We All Fall Down – Changing of the Guard
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Changing of the Guard
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Aug 14, 2014 @ 2:11am
Location   Embassy
Timeline   WAFD: Prior to Day 1
"And yet the Federation has CONTINUED to disregard the pain and suffering my people have been forced to endure." Hydel Turvan said to the gathered audience.

"But I can assure you that under my stewardship, that each and every Cardassian citizen on this station will be respected and REVERED in the manner fitting for such an accomplished and storied people." Ambassador Turvan continued. "Since being appointed to lead the Cardassian Embassy on this station I have increased the Cardassian presence on this station by 30%. In addition to the Warship Dumar, the Warships Darheel and Turrel have been permanently stationed here for the sole purpose of defending the Sons and Daughters of Cardassia!" Turvan said as he slammed his hand on the podium before him.

"In closing, I thank you all for the faith you have placed in me. More importantly, you have trusted me to put right what other Ambassadors have done wrong." He said. "Never again, will the carnal desires and miscegenation take importance over the needs of our people." Ambassador Turvan said solemnly.

"If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to meet with me within the new Cardassian Embassy that will finish its repairs quite soon." He said as he stepped away from the podium and greeted the gathered audience as the began to leave the meeting.

Across the congregation, was the previous leader of the Cardassian people. The broken reptile, Tharek Getal. The towering lizard made his way through the crowd with the slightest of limps, giving a simple raise of the hand to the people who asked for a comment.

Hydel smiled as he saw the former Ambassador make his way towards him. ~My. . .how the mighty have fallen~ Hydel thought said as he stepped forward to meet his fellow Cardassian. "Tharek Getal, to what do I owe this great pleasure?" He asked.

"I was just checking that the embassy is still going strong in my absence, and under your guidance." Tharek smiled at his former friend. "And I must say; I was mistaken about you, Hydel."

Hydel smiled, "Of course you were. Now look at what has been accomplished under my tenure." The current Ambassador said magnanimously.

Tharek bit his tongue at the passing comment. "You're tenure of this embassy has been adequate Fi'ta Gul." Tharek moved closer to Hydel, just so none of the surrounding noise could hear them. "But I think we have much more to discuss then just this embassy."

Hydel had his druthers, but he figured that he would at least hear what the former statesman had to say. "Very well," he replied as he gestured for his aide. "A'Dan, if I'm needed I will be in my office." Hydel stated as he began to walk from the podium towards his office.

"I'm hoping you have something very important to discuss, Tharek, I still have a lot to cover with the new Captains of the Dumar and Darheel." He said as he walked behind his desk and took a seat. "Computer, Avarian Brandy" He requested. Moments later his request was answered as a glass with a slightly gray liquid materialized o his desk before him.

"One of the many perks of being on a Federation installation, upgraded replicators." He replied as he reached for the glass and took an appreciative sip.

"I don't trust Federation technology." Getal calmly stated. "And in regards to our business, that won't take long at all."

Tharek slowly walked around what used to be his office. "In addition to the Dumar and Darheel docked at this station, I have the Rakara, Kagor and several Hideki and Groumall class vessels nearby. I make you this offer Hydel; stay as ambassador, be the diplomat you are. I never had the subtlety for the role as you do. Instead, my job shall entail leading a joint task force. All Cardassian vessels in this sector respond to us. No more terrorism and no more deceit. We will be the towering people we were, and will be recognized by all other powers that we are still here, and alive."

Hydel swallowed the strong liquid, letting it travel down his throat with a poignant aftertaste. The man before him seemed to always have a game plan in mind. However he never could establish what his end results ever were.

"Oh, how magnanimous of you." Hydel responded as he took another sip. "To bestow upon me such a gracious offer." The sarcasm alive and well in his voice. "I'll remain as the docile front of our people while you get to play the bold hero! Fighting the good fight!" He added.

Hydel placed the glass on the desk and leaned forward. "You are a broken man, physically and otherwise. What can you even hope to accomplish now that you've finally been released from bed rest?" Hydel laughed at the last part, remember how feeble he appeared while his heart struggled to beat on its own.

"Because, broken man or otherwise. I'm alive. I have been attacked by terrorists, the Romulan Star Empire, the Federation and countless others over a thirty year period of violence. I survived them all. The one enemy I don't want to have anymore is the Union. You're part of that Union and we have a duty. There is no need for ill-will between us while mongrel dogs and terrorists run about this station unchecked. We hold the cards Hydel, you just need to play them." Tharek placed his hands on the desk and lent forward, inches away from the former friend.

Tharek had a point. Mongrels and terrorists had overrun the station. There was no way a Cardassian military installation would operate in such a shoddy manner. They, both Tharek and Hydel, were in the best position to fight for the Cardassian people onboard the station. But so far all Hydel had heard was rhetoric.

"All I'm hearing are words, Tharek, I need to see action before I'll sign off on any scheme of yours." Hydel reasoned.

"I have the ability to transfer you a transponder code with the contact information for the commanding officers of each vessel that I have under my control. You can verify the information I have given you with them." Tharek folded his arms with a flourish.

"What exactly is your plan, Tharek?" Hydel said, getting straight to the point. "Right now, the Romulan Empire controls this station thru their puppet, Isha. What exactly does your 'task force' plan on doing?" He asked.

Tharek smiled lightly. "What we are born and bred to do. Power through force. We take this station, remove the Romulan influence and replace it with Cardassian rule."

Hydel took a final sip from his glass and placed it back on his desk. "Fine Tharek, I'll follow along with whatever plan you have conjured up." He said as he stood.

"But don't forget who is in charge of the Cardassian Mission on this station." He stated firm, but not with the same amount of disdain as he normally would.

Tharek smiled at his old friend. "I won't forget, Hydel. All I ask is for Cardassia to be whole, not part of this mongrel society any longer. We are the true power, and people will be reminded of that soon. I'll contact you soon. Prepare yourself." Tharek turned on the heel and clasped his hands behind his back. He then strode out of his old office, as tall and as vicious as ever.


A Joint Post By;

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Ambassador