Beg, Steal or Borrow – Traders' Connection
by Commander Leksi Nayron

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Title   Traders' Connection
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Leksi Nayron
Posted   Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 1:33pm
Location   Promenade/Weiltzer Corps Offices
Timeline   SD8 12:20-12:40 hrs

The space around Deep Space 5 was a hive of activity, as the bulky Federation transport prepared to dock. Near the front, people had gathered to watch the ships entry into the station. One of those interested souls was a young woman wearing a blue uniform. Well, she looked young.

Leksi watched as the vast doors of the station opened to admit the vessel. She had been to many such stations in her time, but the size and scope of them never failed to impress her. As the ship moved through the doors, the vastness of the interior docking bay made the jaws drop of those who were unfamiliar. With a smile, Leksi spotted one of the ships of her new employer, Weiltzer Corps.

Moments later, a resounding 'thud' indicated that the ship had docked. The mass of people began crowding towards the exit. It was mostly young children caught up in a world of wonder. She still remembered her own first visit to a starbase.

A little while later, she found herself in the Promenade. Thousands of people were wandering around, to and fro from one shop to the next. She thought she may be standing out a little in her uniform, until she spotted one very similar to hers. It was a young man, and from his look of boredom, he was on his break.

She approached him and smiled as he looked at her. "Weiltzer Corps?" he asked, looking her uniform up and down.

"As of today, yes. I'm Commander Nayron. I'm 9421st Fleet's new CO" she replied. "Can you show me where the offices are?"

For a second, it seemed like he wasn't much interested in helping. That is, until he heard her new rank.

"Uh..this way, Commander" he said, trying desperately to straighten himself up as he began to walk.

"Thank you" said Leksi, walking along beside him. The scale of the place really dawned on her as they walked. She spotted a few notable shops, marking them down in her mind as being places to visit.

"Can I take your bag, ma'am?" asked her newfound guide, obviously trying to earn some points.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine" she replied, smiling at him. "What's your name?"

"Technical Sergeant Harris, Commander. I work in the offices"

"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Harris" said Leksi.

A few minutes later, the pair arrived at the front of the Weiltzer Freight Corps Offices. Harris led the way in, leading her to the rear rooms of the office. Just as they entered, another man in Weiltzer Uniform ran up them.

"Sarge" he said, breathless. "An order from the Station Command, the station is going to lockdown. Something big is happening!"

Harris looked to Leksi with a worried expression. "Orders, Commander?"

"Lock down all of our ships, make sure they are all docked" she said, leaving her bag down inside her office. "I want a report from their CO's within ten minutes". Her past experience was begging to kick in.

"Yes ma'am" said Harris. He nodded to his younger counterpart, and they made their way out of the room.

Leksi walked into her office, and brought up a list of her ships. She wondered where Mr Weiltzer was.