Things Past – No Past Is The Best
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   No Past Is The Best
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Thu Jun 21, 2012 @ 4:17pm
Location   Tau Volantis III
Timeline   Stardate 32439.32; June 10, 2355
Tag   Anaia Rex, Veronica Sterling
Anaia wiped the dust off her patched-up Starfleet uniform, covered by body armor. She had a carbine in her right hand, and looked at the tied-up captives in front of her trough her sunglasses. Her crewmate Veronica stood next to her, holding a rifle. Behind them were a few armed men and women, watching her.
"So, you are supporters of the New Order, aren't you?" Anaia asked around. It was quiet, and the captives didn't seem to listen to her question.
"Well, are you now?" Saria asked again. The captives didn't respond. Anaia turned to Veronica, which checked the captives. Her bright blonde hair shined brightly in the sun. She walked to a captured woman rapidly, and repeated what Anaia asked. "Are you supporters of the New Order, yes or no?" Yet again, the captives didn't respond.

Veronica then pulled her pistol from her holster, and aimed at the woman, which began to moan, but eventually nodded. Veronica smiled, and returned back to Anaia.
"They're stubborn as hell, you can't get much out of them." She said to Anaia. Anaia then faced the captives in front of her, again.
"Listen close, unless you will let go of your faith in the "New Order", I will let you go. But I had enough of you idiotic beliefs, so if you want to live, but abandon your beliefs, then please step aside. Don't try to run away or do any tricks, we have you in sight. I'll give you one minute." Anaia said, harshly. The minute already ended, but nobody stepped aside. Anaia and Veronica checked their weapons, and then aimed at the captives. A thunderous sound could be heard in the near direction, and stopped after a few seconds.

Anaia and Veronica both walked to the men behind them. They all smiled. "Again, well done both of you." The leader of them said. "Long live the Republic!"
Not much later, they stepped into some car-like vehicles, and drove away.
"How much today?" Veronica asked to Anaia, which sat in front of the vehicle.
"Probably 26, I guess. I lost track for a bit." Anaia said, while looking out of the window. They drove trough a huge desert-like landscape, creating great dusttracks behind them. She looked at the sky then. It was clearly blue, and reminded her of space. She crash-landed in a shuttle a few months ago, together with Veronica, and it was assumed that Starfleet hadn't found them yet...