Judgement – Translator, Part 1
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Translator, Part 1
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 25, 2011 @ 6:44pm
Location   Commander Villiers' Office/ Sick Bay
Timeline   SD38 - 1600

Bridget pressed her comm badge as she walked through the nurses' station. =^="Ensign Stapleton to Commandier Villiers."=^=

With a sigh Karen lowered the espresso cup back onto its saucer. She didn't really need another coffee but that wasn't really the point.

"Villiers," she replied. Karen had not met the doctor, she was not due for a medical, so she wondered what Stapleton wanted. "What can I do for you, Ensign Stapleton?" she asked.

Briget got right to the point. "Ma'am, I'm monitoring Yolanthe Ilbain after the series of tests she'd undergone today. And it occurred to me that there could be a less invasive way of obtaining a translation of her skin coloration. If you were to have one of the Deltans read her empathically while she was asked a series of questions, that could prove useful."

Karen thought about that for a moment. "You'd need one she had no prior association with, and a secondary measure for control," she said, "a Vulcan or something." Karen was not altogether comfortable with the idea of adding another layer of interpretation to this particular investigation, but it could be possible to make it work, and make it admissible.

"Hmm... finding a Deltan she had no prior contact with could be problematic," Bridget replied, frowning. "There are only a couple of them on station, and I believe she knows both of them. What about bringing someone in from outside? Or would that just be more trouble than it's worth?"

"I don't imagine every Vulcan on the station has been to the bar in question," Karen said, frustration evident in her tone, "nor every Betazoid. Find one without."

Feeling the sting of a slight reprimand, Bridget blushed. Of course, Vulcans and Betazoids - why hadn't she thought of that herself?! She was glad she wasn't in the Commander's office, where Villiers would see her blushing. That would have been humiliating.

"Yes Ma'am. When I've found a couple of people who could do this, then how would you want this to proceed? Do you want them brought to you and you will conduct the questioning, or do you want me to have someone from your office send me the questions and have Medical do it?" She hadn't really thought this process through, and it showed in her voice.

"I'm trying the case, Ensign. I want to see the results, not the process," Karen replied. "The science department have the empirical know-how to document the interview. Draft in one of the counselors to ask the questions."

"Understood, Commander. Thank you for your time." Well that makes things easier, she thought to herself.

"I'll be interested to hear your progress," Karen replied before she returned her attention to her coffee.

:: To be continued... ::

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Sick Bay - DS5