Beg, Steal or Borrow – Fresh Meat
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall

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Title   Fresh Meat
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall
Posted   Tue Jul 07, 2009 @ 11:50pm
Location   Corridors
Timeline   SD9 0730 hrs

"And Poverty." Lahy added. He finished his drink and stood. "You have a guest." He said.

The look of confusion on Cordova's face was only intensified by the chime that rang at his door. He turned towards the door and when he looked back at Lahy, the diminuative man and his package were gone.

"Talent indeed." He said and rose to see who was at his door.


Cordova set down his own drink and walked over to the door. Instead of finding someone standing there, an inconspicious box lay on the floor. He carefully bent over, picked it up and brought it inside. After scanning the box, he determined it was safe enough and opened it. Inside was a simple picture of a clean shaven man with short brown hair combed over to one side. He had green eyes and no discernable markings. A note on the back simply read:

"Welcome our new guest."

Anthony smiled. He knew what that meant. Slipping the picture inside his shirt pocket, Anthony reached for his coat and put it on. "Time to play 'Welcoming Committee." He said and stepped out into the corridor. It didn't take him long to get to the docking ring and find out which vessel the man came in on. Having gained a little more information about their newest arrival, Cordova made his way to the Promenade where he was sure to find the man.

It was still in the earlier hours of the morning and a few people were scattered here and there looking for an open shop or some place to get a bite to eat. He had seen several of the Department heads making their way towards the lifts, presumably for an early morning meeting. Anthony looked over the faces as he passed them, comparing what he saw with what he remembered from the photo. Finally, after walking around the promenade and down several corridors, he found his mark.

He followed the young man for a while until it was just the two of them in the corridor. He put on his casual smile and strolled up to the man. "You look lost." He said, in an accent that could be construed as from the south part of the Northern Continent of Earth - Georgia or Mississipi perhaps.

Chris stopped and looked at him "Yes I am. I'm looking for sickbay to check in. Can you help me?" Chris said.

Cordova smiled and rested his hand on the mans shoulder. "Of course." He said, turning Chris around. "You were going in the wrong direction. It's this way." He lead the way down the corridor to a lift. "Deck Fifty Five" The lift began it's decent with its two passengers. "So, what brings you to this wretched station?"

"Adventure, new beginning's, and new people. What about yourself? How long you been here?" Hudnall asked.

"Oh, I've been here for quite some time." Anthony responded. "Several years in fact. I've seen many come and many go. I myself have made a few trips away but never for very long." He gestured with his hand to indicate the whole of the station. "This is home for me, at least for the time being."

The lift stopped at the appropriate deck and the two men stepped off. "I believe you'll find the Sickbay in this direction." Cordova said, leading the way. "I'm a bit wary of Doctors myself. They can be a bit intrusive."

"Yeah, this is the part I hate about coming aboard new post's. Getting checked out." He laughed and stepped off the turbo lift "Can you tell me about this doctor?" Chris asked.

"I have my own opinions." Cordova said, "Though I usually find it best for a person to develop their own opinion." He chose his words carefully, knowing that earning a person's trust was a delicate and intricate operation. "I think you'll formulate your own perspective soon enough." He said with a smile as they reached the Main Sickbay.

"I'll leave you to it." Anthony said. "But perhaps we could meet up later to compare observations."

"Sure, maybe a drink later in the mess hall. I'll find you later after I check in. Thanks for the help." Chris smiled and as he walked toward sickbays doors.

Anthony Cordova gave a parting wave as the verdunt young man entered sickbay. Yes, they would meet again. How he fit into the master's plan he couldn't tell, but he would do what he did best and all would be revealed in due time.


Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Anthony Cordova
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