Cascade – Ivor Prime - Briefing
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Ivor Prime - Briefing
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Wed Feb 20, 2013 @ 6:23pm
Location   IRW Dhelan - Main Conference Room
Timeline   SD 70 - 20:00
Lieutenant Michael Duquesne sat at the head of the table listening to the Romulan vessel's Commander speaking to her crew member in regards to interacting with the Federation crew.

"The main thing is going to be making sure we all stay focused on the task at hand." Rianni stated, "The Borg are a much bigger problem than any remaining petty grudges between our people. We've got to unite or die, no way around that fact."

"I don't believe that should be a problem." Duquesne replied calmly.

Duquesne looked up from his padd just as the first officer entered the conference room.

As the doors opened, Saria peeked into the briefing room, looking around. She noticed the couple of Romulans looking up to her, then resuming their conversation. At the other side sat Michael, a friendly face. "Duquesne!" She smiled enthusiastic,

"Am I interrupting you?" Saria asked, looking at Michael, and trying to find a seat at the table.

"No, please have a seat, we were just having a conversation with Commander Monteros-t'Khellian in regards to the mission." Duquesne stated calmly.

Craig looked around "I don't care if this is a commissioned meeting or not I'm here at the request of the Captain not our visitors."

Duquesne turned to the Intelligence officer. "Is there a problem. . .I'm sorry, I did not get your name?" He said.

"Craig Ayers Starfleet intelligence, and I believe the removal of rank insignia is protocol for missions like this Lieutenant Duquesne." Craig sniped not wanting to reveal his rank or the fact he was the oldest human on this ship.

"Hey, save a little for the Borg, guys." Rianni sighed, men.

Saria smirked as Rianni made the observation of the officers. Duquesne seemed to be in a conversation with another officer. She studied him more closely, reveal his older age due his grey strokes in his combed brown hair. He seemed to be an Intelligence officer due his grey collar. Saria tried to determine the man's name, but her stare towards him became notable.

Luke was running a little bit late, he had been over seeing the weapon configuration in the armory when he realized the time, "Sorry I'm late" he said sitting himself down on the last spare seat.

Maiell was sitting next to Rianni, staying neutral and silent through it all. Rianni had been against his coming, but she couldn't stop him. He was Tal'Shiar and was needed to oversee the relatively new Commander during these meetings.

Duquesne stood and approached the main screen within the conference room and pressed several buttons. "This is the Ik'ga Cluster. It creates a barrier around Ivor Prime, it will also provide the vessel with cover as it enters the system. Once we've cleared the cluster, the Dhelan will engage its cloaking device and make its way to Ivor Prime.

"We should be wary of the cluster it does go through cycles of static type discharges, last time I was out this way we got clipped and wound up floating around for a couple of hours." Craig commented.

Duquesne nodded in response. "The previous away team did encounter significant fire when they attempted to respond. Based on their reports and what information we had on Ivor Prime before it went dark, I believe this will allow us to avoid any colony defense that might be used against us." Duquesne stated calmly.

"Once we arrive, we are going to beam down to the surface. Engineering you'll need to bring the colony's communications network back online so that we can contact Starfleet and give them an update on the situation on the ground. Medical, undoubtedly the colonists will need medical attention. You'll be in charge of that." He said as he switched to a different screen.

"Chief Ayers, you'll need to find out what exactly led to the attack on the colony in the first place. Was it a civil war? Alien influence? At this point we have no information and are going into this blind." He stated.

"Sergeant Wyatt, your detachment will serve as an escort for each team." Duquesne concluded as he faced the gathered individuals.

"Now. . .onto the questions." He stated.

"We shouldn't go into this with any preconceptions or we could get into trouble, I also want access to some shipping records from our romulan friends here." Craig said.

Saria sighed. "Then I guess I'll just do some scientific research on the surface, right?" She smiled though.

Luke looked to Saria, "You may be needed more than you think if we encounter some problems down there after all shooting things only gets you so far" he joked but it was true.

"Don't worry about that, Sergeant." Saria smirked. "I'll be your guardian angel whenever you're under attack."

He smiled, "I'll be sure to keep you to that Lieutenant". Luke now turned his attention to the rest of the group but mostly to the officer "All joking aside me and my marine detachment are read for whatever is thrown at us" he said confidently with an almost glow to his smile which followed.

"I'd like to have a team with me beamed down to the administrative building I want to go over the entire record of the colony for the final 72 hours." Craig said "Myself and the rookie, maybe if there was someone with a grade 2 engineering background that might be nice too."

Luke nodded, "If it is ok and I dont have anywhere else the brass would put me I'd like to accompany you. I can bring an engineering specific team down with me so they are not wasted, Does that sound suitable?"

"if we can get the records, and some power the rest is elementary, but I recommend ballistic weaponry if there is a possible Borg presence since most energy weapons will be ineffective after a few shots." Craig added

"A precaution already being taken care of, Mr Ayers. However if there is a Borg presence I don't wish to stay long enough for them to re-modulate their personal shielding however." He paused" "There is something that I have had the Techie's in my platoon working on, something you may want to take a look at after this yourself any how if there is Borg down there we extract and we go down in a more military force. Can we agree on that as needless lives aren't lost to the Borg once more."

Duquesne nodded. "Mr. Straggard, see if you can spare an Engineer to accompany Chief Ayers to the Administrative Building to bring communications back online. while having a team working on restoring power throughout the colony. Science and Engineering, head to the Main Pavillion and work on establishing power to the colony and figuring out what the hell attacked the first away team. Medical, we'll need you on the surface ready to triage once we get in contact with other survivors." Duquesne said.

The Lieutenant turned to the Romulan hosts of this mission.

"Sub-Commander, we'll need you all to remain our eyes in the sky in case another vessel appears." he said. "Once Engineering brings communications back online, the Dhelan should be able to openly communicate with Deep Space 5." he stated.

"Until then we are pretty much in the dark." He stated.

"All right, we'll be ready if anything arises." Rianni nodded, "Though we can use a couple extra hands, since we hadn't had a chance to replace the recently transferred crew before our departure."

"I'll spare you Crewman Jensen. He's been briefed on the power systems and will serve well to the team." Straggard said.

Duquesne nodded. "Very well, there is a planned briefing with Station Senior Staff tomorrow morning at 07:00. That will be the last time we'll be in range of the station before we enter the Ik'ga Cluster." He said.

"From there, we'll enter the Cluster and begin to beam down. I anticipate we'll begin beaming down around 10:00." He said as he deactivated the screen.

"If there are no further questions, then we're all dismissed." he said.

"Actually, Mr. Duquesne, why don't I dismiss the meeting?" Rianni offered, "You know, since it is my ship?"

Maiell smirked, looking down at the paDD in his hand to hide it, making a small note to keep an eye on Crewman Jensen once he arrived.


erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan

Michael Duquesne
Assistant Tactical (NPC Thom)

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

Gunnery Serjeant Luke Wyatt
First Serjeant

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

et al