Incommunicado – Personnel Mechanics
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Personnel Mechanics
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Thu Jul 05, 2012 @ 4:42pm
Location   Deck 14
Timeline   SD58, 0825 hours

Relma's meeting with the Operations department had been a strange experience to say the least. The personnel he had met appeared competent, but he had almost no idea what to make of them. It was very strange for him to have command of a group once more, after more than three years since his time on the Bismarck. Based on the operational concerns he had decided to split the department into three parts: half would assist Communications with the pressing concern, under the Quartermaster Lieutenant Petro, a quarter would continue the day to day maintenance of the station, and the rest would work, under Relma himself, assisting Engineering with their task of repairing the Pollux. This, along with O'Dwyer's message, gave Relma the perfect excuse to go and introduce himself to the Chief Engineer, whom he tried to catch up with in the corridor outside the conference room, calling out to him from about twelve feet down the corridor "Commander Freeman!"

'I wonder who this could be.' Bruce thought to himself looking up from the Padd he was reading. "I'm busy if you need to talk keep up." He replied to the person.

Relma advanced until he was alongside the well-built man, roughly his height or maybe a little shorter. He offered his right hand, in which was the PADD given to him by the Admiral three days earlier. "Chief Relma, Sir." he said by way of introduction before continuing "Please accept this with Admiral O'Dwyer's compliments, Sir."

"And this is?" Bruce asked picking up the padd. He didn't want to start reading with out knowing what he was going to be reading.

"Updated schedule for ships visiting the Dyson Yards for the next six months - I think a couple have been pushed back in the short term, but more's been added in the longer term. The Admiral seemed a little concerned about the communications problems further affecting the roster." replied Meryn as he continued alonside the man.

"So in other words I get to look forward to having to deal with an extra work load. Great." He read a little more. "I take it this isn't the only reason you needed to talk with me?"

"Aye, Sir,' replied Relma "bright side is less now, but downside is more later. But indeed it isn't: I also wanted to offer all the spare resources I have in Operations, myself included, to assist in repairs to the Pollux. The Captain suggested I help out: and plus, as Commander Villiers suggested, I'd love to get a look at the damage first hand to help work out what exactly happened - seems to be the only way to figure out what's going on."

Bruce looked up from his padd for a bit, "Then you'll want to meet with Sullivans, I've passed on the repairs to her. I'll have my hands full and figured it would be a good first opportunity aboard the station."

"Ah, very good, Sir. Thank you Sir." Replied the Bajoran, smiling as he paused next to a turbolift and called it."A pleasure to meet you, Commander, I'm really looking forward to working with you. Any time you're stretched my department's spare resources are always at your disposal."

"Ill keep that in mind."


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer


Lt. Cmdr. Bruce Freeman