Unity – Business Dealings
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Business Dealings
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Jun 05, 2010 @ 5:23pm
Location   Athens/DS5
Timeline   During "When Does a New Life Begin"
Gregori Monteros had been on the comm with his daughter most of the day, an opportunity of amazing potential had arisen on Deep Space Five and he wasn't about to pass it up, "All right, Eleni, how many ships does Weitzler have there at DS5 and do you think his staff would be willing to stay on with Monteros?" Gregori asked, sitting on his desk as his accountants crunched the numbers regarding the massive movement of money this acquisition would require.

"Papa, he has a whole fleet here, mostly freighters, all fully crewed, it's a turn key operation for freight." Eleni answered, she'd been going over the numbers all day herself, "If we want to add cruises and passenger transport we'll need to move a few ships here, but nothing that would turn into a huge burden. Two, maybe three starliners and a few small transport ships."

"What of security?" Gregori queried, "Both on the station and off of it?"

"The Station's security is good, but I wouldn't count on it." Eleni sighed, "Dorian Gabriel is still the Chief of Security and we still can't count on him for anything aside from harassment."

"It's my understanding that he's up on charges." Gregori replied, "Is that not so?"

"It is, Papa." Eleni nodded, "But I see him beating the charges."

"Snakes always slip out, I suppose." Gregori laughed.

"No, I believe he's innocent, Papa." Eleni responded, totally honest, "I've got an inkling that he's being set up, just as the Cardassians tried to set up Lt. Dunham."

"Well, the Cardassians are certainly a wild card I'll want an eye kept on." Gregori mused, rubbing his beard as he did so, "Will that husband of yours help in that aspect?"

"He will, Papa." Eleni promised, "And I think his cousin can be counted on, too."

"Good, good." Gregori smiled, "Now, put out an advertisement, we need ship crews and security officers, both shipboard and stationside. We'll also need pilots to fly our escorts and crews for larger ones."

"Of course, Papa." Eleni nodded, "I'll get it all set up as soon as we close the deal."

"Good." Gregori said, looking over his shoulder at his accountants, led by his VP of Finance, Kristatos Pounares, "On that note, what do you have for me, Kris?"

"Gregori, I know we can go $100 million if we have to, but I would make an offer of seventy five to open." Pounares replied, "Cite the instability of the security situation as reasoning."

"Very well." Gregori replied, "Send Weitzler our offer."

"Now we wait." Eleni said, this was always the hardest part of doing business.

"Yes, now we wait, darling." Gregori agreed, much like his daughter and granddaughter, especially his granddaughter, Gregori hated to wait.

"Weitzler's people came back with $90 million." Pounares interjected.

"Counter offer eighty." Eleni instructed, smiling as Gregori nodded his approval.

"Weitzler came back with $85 million." Pounares replied.

"Eighty-three." Gregori said, figuring the dealings would be at an end soon.

"Accepted." Pounares informed him, "We now own the Weitzler fleet at DS5 for eighty three million bars of latinum."

"Good." Gregori smiled, "Eleni, I think you've got a lot of work to do so I'll let you get to it."

"Yes, Papa." Eleni smiled.

"All right, see to the girls, as well." Gregori instructed, Rianni had always been the apple of his eye, and Ashara had gained an almost equal footing with her sister in recent times, ~One more step taken to assure their futures. Good work, Gregori.~


Gregori Monteros and Eleni Monteros-t'Khellian
CEO and COO, Monteros Enterprises (NPC Rianni)