Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Won't you join the dance?" Part 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   "Won't you join the dance?" Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 16, 2009 @ 9:41pm
Location   Deck 142 - North Sector, Theatre Complex
Timeline   SD10 from 21:00 hrs (approx)

"How do you know.... ?" (Chelsea) looked in the direction of the nod of Rh'vaurek's head but if Richard had been there he was gone now. She *did* see an empty seat but thought it was just a coincidence.

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "Do I have to show you my entire training record before you'll believe me?”

Chelsea smiled. "Sorry, no." she acknowledged but was puzzled none-the-less.


Dunham had received several nudges from the woman sitting next him and more than one frown. For his constant shuffling and fidgeting as he had tried to spot Chelsea. But it was the last straw from those around him as Dunham due to nerves pulled out a bit of gum during the show and started chewing it. He got several very un-subtle tutts before he got the hint and headed outside for some air.

As the show was drawing towards the finale, Ryan and Nora's parts were becoming more and more intimately close but Chelsea reminded herself and Rh'vaurek in a whisper that actors and dancers were expected to appear the part as written and the more convincing they were the more accomplished their performance.

Just as Nora spun a form of pirouette during the last number, her foot seemed to slip out from under her and she landed heavily, causing an uproar of concern and hurrying forward of the audience. Chelsea rose to her feet immediately and ran towards the stage as Ryan leant over Nora's awkwardly positioned knee. Acquiring a med-kit with an apology to the person who was taking it out of the *first-aid* recess on the wall, Chelsea was on the stage and kneeling at the other side of Nora within seconds, a med-scanner in her hand.

Before she could take a proper reading, Ryan had taken it from her, somewhat roughly in his haste to begin treatment. It was out of character for Ryan to be heavy-handed but Chelsea let it go and reached instead for a hypospray of analgesic. Loading it with a large dose as the knee looking very painful indeed and Nora seemed close to a faint, Chelsea hadn't got it halfway to the dancer's neck before Ryan had taken that from her too without a word, his frown deep with concern and his attention on Nora and not on the way he was man-handling Chelsea in his hurry.

"Ry...." she began to protest. She wasn't so much worried about the roughness, but more that he wouldn't allow her to even assist him, especially when they'd always been such a coordinated medical team. Before she could finish speaking, he had demanded a comm badge from a nearby security officer and barked an order to transport =^= Two to sickbay =^=.

As they waited the few seconds it would take for the transporter to focus and dematerialise them, Chelsea put out her hand to touch his in what she hoped would be a reassuring, comforting gesture. "She'll be okay, don't worry!" she said gently, very worried for him and how frantic he seemed to be about Nora's injury.

"CHELSEA!" Ryan shook off her hand and finally spoke directly to her, his anxiety bubbling over in a frustrated growl of her name. "For the Prophets' sake, don't be so patronising! She will NOT be okay, she's a dancer you little fool! Even an Intern could see what's wrong with her knee, let alone someone of your medical standing who *ought* to know better. Sometimes I don't know how you got to *be* an ACMO, you don't...." he was gone, mid-flow.

Chelsea was left kneeling on the stage, an open med-kit beside her, a space where the dancers had been in front of her, a very red face and an auditorium of onlookers, silently gawping. Getting up, she tried to leave with some shred of dignity and put on a fixed smile that didn't reach her eyes. She was relieved to find the reassurance of Rh'vaurek's presence close at hand and smiled up at him, a genuine smile, full of gratitude. Clutching his elbow and trying not to let it show that she was leaning on it for support as they left, she did her best to look as brave as she could in sight of everyone.

Rh’vaurek’s lips thinned, the muscles in his jaw tensing as he resisted telling Chelsea exactly what he thought. He took her elbow, not to move her, but because he thought she needed someone to take her weight. He looked down at her but said nothing, he did not need to.

"He's got reason to be that worried. I could *see* the ligaments were completely torn away and he's right, it's doubly bad news for a dancer who can't afford a future weakness and there'll be scarring of the cartilage where it's torn away but he can fix that with repeat regeneration treatment. I was just trying to be reassuring but it *was* patronising. He's right, I just don't *think* sometimes." she was emitting a wall of uninterrupted gush, cheerily but a little bit desperately, trying to save whatever tiny bit of face that might be left.

It was a squirm to say the least, especially under the scrutiny of those dark Romulan eyes, which appeared to see right through her and out to the bulkhead behind her as they moved towards the entrance, trying to find a way through the crowd.

Humiliation in front of Raedheol was bad enough, but there was *worse* to come for Chelsea, already wishing the floor would open up and swallow her, when who should she come face to face with but Richard!

~Oh, that'd be right!~ she groaned inwardly, burning with misery. ~Perhaps my Mum and Dad are here too? Just to be sure *EVERY*one I care about has witnessed that!~

"Hi" was all she could say, in a tiny, wobbly voice. His eyes seemed to her to be full of pity but that was probably just her interpretation because of the way she felt.

Dunham had both hands stuck in his pockets and was praying that that Romulans would attack the station again so he wouldn't have to find an excuse for getting caught being here. He only managed a meek "hi."

“Chelsea, sit here,” Rh’vaurek said indicating the nearest of the many, many empty chairs. “Lieutenant Dunham, a word,” he said somewhat tightly.

"Yeah sure. Please call me Rick......Pardon me but I have not got a clue who you are dude."

Rh'vaurek raised a quizzical eyebrow, "believe it, or not I'm Chelsea's brother," he said brimming with amusement at the confusion such an assertion caused. "I adopted her. erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedeol, acting Ambassador of the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar," he added by way of introduction.

"Hey thats cool. Hows it working out for you?" said Dunham

"Something has caused my v'Rinam to become upset. I would prefer not to have her left alone, so I want you to take her home and stay with her." Rh'vaurek did not know how much of the scene Dunham had witnessed but he did not want either of them around when he caught up with Milarno; he had almost decided not to even out the score between them, but now it was impossible for him not to - what a terrible shame, he thought.

"Chelsea, I ..." Rh'vaurek's brow wrinkled in consternation as he turned to see the empty seat. "Find her, Rick," Rh'vaurek said, "I have something urgent to see to - sensitive diplomatic business."

"I'm on it." he said simply as he began his search at a jog. Over his shoulder he said. "When we get a chance we should have beer."

As he watched him go Rh'vaurek scratched the side of his jaw, "Sure," he agreed only just realising that the man had called him 'dude', he really was not used to people reacting to him like this.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, while Richard and Rh'vaurek were talking, Chelsea had time and opportunity to reflect on what had just happened.


JP Between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

eire'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Ambassador


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams