Interlude – More honesty
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   More honesty
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Thu Jul 01, 2010 @ 12:33am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD23 - Late evening

After a long day at work, Arrienye was looking forward to getting away from the Consulate for a while. So, after her shift was finally done, she showered, put on some black trousers and a green and white coloured tunic and entered the turbolift. Reaching the 'outside world' as she liked to think of it, the woman made her way across the Promenade and towards one of the quieter restaurants where she took a seat on the terrace.

Ordering a drink, Arrienye, forever the workaholic it seemed, looked through some PADDs she'd brought with her.

"Hello, again," Thomas said with a smile as he sat in an empty seat across from her. "How are things going?"

Looking up over her PADD Arrienye couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at his rudeness. "Not as well as they were before you sat down," she admitted, resting the PADD, face down, onto the table. "I find it highly rude and inappropriate for you to sit down without asking, Mr....what was it again? Whittick?"

"It's Whitlock," Thomas replied. "I apologize for being rude, as you put it. I was hoping we could try again to have a civil conversation."

"Civil conversations do not begin rudely, Mr. Whitlock. And you were not being rude 'as I put it'. You are being rude by every definition of the word. But now that you're here," she allowed, crossing her legs and looking at him. "Why do you wish to have a civil conversation with me?" she asked.

"Our last encounter didn't exactly end on the best of terms," Thomas said to her. "I felt bad for upsetting you and I was hoping we could try again and at least be sociable to each other."

Arrienye observed him for a moment or two, trying to read his intentions, but then gave up. "Alright," she allowed, deciding that perhaps this might not be *THAT* bad.

"Listen," Thomas said to her. "I'm not here as a reporter. I'm here as a man that wants to make a new friend, okay?"

"A friend? That's a bit presumptuous, don't you think?" she asked, but didn't wait for him to reply, "Let's see where the conversation leads first, shall we?"

Thomas looked at her and nodded. "Perhaps 'friend' is the wrong term. Would 'not enemies' be more appropriate?" he asked her.

"Yes," Arrienye allowed. The waiter arrived then and Arrienye ordered something non-alcoholic.

"Ion Storm," Thomas said to the waiter. When the man left, Thomas looked at her and said, "I hope I'm not too out of line, but you look amazing. I almost didn't recognize you when you came in."

"Thank you," she told him simply, absentmindedly putting a strand of hair behind her pointed ear.

"At the risk of ending this conversation prematurely," Thomas started, "I have to ask...why did you agree to an interview with Ai'lani but not with me?"

"Ai'lani?" she asked in confusion, then remembered. "Ah, you mean Mr. Elley," Arrienye said. "Well, mainly because I'm very sure he isn't the type of man who would sit down at a woman's table without asking permission. Secondly, if I may be completely frank, Mr. Whitlock, he possesses certain qualities you do not, which probably aid him in his work as a journalist."

"And what qualities would those be?" Thomas asked, feeling defensive.

"He is polite, he is direct without being brash and arrogant. He is determined to get his work done with tact and respect but without pushing with his questions," Arrienye explained simply.

Thomas looked at her and nodded. "We all have our own way of doing things. I do what works for me," he said. "It's just too bad we didn't get along better. We could have had a decent working relationship."

"Well, if I may offer some advice," Arrienye began, "you are in a line of work which involves a lot of communication with people. And you should know that, in a line of work like that, you are supposed to have a level of adaptability."

"I'll keep that in mind," Thomas said with a nod. "I want to thank you for being honest with me," he added, looking down at his drink. "I guess I should go so you can get back to enjoying your time off."

"That's probably a good start," Arrienye agreed, not caring whether or not he was playing on a sympathy card.

"Perhaps we can get together again sometime soon and try talking again," he suggested as he stood up.

"Perhaps," Arrienye said, but her tone sent a clear 'Not likely' message. "Have a good evening, Mr.Whitlock," she told him politely.

"And you as well," Thomas said as he turned and made his way to the bar.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of Security
Romulan Consulate