Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Dr Faulk I presume?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk

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Title   Dr Faulk I presume?
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk
Posted   Mon Oct 20, 2008 @ 11:49pm
Location   En route to Ops
Timeline   SD3 11:55
Tasha was glad that Aieron felt better and even though his memories were a little sketchy, he seemed to be in charge of his faculties. As she mad her way to the transporter pad, her comm chirped.

Cheyenne knew that she needed to meet the commanding officer of the station, but was getting tired of being lost all the time. That and she also had no idea where the CO was at. She tapped her combadge.

=^= "Lt. Faulk to Captain Tahir," she said into her combadge.

Tasha tapped her comm in reply. =^= "Go ahead Lieutenant." The Captain responded, pausing against a bulkhead.

"I was just wondering where you were at, ma'am. I am on my way to meet you, if you don't mind," Cheyenne said knowing that she probably sounded like an ensign which was not a good idea.

"I am on deck 55, just leaving main sickbay and on my way to Ops. Where are you?" Tasha asked the question as the Lieutenant sounded a little confused and Tasha had a sense that she was feeling a little lost, as this station was a great deal bigger on the inside than it appeared from the outside and new personnel had a habit of getting lost for the first few days on board. She remembered she had.

"Just coming out of science, and was on my way to see you," she said. She was confused and didn't know where she was at which worried her because she also had to get back to her quarters before the two girls destroyed it. The Holo-Nanny could only do so much. "I have no clue to be honest where I am at."

"One moment." Tasha said. "Computer locate Lieutenant Faulk and also advise of her the best route to the nearest transporter pad.

"Doctor Faulk is on deck 54, juncture 3A. Nearest transporter pad is 87.34 metres left of her current position." The computer responded.

"Did you get that Lieutenant?"Tasha enquired.

"Yes, I did," Cheyenne said letting Tasha know she had heard the transmission. She saw what the computer was talking about and headed towards it.

"Good. At the transporter pad, just instruct it like a turbo lift, by saying Ops. It will deposit you on the pad just outside ops. Enter Ops and my office is just up the small flight of stairs to your left as you enter operations and then straight ahead. My door will be open." Tasha advised as she stood on the transport pad herself, awaiting Cheyennes reply before she gave the same order herself.

Cheyenne let Tasha know that she was on her way. She walked onto the transporter and commanded it to take her to Ops. This was a new experience for her inside of a ship. She had never used a transporter except to take her from ship to a destination. When she materialized she looked for the stairs, and started making her way to the office.

She commanded the transporter and was immediately transferred to the XO's office. She tutted to herself, this was the second time that she had been deposited in the XO's office, when she needed to be in her own office. She made a mental note to speak with Bruce. She pulled open the door and turned right, heading into her own office.
It was a few seconds later that a light tap was heard on the door and Tasha called enter, expecting Cheyenne.

Cheyenne walked up to the office and straightened her uniform. She wanted to look good for the CO even though she would have preferred to have been in her scrubs and a jacket. She would change when she got done with the meetings. She tapped on the door lightly, hoping she was at the right office.

"Enter." She called, remaining stood to greet the new medical officer. As she approached, Tasha flashed a smile. "Welcome to DS5." She said, extending her hand in greeting.

Cheyenne took Tasha's hand in hers and shook it. "Thank you. I am glad to be here," she said looking around. "This is actually the first time I have ever been stationed on a space station. It is taking some getting used to."

Tasha reciprocated with a warm smile. "And it's extremely daunting. I originally came aboard to take a post on a ship, but during I was seconded to XO and then before I knew it, I was it's Commanding Officer and I am still trying to get to grips with the sheer size of this vessel." She eyed the lieutenant carefully and could see she was nervous and unsure what her future would be on the station. "There is always something new to discover here every day. My advice, is to carry a PADD and the computer is the best way to guide you, but adventuring is the next best thing. How is your accommodation?" Tahir asked.

"My quarters are fine. Just enough space for my daughters to get into trouble," she said smiling. "As a doctor and a science officer, I am prone to carry a PADD with me at all times anyway. You never know when you will need it for something, or someone."

Tasha nodded her head whilst picking up a PADD of her own. "Good, space is something we have in abundance here." Her smile hardly dropping. "Now, duties. Are you ready to start on the next Alpha shift?" She asked as she began reading some of Cheyennes history and she didn't know why, but her mind began to wander about children and her lack of, then thoughts of Roman. She dismissed them, bringing her attention back to the Lieutenant sat opposite her, who had a gentle nature but at the moment gave the impression of timidness or was it awe coupled with an utter sense of being overwhelmingly dwarfed by the station.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I have already had the opportunity to meet with Jayfe in science. I haven't had a chance to meet with the CMO yet though," she said. "Jayfe said something about an away mission taking place that I will be a part of. I was just wondering about that."

"Mmm. It was something he was rather excited about. I think you should join him, it will be a good experience for you." Tasha replied, rising from her seat. She had forgotten that Jayfe had a planned away mission as she seemed to forget more than she remembered of late. She scratched her head, walking to the window overlooking Ops. "Doctor Milarno will probably be in either sickbay or his quarters. You had better report to medical, get clearance and then join Lieutenant Devero." She watched as her operations staff busied themselves at their allocated stations, but the centre rostrum was vacant. Perhaps it was time she gave this room a rest and spent some more time at the 'helm'.
Turning back to Cheyenne, who still remained seated but had followed the captains walk to the window and seemed to be waiting for something.
"Welcome to deep space 5 Lieutenant, I hope you enjoy your time here." She said, making her way to the scientist.

"Thank you, ma'am," Cheyenne said as she stood up and walked over towards the door. "I will check in with the CMO and then get ready to help LT. Devaro."


CO: Captain Tasha Tahir
MO: Lt JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk