Unity – Off the record
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Off the record
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Dec 06, 2009 @ 3:33pm
Location   Intel office
Timeline   1945 hrs sd 16
Jarred sat at his desk, finishing up the last of the daily reports, he'd been on the go for just about 16 hours when the computer informed him of an incoming message from Starfleet intelligence. He opened the comm channel and looked at the monitor, "Admiral Morgan, what do I owe the honour?"

The admiral looked at Jarred and frowned, "Jarred we received a report about three hours ago that, well might upset you."

Jarreds demeanor changed, "what sir?"

"Jarred there's a report from the outer areas of Breen space that a POW camp that may have prisoners from the war, we're attempting to confirm that at the moment one of the sensor images we have indicates that their are Humans and other federation species amongst the prisoners, but we don't have enough assets in the area to validate this, I'm sending you an up link with all the data right now, this is a priority one mission, we need you to validate the data on these images and report back." The Admiral reported.

"Any other instructions?" Jarred said

"This mission is now classified under Blue one priority, use any and all assets at your disposal to organize and plan a potential mission to recover any and all citizens should you be able to validate the information in the file."

Jarred spoke again, "Sir do we have any information on how many prisoners?"

"Not yet the lone operative in the area is still collecting that data, best estimate is thirty to fifty personnel, we don't have any available ships to assist you so how you organize this mission is up to you Jarred, but be advised that we never formally signed any kind of peace accord with the Breen so any actions you take may have consequences." the admiral finished

"OK, I'll contact you as soon as I have a game plan and validation of the data, Wallace out." Jarred hit the end button.

Chief Ayers rounded the corner as Jarred finished the conference, "Should we wake up the senior staff?"

"Wake up Marti and the new guy, lets get these images processed, then see if Commander Ka'Rok from the Klingon Defense force is still alive and get him on the blower too." Jarred ordered

Craig saluted and got too work, Jarred stood with the downloaded images in an isolinear rod and walked over to the comm pit, the lights came on "Computer begin image enhancement process on the images being uploaded now" the computer complied.

Jarred paused as the easily processed images appeared on the large viewer first "Oh my god!"


Admiral JP Morgan
Starfleet intelligence

Lt Jarred Wallace

MCPO Craig Ayers
Encryptions Officer DS5