he is going to ask. He step's in and walk's back in an office he sees someone standing their "hello I’m Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall may I have a word?"

Deletham straightened and dropped himself into the Ambassador's chair, "I don't really care if you are the Federation President Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall," he said, "You have no right to be here."

Chris was looking at Deletham when he said "men almost died because of a romulan debris field" Chris paused and leaned forward and started talking again "why would a debris field explode when senior’s start their scan and you wouldn't know what they were doing out their would you?"

"Created by an overreaction from this station, clean up your own nest, boy. Do I look like a scavenger?" Deletham asked in a scathing tone, "I do not peruse wreckages, and apparently nor should you."

"Well I know that scanning things doesn't cause things like that to happen and it still doesn't answer any of my questions like what kind of reaction and what that ship was doing?"

"I have no idea to what you refer. Rephrase your questions so that they make sense or else make an appointment, and I will deal with you as and when I feel inclined."

"What kind of reaction are you talking about and why a scan would set of an explosion unless it was supposed to go off to our scans and it just missed."

Deletham actually rolled his eyes, no poor reaction from a diplomat of sixty years experience. "Perhaps you should tell me which explosions you are referring to," he suggested, "I am not a mind reader."

Chris slid the pad he carried down across the table

Deletham shrugged. "YP," he said, "Your Problem. My government accepts no involvement therefore this consulate accepts none. Good day," he finished dismissing the green officer.

"I have orders not to take no for an answer I want my question's answered please" said Chris nicely.

"That's not my concern," Deletham said over steepled fingers. "Good day."

"Ok, then thank you for your time Diplomat Deletham good day to you to"

Chris walk's out of the office and take's a deep breathe and start's walking and thinking about how is news’s is nether good nor bad once he gets on the turbo lift he tap's his combadge Chris to lt. commander Gabriel.


Deletham. A Romulan Diplomat. NPCd by Louise.

Warrant Officer
Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Deep Space Five