Incommunicado – The Raid
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Raid
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Feb 12, 2012 @ 12:10am
Location   Paulson Nebula
Timeline   Sd39 0500 (back posted)

The shimmer of the transporter beam broke the, a squad of marines materialized rifles drawn, night vision goggles down, there faces covered. The signaled to one another to move out down the corridor as they had planned, stepping softly and with purpose, weapons and eyes scanning as they moved, the came to the first door, ready for anything. One marine put a manual bypass on the door and pulled, two more charged into the door, nothing, Just cargo probably from the ships they raided.

The squad proceeded to the next door, the same process, this time they found some of the crew of the science ship, saying very little the deployed transporter enhancers activated them and beamed the science ship crew to the awaiting ship. The marines went back to the search pattern, there movements were interrupted by yelling and screams followed by more yelling. The lead marine signaled the troops to stop, they listened and pointed in the direction of the noise, "Going in hot."

One marine force the door, followed by a flash bang, then all five marine charged in followed by the noise of weapons fire then silence, and when it was over they saw a man tied to a chair his face a blood soaked mess, his uniform was torn and covered in more blood. A medic appeared and looked over at the marines, "He won't make it, we still need to transport him though."

The group transported directly to sick bay, the medic and an orderly lifted the man onto the bio-bed "He's lost a lot of blood, multiple internal injuries, my scan showed three broken vertebrae, punctured liver, damage to three bio implants, four broken ribs, broken radius and most of his left hand shattered. One eye has been damaged but can be repaired if we can stabilize him."

The five marines stood there as the medical team scrambled to save the mans life, the Commanding officer walked in, "Any Idea who our new guest is?"

"No sir, based on what we know sir if the intel operator was there hes dead or the guy on the table, the other teams might be able to develop more data."

"There is one team left and all they have found is cargo, and a few pirates." The Captain paused "We were to late in shutting down there operation."

"We were late?" one marine commented

"Someone screwed up and now one of our objectives is a total bust, what the hell!" The marine team leader said "I just hope that guy survives he's the only clue to what happened to the intel operator."

The doctor walked over, "We were lucky, he's stable but its going to take weeks of surgery and other rehab for him to recover, and until he is stable enough to do a DNA scan we're guessing who he is."

"What are the extent of his injuries?" The Captain asked

"Punctured lung, Shattered hand, broken arm, his left eye was barely in the socket that could be a long run there." The doctor paused fixing her hair "its the replacement implants that are puzzling, some of these aren't to widely available so we could identify him through those."

A crewman handed the captain a PaDD, "We are to transport the science ship crew and our guest to starbase 254 for debriefing."

The small group looked at the man laying on the table and collectively thought ~if he makes it~
