Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Sad farewell - A Department view
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Sad farewell - A Department view
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 7:55pm
Location   Guardian Platform 1
Timeline   SD6 11:00

The bay was cool and quiet, personnel had filed into the largest platform in near silence, shoulder to shoulder as requested by the Captain. Sat proudly on a podium in the middle of the deck, stood the cold grey casket that housed the body of a very brave soul, that of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Riley. Next to it, stood 2 figures, that of the Captain, Tasha Tahir and holding a folded Star Fleet Flag, Lieutenant Commander Rakka.

As the 2 command officers talked quietly, they shared the flag, shook it and lay it over the casket.

T'Lan stood at Captain Tahir's side, even though she did not know this officer. She had vowed that his killers would face justice. It was the logical thing to do.

Bruce not really knowing Riley didn't have much to reflect on but any one who did their duty to the fullest deserved the utmost respect. He was glad that some one of that calibre had served on the same post as him. He adjusted his tunic and waited for the predetermined signal that would tell him to launch Riley's body.

Dropping her arm, Tasha cast her own eye around the collected crew, seeing some familiar faces and a great deal of those she did not know from Adam.
There was Zorana and Cheyanne, flanking the new Barber, which seemed odd, being as they didn't know each other, but these sort of occasions had a tendency to throw people together.

Her head fell to her chest and she clsoed her eyes for a second, the faces staring down at the 3 commanders stood on the deck plate, Tahir, Rakka and the First Officer, T'Lan.
Tasha spun about on heel and marched towards the small raised rostrum and stepped up upon it, clearing her throat as Rakka and T'Lan flanked her. Tasha's eyes fell upon Petro, who looked quite serene, yet had a look of puzzlement on her face and Tasha wondered if she had ever attended a funeral. It was an odd thought, but it was her own.

Zorana stayed in the back of the room silently watching everyone, it was her job. She didn't know the officer that had been killed but knew it was right to pay her respects to the man that saved the captain's life.

Darson stood quietly in the front row, for once not clad in his cloak and armor, but instead full dress uniform with all appropriate regalia. Although he didn't know the departed Lieutenant personally, Riley was a veteran Marine, and as such, deserved the same respect in death as any other Marine. Darson felt no guilt regarding his part in Riley's heroic death, but felt that instead he had fulfilled his duty, while Riley had done the same.

Tasha reached across to Rakka and for the first time, was eye to eye with the Nausicaan and gave a single nod, as a mark of respect. She refaced the small microphone and swallowed hard, mentally preparing her speech.


CO: Captain Tasha Tahir

CEO: Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lieutenant JG Zorana Kasikova

MCO: Major James Darson