Beg, Steal or Borrow – Homecoming
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Homecoming
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu May 14, 2009 @ 7:32pm
Location   Docking Bay/Security Office
Timeline   c. 19:00
Gabriel looked from the Padd in his hand to his monitor. It was alerting him that the USS Freedom had finally arrived at the station and docked. The ship contained several important people for various reasons. He knew that he would eventually have to talk to Da`nal to find out why someone was trying to kill his family. However, that would have to wait until after he had a "chat" with the station's resident Romulan.

So far in his investigation he still was not sure why the Romulans chose this station and this particular time to attack a Federation instillation. What puzzled him even more was why the lead vessel took the opportunity to leave the battle right in the middle of it. He knew that Isha was capable of answering all of the questions, however he was not entirely sure that she would. Regardless, he was going to get to the bottom of things one way or another.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Ayers, meet me at Docking Bay 6" He said as he stood up from his desk and made his way towards the door.

~hit me!~ *taps* "I'm finishing up reports sir, is this important?"

*Taps* "Wrap it up and meet me at the Docking Bay. Ensign Opaka and the Romulan have returned to the station and I want them debriefed individually." He sad as he pressed the designated location on the turbolift.

~Wallace you owe me!~ "Aye, sir" he closed the comm channel "Cadet finish the reports then report for small arms training, the head spook needs this humble NCO"


Isha was far from the first to leave the Freedom, as she lingered at the end of the walkway she wondered if she should have made the time to see Nniol but she dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come - they could keep him there forever for all she cared.

Stepping back onto DS5 was one thing but Isha could not face going back to the consulate right now - there were still the quarters she had not yet fully vacated, that would do - then she would ask for Chelsea. On the Freedom Isha had done little more than wash her own blood from her face and loosen her hair so that it hid the worst of the mess. She had not been able to bring herself to speak to their doctor, even to ask for something for the pain because she really did worry that if she started talking, she might not stop.

As she emerged Isha's day did something she thought was not possible - it got worse. Perhaps I should have arranged to be beamed directly to my quarters, she thought, giving serious consideration to the likely success of turning around and asking them to do just that. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to Gabriel, she had enough trouble fighting to the fatigue in keeping her head up and her body erect as she walked without his attempts at 'conversation' to burden her further.

She increased her pace and without so much as a nod of acknowledgment she walked straight past.

"Isha t'Khellian!" Gabriel said sternly as the woman walked passed him. There were a lot of things that Gabriel would put up with, but blatant disrespect from a Romulan was not and never would be one of them. "Stop exactly where you are." He said as he turned to face her.

The chief wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with Dorian and his witch-hunts, besides that Dorian still hadn't filed the monthly reports, as well as the repeal of Jarred's MIA status along with the mountain of paper work that comes with a screw-up like that. ~Cool old boy, be cool.~

Isha turned on him with a withering look, how could he be so arrogant as to think she had time to even note him right now. "Make an appointment with my office if you wish to speak with me," she said.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Gabriel replied to the woman. "Your kind launched an unprovoked attack against this station, killing lord only knows how many Federation citizens and Starfleet Officers, then they kidnapped one of my officers in the middle of a battle and then I get a report that a Starfleet vessel has ALLOWED the ship to escape with only one person captured." He said, "All of that and you have the audacity to walk past me without any explanation?" He asked incredulously.

"Explanation?" she spat, "I do not owe you anything, least of all an explanation. If you want answers, ask those who are to blame."

The Chief just stood in the background trying not to look to important, he had to admit the ambassador looked better than he did after an all night drinking binge with the Klingon Liaison on Starbase 185. He just hoped he wasn't going to have to clean up another mess.

"Chief Ayers, I want you to handle the debriefing of Ensign Opaka in regards to Starfleet Intelligence's investigation into the matter." he said while looking to the two men. "Ensign, after you've spoken with Ayers, you are to report to duty and assist with station patrol, there have been several reports of disorder on the station since the battle concluded." He said as he turned to look at Isha again.

"Aye sir," Jo'el said.

The Chief just waved to Opaka to follow him, he wasn't looking forward to having to deal with Dorian when Jarred returned. Besides, one intergalactic incident a week was enough for him.

"As for you, we can do this the civilized way, or not. Either way, we are going to have a conversation." He said.

"No. We are not. Good day, Agent Gabriel," Isha responded.

"Ambassador" Gabriel said with considerable displeasure. "Either you cooperate with this investigation or I will obtain a search warrant and turn your embassy upside down until I find the answers that I'm looking for, I've already had the pleasure of ruining the day of one high-level Romulan officer today, please give me the pleasure of ruining another one." He replied.

People were beginning to watch, and whisper, and spit. Isha could see that, but her concern about that was secondary. What was he talking about?

"I need to go to the infirmary," Isha said, changing her approach, even he could not deny that she needed medical attention. "This can wait."

As she began to walk away he reached out and grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes as he spoke in a tone low enough for just her to hear, "Just remember Isha, whatever happens. . .you brought it all upon yourself" he said as he let her go.

The pressure on her arm would have been enough to stop her, even without the jolt it caused to her bruised body. Isha's teeth bit hard on the inside of her cheek, she was not going to give Gabriel the satisfaction of knowing he had hurt her, partly because she thought that if he knew he might do it again.

"Keep your threats for those who might be impressed by them," she said folding her arms protectivly around her body.

The Chief sensed an opportunity to defuse the situation and quickly interjected, "I'll escort the ambassador to sick bay then I'll have my chat with the Ensign, so we don't have any mishaps." the Chief said as he hoped that would be enough of a stall to let cooler heads prevail.

Jo'el could see that his department head was out of line, but rank precluded any possibility of his saying as much.

"With all due respect, Chief, I feel it is my responsibility to see that the Ambassador is cared for and returned to the state she was in when I began this assignment."

You wonderful, wonderful boy, Isha thought though she had no intention of visiting the infirmary, she just wanted to be somewhere where she could think straight. But there was no need for him to invite Gabriel's wrath by showing her such consideration in his presence; the bad opinion of a petty and vindictive superior could make life very unpleasant for both of the men who seemed at least willing to treat her with the courtesy that Gabriel lacked.

"It won't be necessary," Isha said. She could do this to make the Bajoran's life easier, she just hoped he would understand that it was one way in which she could show her gratitude without allowing him to draw further trouble on himself; it also meant that she could pretend that she had a choice.

She looked briefly at Gabriel suspecting that his dominant motivation was her humiliation rather than finding answers.

"I will answer your questions," Isha conceded before she lowered her gaze so that he would not see the fury that was burning in her eyes.

The chief just stood there waiting for the stand-off to end, His dislike for Lt. Gabriel was being fueled by his increasing arrogance and paranoia, and his actions in the last few minutes began to feed the Chief's suspicions that Lt. Gabriel wasn't all his dossier said he was. He began to notice something, "Lieutenant, I'm going to escort the Ambassador and Ensign to sickbay, before we organize the debriefing, I particularly don't want another intergalactic incident, Unless you feel the need for another one?." the Chief hoped that Dorian was going too see some kind of reason.

The concern that his officers were showing the Romulan was touching, but entirely unnecessary in his mind. The woman was a Romulan and a natural-born deceiver by nature. He was sure that she was enjoying the sympathy and the role of sudden victim in the situation. She had that luxury, her body was not lying in a pool of blood underneath a fallen pylon, or floating lifelessly in the cold, silent void of space due to a hull breach.

"Fine," Gabriel said without breaking his glare with Isha, "Take her to Sick Bay, I'll be there shortly to speak to her." He said void of any emotion. "I pray she doesn't get 'kidnapped' again." He quipped.

"Ambassador, Ensign if you would please come with me I'll show you the long way since we have navigate around the damaged part of the station." the Chief said as he returned the glare that Dorian was giving the ambassador, ~22 more hours until Jarred gets back, then things get interesting.~

"Let's get you patched up, Ambassador," Jo'el agreed, sidling up to Isha and following the Chief.

Without a word Isha nodded her consent, not daring to raise her eyes from the floor in case anyone saw her expression and gleaned that far from having allowed herself to be cowed by the man she was quietly swearing calm and patient revenge on Gabriel.

She had to go to the infirmary now, at least until she turned the corner and could suggest an alernative destination.


Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Craig Ayers
Encryptons Officer

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Ensign Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard