Beg, Steal or Borrow – Deja Vue?
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Deja Vue?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat May 16, 2009 @ 2:36pm
Location   Deck 55 - Sickbay
Timeline   SD 8 23:00

Chelsea went back to her other duties after seeing that Ayren's bandage was changed and her wound given some more gentle dermal regeneration.

She didn't notice the new patient come in as she was busy resetting the med-arch over a patient who was having some 2nd degree burns regenerated. This was the Betazoid's third session now and she was out of pain and getting almost to the point where she could be transferred into a less formal bio-bed.

Chelsea turned to look for Ed Bain with the intention of instructing that this transfer be undertaken when she saw what appeared to be a familiar face standing nearby looking at her quizzically.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her head tilted slightly to one side.

Vincent smiled at the younger doctor. "Hi, I'm Vincent Tan. I've just come aboard to join the Strategic Operations department," he said, holding out his hand. "It seems I've joined you all at a bad time?"

The name meant nothing to Chelsea but the more she looked at the man, the more his face did bother her. Nothing sprang into her memory though.

"Yes, but then there's many definitions to the term *bad time* especially in a Sickbay" she replied, still holding an unfinished report padd in her hand.

Having served in sickbay for most of life, Vincent knew that it was a hive of activity and information. It would benefit him to be friendly with the medical staff, even if it meant risking his cover.

"Isn't it your job to make bad things better?," he joked. "But, what I've really come in for is a quick check up to make sure I'm fit for duty..."

"... and there are many definitions of *fit for duty* at times like these!" she quipped, smiling. "but yes, if you want a routine check up you're in the right place, and there's never a *right time* because tomorrow we might have another end-of-the-universe situation, so i suppose now is as good as any time." She indicated a side cubicle just off the main open ward.

"Come into my parlour, Mr Fly" she grinned and added, suddenly remembering she hadn't told Vincent her own name. "Chelsea Adams"

"Nice to meet you Dr. Adams," Vincent said, taking her hand. He followed her into the cubicle. So often he had been the doctor and the one examining people. He did not look forward to being the patient for once. "Are end-of-the universe situations or things along those lines common for Deep Space 5?"

Chelsea smiled. "Oh, yes!" she reassured him pleasantly amused. "Very common, and that's just in Sickbay! I'm sure it ends more often on the Promenade!"

"I see," Vincent said, taking a comment he would normally dismiss as a joke seriously. In his heightened state of suspicion Vincent's judgement was becoming impaired. "It must be very stressful for you all. How do you handle it?"

"Personally? Yes, I manage to keep sane but the voices in my head help!" she joked as she waited for him to sit on the side of the biobed and then ran her medscanner over him.

Vincent pondered who should be diagnosing whom as the scanner passed over his body. A crude joke about Dr. Adams mood and affect came to mind, but he reminded himself that as a junior Strategic Operations lieutenant he would not have knowledge of psychiatric mental state examinaion. Instead he just grunted in assent, as if he understood the sensation.

"So? How am I?" Vincent asked. He knew the result, having already scanned himself yesterday morning. It was not everyday that a full Professor of Emergency Medicine asked for a second opinion from a Starbase Assistant Chief Medical Officer. It was almost a shame he could tell her who he was.

Chelsea was totally unaware that her patient knew more than he could let her know, in fact, when she would finally find out, if she ever did, she would have kicked herself for missing a chance to have talked with a Professor about Psychiatry which fascinated her. As it was, she chatted on in her normal friendly bedside manner.

"Oh, you're not on today's list for Emergency surgery" she joked, having no idea that Emergency medicine was his field.

"That is always a relief to hear," Vincent responded, just slightly uncomfortable at her cheeriness.

"In fact, I don't think I'll cut you up for a week or two" she swept her free hand around in a generic gesture. "I'm kinda busy, so you might have to go back to duty with a clean bill of health, despite what you and I secretly know"

Vincent sat bolt upright. It was not the fear of being "cut up" that worried him, although Lt. Adams probably took it as such. *What you and I secretly know.* was the phrase that bothered him. Was the young chirpy Bajoran giving him a hint?

She grinned, handing him a padd that cleared him for duty and listed the tiny minor routine checks that had thrown the odd number out of the prescribed range that counted as mandatory "average" but which wouldn't even have been detectable in the past, let alone worried about.

In this century, medicine had advanced beyond measuring individuals by *standard* comparison ranges, however statistics still assisted in giving an overall picture, so they were still recorded.

"The information from that padd has been transferred remotely to your medical records and you can take that for your supervisor's Admin clearance" she explained, still having no idea she was 'teaching her grandma to suck eggs' as the ancient expression went.

"Thank you, Dr. Adams," Vincent responded guardedly. "I hope that I do not need your professional services whilst onboard DS5, although I am sure I will run into you in a more social capacity."

"That would be nice" Chelsea said cheerfully. "Let me know if you want to be shown around the best night-life!" She didn't think for a minute that he actually *meant* to socialise with her, she thought he was being polite so she just answered in a similar manner.

"I'm sure I will," Vincent said, flashing her a smile. He got up and began to walk out of sickbay.

As Vincent was leaving, Chelsea didn't have much time to think over what he had said as another medical incident drew her away, but she was left with a feeling that he was very familiar, as if she had met or seen him before somehow but she couldn't quite remember where.


JP Between:

Lt Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer - DS5


Lt Vincent Tan
Strategic Operations - DS5