We All Fall Down – Getting to know the new guy
by Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Getting to know the new guy
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Fri Oct 03, 2014 @ 7:09am
Location   Engineering Bay 6
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1 - 1900

None of it made any sense. How did a simulation get locked into a loop in the main computer core? How did the control systems for the Guardian platforms mistake that simulation for an actual danger to the station? And how was it possible for the crew in Ops to cause the Guardians to disregard override commands from the station? There were too many questions and not enough answers. And having Gwen getting into a fight, regardless of how noble the reason may be, didn't help Steve's concentration.

Lost in thought, Wyman tapped his PADD against the palm of his free hand as he stared out over the wreckage which had been moved to bay 6. "There has to be something we're missing. But damned if I can't put a finger on it..." he muttered.

"I always find myself in awe with how destructive technology can be..." Kivan said as he removed a rather long piece of wreckage from a particular pile. He inserted the piece into a long cylinder and pressed several buttons on the console. Within a few moments the cylinder chamber began to glow with amber particles as the sub-atomic analysis began. "I thought I had saw all that technology could do to a planet when I was a child." He added.

Slowly moving a tricorder over a piece of metal, Wyman only half listened. "Hell of a thing the Dominion did to Cardassia IV. If the Alliance fleet had arrived just a little sooner..." He hadn't been there, having not even entered the Academy yet. "I've seen some things in my time, but I'm sure you've seen worse."

"I was born on Bajor, but then my mother and I were transferred to a the Hutet Labor Camp on Cardassia IV. AFter....after..." Kivan struggled to finish his sentence. "After my mother died, I was sent to live in a Cardassian orphanage." He continued. "It was where I called home until the Battle of Cardassia destroyed the entire city. Afterwards, Starfleet sent the surviving orphans to live on Bajor during the rebuilding period." He stated solemnly as he continued to review the sub-atomic analysis, hoping to discover whether a form of radiation had affected the Guardian's attack systems.

"That must have been rough. From what I've heard the Bajorans didn't treat hybrids very well. Damn shame really..." Steve mused, wishing there was something more constructive he could say.

"As bad as it was, it was still better than on Cardassia. There, they barely acknowledged your existance. You are recognized by your family. They are the source of your recognition in Cardassian society. If you are an orphan, than you are nothing. . .and that's before they even learn that you are a Bajoran." He said, his voice hardened from the years of having to deal with being an outcast in two societies.

"When Bajor joined the Federation in 2376, it seemed only natural that I join the Federation. Both to have some kind of belonging in the world, and to try to help Cardassia." He added. "You can only imagine how well even a half-Cardassian was received into the Academy. Imagine reporting working and living among the children of Starfleet Officers killed during the War." he stated.

Steve looked up at the junior officer, not entirely certain what to say. He definitely couldn't imagine having to live something like that. He was the son of humans from Earth who was raised on Alpha Centauri. But as that was originally an Earth colony, that was nowhere close to the same thing. "Centaurans" were simply the descendants of the original human colonists. Steve didn't experience any feelings of being an outsider, but he could also "pass."

"That sounds horrible. I couldn't even fathom how rough that was. But as the old saying goes, 'Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Wyman punctuated that with a crooked smile, hoping to brighten the situation a little.

"Very true, Commander, very true." Kivan said as he logged the report into his tricorder and began to move further down the row of wreckage. "What about you? What brought you to Starfleet?" He asked.

A smile spread across Steve's face as he thought back to his youth. "I was running away; from my family, of all things. My dad and sister are in the diplomatic corps. My mom is career Starfleet - best damn engineer you'll ever meet. And my older brother is a captain in the Centauran Defense Force - in his own mind, he's the best captain you'll ever meet." At that he chuckled.

"They all wanted the baby of the family to follow in their footsteps, but I wanted so desperately to be my own man. So I requested the deepest deep space assignment I could get once I graduated the Academy, and I didn't speak to my family for... man - over ten years. It wasn't until the Senior Chief insisted on inviting all of them to the wedding and, well, THAT'S a whole other story. But the craziness of the wedding brought us closer, and the birth of my daughter closer still. I've actually got a pretty good relationship with them now. Hell - my mother was the first person I called when I made lieutenant commander."

With that, Wyman lowered the tricorder and regarded the younger man solemnly for a moment. "I guess we're kind of like two sides of the same coin, you and I. You had no one, and I didn't want what I had. And I was a damn fool who looks back now and wishes he could have those years back."

"So I guess Starfleet was a savior for both of us, aye Chief?" Ensign Ta'Gas asked as he examined the scanning report.

Shrugging slightly, Wyman gave Kivan a smirk. "I guess that's one way of looking at it."

"Well. . .it seems we can narrow down the point in which the Platforms went into murderous rage mode." the Ensign said as he sent the information to the Chief's tricorder.

"Right around 15:03 is when the Guardian Platforms stopped receiving commands from the station or any higher level command authorizations." He pointed out. "It was at the same time the Platforms detected the vessels as Jem'Hadar vessels." the Ensign said as he looked up. "But what would make the Platforms think the civilian vessels were Jem'Hadar?" He asked.

"There was some sort of simulation running in the computer core. Who started it and when are the big questions. And we won't be able to answer those any time soon thanks to a certain pair of officers who went on a rampage through the core..."

Just then a thought hit him, "But the secondary core may have the sensor logs of who was in the core around that time. And possibly the logs of who was running programs. We may have to put on our detective hats for this one."

"Yes sir, looks like we've got more work to do." Kivan said as he closed his Engineering kit and stood up.

"An engineer's work is never done, my good man. Take my word for it." Steve joked, patting him lightly on the shoulder.

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer