Cascade – It starts with a ... (Starfleet Mission thread) - Part II
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   It starts with a ... (Starfleet Mission thread) - Part II
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Oct 16, 2012 @ 6:00pm
Location   Main Conference Room
Timeline   SD70: 09:30

Holding her cup between both hands, Tasha cleared the first two steps , then another two before hitting the deck in a semi run and all without spilling a drop of her coffee. She eased up alongside Karen.

"Distress call from Ivor Prime." She eased herself between Villiers and Petro and spoke without raising her voice much above a whisper. "Romulan incursion?" She rose her brow and side stepped and turned to Petro.

"Signal Commander Dunham and flight, have them prepare as many ships as they can get pilots for. Transfer that signal to the main conference room." She lifted the cup to her lips and sipped the cooling beverage as she began to imagine whom had attacked a civilian colony. "Shall we Commander?" She asked of Karen, meaning to head to the main conference room.

"Aye." Petro responded, transferring the signal to the main conference room. It was less of a signal as much of a recording now. "If there's anything new, I'll transfer that in as well." Petro said, following the first of the orders and sending a message to Commander Dunham and flight to prepare ships and pilots. It could turn out to be nothing but indigenous creatures that they weren't expecting, or... she shuddered to think of the possibilities. Given their not that long ago in memory incident with the Boaroans. She visibly shook. She was glad they had refitted the ships with repeater equipment. The last thing they needed was to have ships out and another communication issue come up.

She watched as the two women made their way to the conference room. She wasn't part of the Senior officers, at least she didn't think she was, and there was too much to do down here. When she had been offered the Communications position, she hadn't imagined that it would be this intense, nor had she imagined that she would also keep on the role of quartermaster. Damn, that reminded her, she needed to get those stock reports from ensign Krull.

Tahir was about to depart with Villiers, but stopped on her heel as she drew level with again with Petro.
"Join us. Harris can take over on comms for the time being." She said in a gentle but authoritative manner as she gave a dip of her head.

"Yes Captain." Petro said, turning and stepping aside to allow Harris to take over. "I have the feed going to the conference room in case anything else comes through. I've modulated the frequencies to compensate for interference but it may still need some manual adjusting." She was about to continue with more instructions when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and followed Tahir.

Bill moved from the monitoring console to the main communication console and with hardly a change to his facial expression simply said "Aye ma'am." to Lieutenant Petro.

[Conference Room]

When Karen entered the conference room, she noted that Lieutenant Mett and Lieutenant Commander Freeman had already arrived. "Gentlemen," she said acknowledging them with a nod before taking a seat to the right of where the Captain usually sat, making it clear to everyone as they assembled that she was back.

Tasha also nodded to the two men as she followed Commander Villiers allowing her to move on one seat so she could take the chair she favoured below the main monitor and settled in as Petro entered just a moment behind them.

Chief Relma slipped in as subtly as his large frame allowed and made for the nearest free seat. Nodding to the head of the table he spoke in a hushed tone "My apologies, Commander, I was cleaning up the signal resolution of the long-range sensor array. New scan results of the incident should be available shortly once the diagnostic is complete."

"Thank you, Chief," Karen said turning slightly towards the Captain, "Two more minutes, then we'll start I think," allowing a little more time for the stragglers to arrive.

Tasha nodded her head both at Relma and in response to Karen. "Agreed. I think that should give those en route plenty of time to arrive." She turned to her right angling towards Karen. "And this time, we security security seal the doors." She added the suggestion.

Rakka entered ahead of Trellis and helped herself to a seat near Petro. "Captain... Commander," she greeted the two ladies in charge. "Hope it's all right if I join."

Trellis followed, frustrated and fuming. "Captain, Commander" he said with nod as he took a seat AWAY from the obstinate Nausicaan.

Tasha nodded to Rakka and the Trellis and could not fail to notice the redness to Trellis' face. She wanted to nudge Karen but from the periphery of her vision, she could see that Villiers had also noticed his obvious discomfort and decided to leave it be for the moment.

Chelsea entered and sat in a convenient chair, fresh from Sickbay and with no idea where Rick was or what he had been doing. She had been too busy to speak to him since she started the current shift. Most days were like that though, once they got underway, so it was of no significance today.

The only thing that *was* odd was that he wasn't here yet. Perhaps he had something else going on.... ~what could be more important than a Senior Officers' meeting? Unless....~ she could only guess that he was off the station, out on patrol perhaps? She shifted uneasily in her chair at the thought. It was nicer to be too busy in her own Sickbay so that she didn't need to think about that sort of thing until he was already safely back. She shifted her thoughts to the meeting that was about to start and put anything else out of her head for now.


Karen looked at the assembled officers as she got to her feet - Science, Security, Engineering, Operations, Communications ... they'd probably need a medic or two as well. Her expression was grave as she spoke. "Thank you all for coming at such short notice. We have received a distress signal from a group of colonists attempting a resettlement of Ivor Prime. They have been attacked, but we have no details of who or what that aggressor might be. Commander Dunham has already been ordered to scramble fighters to fly a reconnaissance mission to assess the situation. In the meantime we will prepare an away team to depart imminently for the planet. Captain?"

Tasha cleared her throat and leant closer to the table.
"We are still not sure who the attackers are so a full security detail will lead the away team led by Commander Trellis. Commander, you can select your team members. " She stated before leaning back but her eye fell on Rakka. She was thinking of assigning the former security chief, but for now, she would let Trellis decide.

"I ..." as Karen began to speak again the comm link sounded.

"Proximity sensors showing a drifting vessel approximately seventy nine thousand kilometres from Deep Space Five - on present bearing vessel will collide with the station in six hours. A single faint life sign on board."

"Chief, have you been able to make contact with the occupant?" Tahir enquired.

"No Captain. We have used all hailing frequencies to no avail."

"Weapons?" Came Tasha's next question.

There was a slight pause. "None detected."

Tasha looked across the room, looking for any input or suggestion
"Bill, can we initialise a tractor beam?" She asked.

Again there was a momentary pause to Rushtones response.
"Not recommended captain, the hull is badly damaged and tractors could cause the vessel to implode"

Tasha turned to Karen, but spoke to the room.
"With Commander Dunham on reconnaissance, we need to ascertain if the vessel is friend or foe. I don't want to risk firing on an unarmed craft, but I don't want to delay a rescue either." She stated.

"I will take a launch out to the vessel and - " Karen paused and hit her comm badge, =^=Ensign Straggard, would you join us in the main conference room=^= then she continued, " - I'll also require a medic, and security detail," there was no way of knowing what was waiting on the stricken ship.

"With Commander Trellis leading the first away team, I suggest Commander Rakka aid you on the second." Tasha suggested.

"Her experience," would be appreciated," Karen said. Her pause whilst she chose an appropriate word could not have gone unnoted, but all Karen knew about the Nausicaan officer was her service record - she knew that Tahir had served directly with her, and opted to trust her judgement.

=^=Acknowledged=^= David replied. He left the ops terminal and walked to the turbolift. What do they want with me? David thought. "Main conference room." David said. The turbolift initiated. David stepped out of the turbolift and walked down the corridor. He stepped into the conference room and saw the senior staff. David felt a bit nervous. He caught Saria's eye and gave her a quick smile. He stood at attention.

The look that passed between the Ensign and the Chief Science Officer did not go unnoticed, but now wasn't really the time for highlighting the issue. "Thank you for coming, Ensign. You're a propulsion specialist I believe?" Karen said.

"Yes, ma'am." David replied.

Karen nodded. "I see. I want you to join my away team. A vessel is drifting and your assistance in getting its engines restarted without going aboard will be required, we need to stabilise it and bring it to a halt before we go aboard to search for survivors. Any questions?" she asked the Ensign.

"No ma'am, should be pretty simple depending on what kind of ship it is. It seemed the ops terminal concealed the information for senior officers only..." David said.

"Very well. We have little information about the vessel. Get prepared, Ensign, the runabout Tyne will depart at 10:00, be there. Dismissed."

After Straggard had departed Karen returned her attention to the room. "Were there any other questions?" she asked.

~Questions?~ Petro thought, they'd hardly begun when the alarm came through. The distress call and now a drifting vessel. Were they tied together? Was the person on board a colonist or an attacker? So many questions but where to begin.

Rakka glanced down at Petro, noticing the bewildered, thoughtful look on her face. She knew that she, too, should be concentrating on current events, and she wasn't sure what possessed her to be so bold but just then, under the table, she carefully reached over and placed her hand over the J'naii's.

Petro felt the large hand and relaxed a little. Whatever come of the events in discussion she knew she'd be safe.

"Will you want me to put up two medical teams? - One for each away mission, Commander?" Chelsea assumed that at least one team would be required for the vessel that Karen was talking about but she was also conjecturing whether they would also need another team for the second excursion to Ivor Prime.

Karen nodded, "I'd think it wise to send one to Ivor as well, Doctor Dunham. I'll trust the details to you."

"Yes Ma'am" Chelsea replied to the Executive Officer respectfully and began silently making out a rota in her head to cover for the lessened staff volume she would be left with on the base.

"Lieutenant Rex," Tasha addressed the science officer, "see if you can match the craft to any vessels in the know database. Commander Freeman, offer Saria any assistance she will need." Tasha stood, "People, I'm sorry to have to cut this brief brief," She smiled at her own joke, "but distress calls take precedence. Dismissed.

"I'll do my best, Captain." Saria answered. She turned toward the Chief Engineering then. "Shall we, Commander?" She asked.

"I suppose we can do that." Bruce grinned. Following Saria.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers

Commander Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 3rd Officer

Commander Rakka
Security Trainer & Consultant

Lieutenant JG Petro

Lt. Commander Bruce Freeman

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science