Incommunicado – Hanger Queens
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Hanger Queens
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Mon Jul 23, 2012 @ 6:12pm
Location   Flight Deck
Timeline   SD58 10.15
:: On ::

The fighter bay was once again a hub of activity as pilots prepared fro the upcoming mission. Pilots where getting in and out of their fighter planes, small fighters where being placed in to launching tubes that shot the fighters directly into space. Pits opened up to the mechanics shops in decks below as they lifted ships in and out of the hanger bay. The far wall was one massive force field and looked out into the main hanger proper, where civilian and starfleet starships docked for repairs and maintenance. Engine parts and wing sections where held in blue hazy field stasis in mid air above space fighters as they where re-armed. Above the hanger bay uniformed starfleet officer walked across criss crossing suspension walkways at the centre of which was a series of rooms containing training simulators, offices, briefing rooms and tactical planning rooms.

Rick paced the main hanger bay waiting for the parts he had requested from manufacturing.

She was making her 'rounds' from one department to another; the Flight deck was a beehive of activity. One pilot was berating a 'green shirt' about something or other when she spotted Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham. Desperately masking her concern for him she approached him quietly. "Lieutenant Commander, we meet again." she said more as not to 'appear out of know where'.

"Ahh Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans" said Rick thoughtfully "just the woman I wanted to see. But before that where are my manners; how are you and would you care for a beverage?" asked Rick politely.

Her left eyebrow arch in surprise "Lieutenant Commander how may I be of service?" a few seconds latter she replies "What ever you are having, Sir." As her mind mulled over the many possibilities of what the more senior officer may need of her.

They walked and talked as they headed towards the CAG's small office. "Parts Lieutenant. I need parts" The door opened and they walked in, his office was a mess Padd's littered his desk and bits of wooden world war 2 planes and the bits to put them together lay about the place. On the wall was a old poster and occupying the only shelf was a Buddha statue. Rick walked over to the replicator and ordered them a couple of coffees. He handed one to Sullivans. "Were going out on a mission and we do not have the parts and your department has not made them for us yet."

Typing an inquiry on the PADD; Lieutenant Lyhse Sullivans looked perplexed,

"The report I got from your department was that the anomaly was messing with large scale replication processes. The bigger industrial units were having difficulty bounding solid matter but the smaller personal replicator units seemed to be working fine so they were having to build larger orders from smaller parts." He handed her a PaDD "I really need the parts on that list"

She looked at the contents of the PADD handed her, taped out a few inquiries "Lieutenant Commander how about the Industrial Replicators on Federation ship's currently here?" the tone in her voice suggested that she knew it would require either the CO, OX, Department Head of OPs, or him.

"I already had a chat with the Captain of the USS Emancipation and they seem to be suffering the same problem. They did suggest that they could fly out of the effected area, replicate the parts then ship them back in, however this could be a lengthy processes. Is there any way you could make the parts on that list with anything you have in storage?"

"How many 'Hanger Queens' do you have Lieutenant Commander?" Lyhse inquired, as she typed the inquiry on the PADD

"Seven Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, four Razor Interceptors and six Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters." Said Rick not missing a beat. "However I would say at least half of each are in skeleton condition and almost completely gutted"

A casual observer would note the dark haired, dark eyed, Lieutenant was multitasking as the Lieutenant Commander was speaking; she was reading, as well as typing out things on her PADD. "Noted Deep Space Five's CO has been in charge for the last five years; She seems to be inventive as well as 'by the book', having confirmed this it is part of Station's dealing with repairs or resupply regulations and protocol have at least twice the amount for support craft in repair or replacement parts on-demand in bulk storage."

"Should I be getting annoyed here that your talking to a ranking officer Whilst reading your PADD?" he tapped the PADD with the tip of his finger "Is that not a little rude? Or is this prevalent information?"

The inflection in her voice briefly betrayed that wasn't an expected response from the Lieutenant Commander, a stammered out reply “Lieutenant Commander; researching the solution of your problem at hand sir.” She activated the holo-display on her PADD allowing him to see her train of thought. Data on procedures and protocols of Federation Space Stations indicated there would be a stock pile of at least twice the support craft. A computer search was initiated to locate bulk storage for the needed parts.

"hmmmm" said Rick thoughtfully as he scratched the stubble on his chin. As the CAG he really should of known about these supplies and he wondered why he did not. "Ok so now all we have to do is get this gear up to the hanger bay and we are good to go."

Her PADD showed most of what was on his list was stored 'Bulk Storage Bay 2 L 133-4'

Rick saw the location and nodded "Ok. Thank you Lieutenant Sullivans. Can you get a team together to get this gear out of the storage bay and bring it up to the hanger deck so we can begin our work?"

The dark hair Lieutenant paused; thinking over the who's who on Deep Space five, "I'll borrow a team from Manufacturing and see that it's done Sir."


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Manufacturing Production Officer / EO