Time is Fleeting – What ever happend to the Maquis?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   What ever happend to the Maquis?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 2:43pm
Location   Several systems from DS5
Timeline   S15 - 07:30hrs
~It was good to be behind the stick again~ thought Dunham to himself, as he stared out at the streaking light show that was warp speed out side of his cockpit. The stars shot pass him at such a rate that it was difficult for the eye to register and Bravo wing were only doing warp 2. The fighter squad was out on deep space patrol in the surrounding systems around deep space five. His flight console made a beeping noise indicating they had reached their next destination.

The fighter wing dropped out of warp in a synchronized flight pattern, making a 'V' shape with Dunhams fighter on point. =^=Ok Bravo wing split up into three pairs and begin your sensor sweeps of the area. Watch your wingman's six and stay frosty. =^= Dunham received back the affirmatives from the rest of the wing as they broke off into their patrol pairs. He kicked in the thrusters and jetted off into the system.

There wasn't much out here in this part of space. Just an old blue dwarf star on its last legs and a couple of gas giants. Each with several moons. But the pilots took their roles seriously out here. even when left to their own devices, and each executed their searches with military procession.

It was about ten minutes into the scan of the system that Dunham got a call =^=Bravo six. to Bravo one. Over.=^=

=^=I hear you bravo six=^= Replied Dunham down his comm.

=^=Sir. I got something a bit odd on my sensors. A metallic mass coming from the upper atmosphere of the second gas giant. Not sure exactly what it is. The atmosphere is playing around with my sensors.=^=

=^=Ok take up a geo synchronize orbit with it. I'm on my way Bravo six=^=

Dunham and his wingman banked their fighters hard to port then looped their fighters into the direction of the second gas planet. The gas giant had a thick red storm cloud upper layer. =^=Ok I'm going in to take a bit of a look. Cover me.=^= Dunham took his fighter into the upper atmosphere. His ship hull cut through the gases like an old fashion sailing ship on the waves. As the clouds parted in front of him he saw an old and battered Cardassian freighter. His sensors indicated it had no power or life signs. ~Better call this one in~. He took is fighter up and out into space so as to get a better signal.

=^=Dunham to deep space five. We have a bit of an odd one for you here sir. Looks like an old Cardassian freighter. Looks abandon in a gas giants upper atmosphere=^=


Elliot Hartsfield sat on the crate and listened intently to the pirated signal between the Starfleet Fighter squadron and the Cardassian Freighter. He had anticipated a prompt response from Starfleet and had incorporated it into his plan.

He reached over to the padd beside him and input a coded signal to the vessel to begin the next phase of the operation.


Levan's console beeped several times as she received the signal from the source onboard the station. She looked over at the men and women that had assembled with her with this mission. From their viewscreen they could see the contingent of fighters beginning to assemble into a formation to engage them.

She diverted power from shields and life support throughout the vessel and diverted it towards engines. The Freighter began to come to life as he began to head towards Deep Space Five.

~What the f.....~ Thouth Dunham to himself as the Cardasssian vessel sprang to life =^= Bravo one to bravo wing. Look alive people we got a live one here. Shields up defence patern delta=^=

Levan knew that the next part was going to be important. She signaled for the man to her left to begin transmitting the predetermined response. Within moments, the leader fighter was receiving a distress signal, however it was not in Federation stand, but instead it was in traditional Cardassian. Levan counted on the Starfleet fighter taking at least 40-50 seconds to properly format and translate the communication before he could appropriate respond.

Dunham looked at his controls. He was receiving a distress signal of some kind but the thing was in cardassian.
Once the translation worked through the computer he hailed the freighter =^= unidentified vessle this is stafleet fighter squad bravo out of deep space five. Are you in need of any assistance over?=^= After several moments their was still no reply. ~What the hell is going on here?~

As the freighter received the message from the fighter it began to lay in a direct course for the station and engaged in a direct warp path. Levan knew that the Freighter could not sustain warp for long without causing significant damage to the hull of the ship. The alert klaxons went off alerting the crew to significant hull degradation. She signaled for the navigator to cut power to the warp drive and place the ship in a direct course towards the station.

As the vessel kicked in its drives the fighter squad broke and split formation to so as to avoid collision =^= After it!=^= shouted Dunham down the comm to the rest of the wing. The fighters went into warp in hot pursuit. Dunham continued to track and comm the vessel it looked like it was on a path to deep space five. He contacted deep space five to let them know they had incoming

Levan ignored the hail and continued to follow through on the plan.


Hartsfield knew that the Fighters were going to open fire on the freighter within minutes if it did not divert course. This too was planned for well in advance. Fortunately, the Freighter continued to show Cardassian life signs that were faint and slowly losing strength to all forms of internal scans. He knew from experience that the station would attempt to beam any life signs off of the vessel, but he had anticipated this humanitarian maneuver and ensured that the station's transporters would fail to establish a consistent lock on the signals. Any attempts would render futile as the signs would not allow any permanent lock.

He transmitted one last signal to the freighter before disconnected his pirate-feed and began to gather his equipment.

~Damn!~ Dunham thought to himself. ~I was really hoping I wouldn't have to shoot anybody else this month~
His comm received in coming from bravo six. =^= she is heading straight for the barn sir and not answering our hails what do we do?=^=

=^=Give her a warning shot=^= replied the Lieutenant. A arch of phaser fire shot in front of the freighters hull but it still did not stop. ~Regs say we need to bring her down~ =^= OK bravo wing. Light it up.=^=

Phaser and torpedo fire lanced out of the fighter wing. They unleashed hell on the small freighter bombarding it with explosion after explosion.

The freighter's hull quickly buckled as the phasers easily penetrated the weakened shields. It did not take long for the warp core's container field to fail, causing the system's anti-matter system to cause a cataclysmic reaction through the ship resulting in a sheering explosion.

The beaten vessel tore itself apart as fire blew through its decks. It then shattered into huge chunks a fire balls cascaded out of its hull.

Hartsfield looked up as he saw several figured dematerialized in front of him within the contained area. "Welcome aboard Deep Space Five, we have a lot of work to do, most importantly, the Maquis have a lot of work to do." He told the assembled Members of his cell.


Elliot Hartsfield
(NPC by Thom)

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader