Intermission – Cementing one's position of authority
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Cementing one's position of authority
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Oct 07, 2013 @ 4:51pm
Location   Provisional Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 73 - 08:00
"Ambassador Hydel Turvan" Attache' A'Dan Galen stated as he entered the room. His feet walked along the soft carpet as he crossed the space between the doors and the Ambassador's desk. Today brought interest news as Cardassia Prime had officially transferred Diplomatic duties to Turvan in the wake of the attack on the embassy and Getal's incapacitation.


"Ahhh, that title is so....fitting." Hydel said as he turned in his chair and faced his attache. "It was only a matter of time before the Cardassian Government realized that I was the better and stronger choice to defend the rights of our people on this barren Federation outpost." Hydel added as he read the official communique from the Detapa Council.

"And so it begins," He said as he placed the padd down and looked out of his window. "Once repairs are complete, I'll be sure to move my office into the Embassy and continue operations from there. I don't foresee Getal being much of a problem." he stated.

"What of his consort?" A'Dan replied. "She is currently in confinement for attacking the Security Officer. Do you believe that she will be a problem?" He asked.

Hydel pondered for a moment her relevance in all of this. He understood that she loved Getal and was firmly rooted within his camp. He knew that alienating her would cause more problems than he wished to deal with at the moment.

"I'll make arrangements for dealing with the Bokkai, in the mean time, get me in contact with Ms. Atlana Durak." He stated. Now that he was no longer the "temporary" Ambassador, his seat of power had been more firmly cemented. He wanted to try to consolidate his position with the assistance of as many Cardassians as possible.

"Yes sir," Glin A'Dan stated as he turned and made his way for the communication center.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Glin A'Dan Galen
Attache' to Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union