Judgement – How did this happen?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   How did this happen?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Sun May 29, 2011 @ 10:47am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD37

"Doctor Murdoch there’s been an emergency.” The woman stated. Lance sat up and looked out the window again. They were still docked at the station. He sighed again, the resignation clearly evident. “It’s on the station isn’t it?” He asked.

The woman nodded her eyes wide. “There was a transporter accident, apparently a marine accidentally discharged his phaser rile while on the transporter pad, damaging it. The resulting malfunction caused him to re-materialize with the rifle fused through his chest.” The stewardess looked as if she was going to get sick.

Wordlessly Lance rose from his seat and retrieved his bag. He knew there was nobody in sickbay with the skill set, talent or knowhow to successfully perform the required operation. With one last wistful glance over his shoulder he left the transport, his escape to Risa a thing of the past.


Security Investigator Debrah Kato walked into the medical bay not really sure of what to expect. Although she was attached to the "Security" Department of the station, she herself was not a fan of seeing blood, guts, or the usual things that a regular citizen would expect from a law enforcement officer.

She was an investigator by nature. While in the academy she had obtained her degree in Psychology and further pursued her studies of the human mind upon graduation. Truth be told, she would have gone straight into the world of academia rather than trotting around in the wilderness of space. However, she knew that it would give her a broader sense of experience and knowledge if she had actually spent time on the "frontlines" so to speak.

She was working on a soon-to-be published article when her station received the report from Sickbay concerning a firearm discharge and the subsequent injury. it was a bit jarring, to say the least, to hear that a weapon had been molecularly reassembled INSIDE of a person's body. As gruesome as it sounded, she knew it would make for an interesting study for her upcoming publication.

"Hello, I'm here to see a Doctor." She stated to the first nurse who passed by her.

Leverne nodded towards a the prep room, "That's Doctor Murdoch, but he's about to go into surgery." She said.

Kato nodded, "I understand, I'm here to investigate the shooting accident involving a Starbase Marine and a fused phaser rifle. What is the current status of the Marine?" She replied.

"Critical" The nurse replied. "Doctor Murdoch is actually about to begin surgery on your marine." Leverne explained. "Don't worry, he's the best surgeon in the quadrant."

Kato blinked several times. . . ~ Well. . .he isn't *my* Marine, I'm simply doing an investigation...~ she thought to herself as she proceeded into the Medical Bay still speaking to the nurse.

"Can you give me a more detailed update on the condition of the Marine?" She further inquired.

"Not really," replied the nurse escorting Kato to the observation room. "All we know is that the weapon was fused through the young mans torso, several vital organs are involved. This is an extremely delicate proceedure."

They peered through the window, Lance had already removed several feet of the marines small intestines in order to get to the weapons power cell. The entire OR seemed to hold its breath as Lance performed this tricky and dangerous proceedure.

There was a collective sigh of relief as Lance handed the cell to one of the orderlies.

Kato continued to observe the procedure; more importantly she observed Doctor Murdoch particularly. His personal file had come across her desk earlier as a result of his altercation with several other doctors. She had done some investigating on her own and had learned about his family's history in medicine in direct contrast to his talent for illegal fighting. This man was a threat, Investigator Kato just was not sure whether to just himself or others.

Inside the OR Lance was proceeding with the proceedure. He was now making use of a micro laser to separate the marines tissure from the rifle. Suddenly there was a loud beeping. "We've got a bleeder!!" Shouted one of the nurses. Lance stood calmly and unflinching as the room erupted into a hive of activity whilst the medical staff franitcally moved to stop the bleeding.

Kato knew that she had observed enough for the time being. She would have to interview both the Marine as well as Dr. Murdoch at another time. For now, she she simply hoped for the Marine's successful surgery and that no other person decided to perform a similar stunt.

Lieutenant j.g.
Deborah Kato
Security Investigator

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5

Leverne - A Nurse
Deep Space 5
NPC'd by Brad

Poor Dying Marine
NPC'd by James Darson