Incommunicado – A Bouquet of Corrigans.

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Title   A Bouquet of Corrigans.
Mission   Incommunicado
Posted   Mon Jul 30, 2012 @ 9:25pm
Location   Rose's Quarters Deck 27
Timeline   SD58 -

Rose was exhausted, she slumped into on of the chairs in her small quarters. Feeling considerably un Ladylike she dismissed this feeling due to the lack of judgmental butlers or staff expecting her to maintain pomp and discipline to oneself. She had attempted to discover most of the station, however she found herself getting lost or often re-routed to the civilian areas a clever design strategy to keep order she thought to herself.

Slipping out of her vulgar and unflattering grey uniform, she slipped into her coral silk lounge wear, picking up the book from her bedside she collapsed onto the sofa and attempted to relax. Within five minutes of her sitting down and reading the first page of Moby Dick the door chime rang. Rose gave the coldest of glances to the doorway determining to unleash wrath and anger to whoever was behind it.

"Hell have no fury like a woman scorned, try a woman attempting to relax!" She muttered as she adjusted her outfit and hair and went to answer the door. Pressing the release button the doors swished open to someone she did not expect.

"Hello Sweetie, be a lamb and help me with my bags?" Spoke the familiar voice of her sister Violet. "And by bags I mean the lumps you call sisters! COME ON!" Violet shouted up the corridor as Rose popped her head outside to see her sisters Daisy and Lilly struggling to carry what seemed like hundreds of cases.

"Violet, Daisy, Lilly? What are you doing here?" She questioned so intently to her sisters, who had all now reached the doorway retrieving their breath.

"Branson called sweetie, he said you might be lonely and I was at a health spar on the planet Jaxxi and decided to visit your new Corrigan manor!" Violet said with her usual sarcastic tone which Rose's eldest sister was famous for. "I didn't want to come alone so I dragged these two along for company!" Violet continued.

Lady Violet Hartley is Rose's almost-invisible, wealthy sister whom she always brags about how wealthy she is. Rose's sister Lady Daisy Moreton is full of life and always smiling, despite picking up her husband's bad habits of sleeping until noon and watching television all day. Rose's older, man-eating sister Lady Lilly Warden-Corrigan, has an eye for married men and a taste for short-skirts.

Barging past Rose, her three sisters burst into her quarters similar to how they did as children and her quarters suddenly seemed tiny with all four of them inside.

"We've been shopping!" Daisy chirped with her usual innocence and happiness.

"This station has some amazing boutiques sweetie you really should check them out and maybe spruce up this, erm shall we say petite maisonette?" Violet smirked.

Rose was speechless as she watched her three sisters pull out their day's purchases.

"Rose darling, you have to tell me are there any strong starfleet boys on board, you know I love a man in uniform!" Lilly said pursing her ruby red lips together combined with a cheeky wink.

"No and enough all of you, how and why are you here?" Rose commanded, getting all her siblings attention.

"I told you sweetie, health spa, Branson, we tried to reach you but communications have been sketchy on this rust bucket you call a station!" Violet remarked, not liking the tone of questioning her youngest sister was using. "Now aren't you going to offer us a drink?" Violet said as Daisy and Lilly gazed at their sister.

"Fine! Tea or the usual?" Rose asked giving into the sibling heirarchy.

"Ooh can we have something sparkly?" Daisy asked, as Lilly chirped up with, "I once went out with a humanoid that was sparkly!" with her usual innuendo way.

"Oh don't be a spoil sport we're not here for long, besides we have business to attend to!" Violet ordered as Rose made her way to the replicator.

Turning to face Violet at the replicator, "What business?" she asked surprised as most of her affairs had been wrapped up when she left Earth for DS5.

"Spoilers sweetie, Spoilers!" Violet remarked with a look Rose had seen before in her eldest sister. The look that she was up to something.


Rose Corrigan
Reports Officer