Beg, Steal or Borrow – More than Missing
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   More than Missing
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Mar 06, 2009 @ 9:06am
Location   Quartermaster's Office
Timeline   SD8 1330 hrs

Petro sat in her office, her mind unwilling to focus on the work at hand. Though she had been doing her job she had been doing it on automatic. No thought required. The repetition that the day offered allowed her mind, and her heart, to wander back to her last moments with her dearest and first friend. Now she sat alone, the pendant Rakka had given her dangling from her neck. The charm was made of a sparkling, polished glassy substance, clear except for the centre where there was an ethereal red swirl, something like the shape of a rose.

In her hand she held the isolinear chip that contained something that Rakka had entrusted her with. She had yet to see what was on it and still was fearful of what it may contain. There was a fear in Rakka's eyes when she had given it to her and that was enough to warrant caution. There were very few things that frightened Rakka, really frightened her, and what was on that chip was one of those things. Petro wondered if she would ever have the courage to see what was on there or if she would forever be held back by the fear of the unknown.

If she reviewed the contents, one mystery may be solved but how many others would be unmasked? Without Rakka around to answer any questions she may have, Petro wondered if she would always have the lingering doubts about the past. Perhaps it would explain in more detail the reasons behind her sudden departure. There had to be more to the story than Rakka had time to share. Perhaps the answer was in the chip.

Absently she twirled the charm around her neck. Her fingers rolled it back and forth across her chest as she stared at the doors that led to Ops. Beyond those doors the station was churning and people were working. Minds were on projects at hand and those who felt a loss consumed themselves with the tangible. How many of them knew Rakka for the wonderful person she was? How many of them took the time to get to know her rather than seeing something to be feared or controlled? How many of them cared that she was gone?

Petro could feel the anger rising inside of her. Most of her life she had been cast aside and labeled as an imbicile by her own people. Even when she ventured out on her own she was looked down upon by the other races simply because she was neither male nor female. She was one of the outcasts of the Universe and no one cared, not even her. Then she met Rakka and saw the way people treated her. They had become friends, the most unlikely of friends that the galaxies could imagine, and no one cared. Now her friend was gone and....

She couldn't finish the thought. She could feel her hands clenching into fists and she wanted to storm out and make people take notice that one of the best things that happened to this station, one of the best people on this station, was gone and may never be heard from again. If they cared they would have stopped her and protected her the way that she protected them. She risked her life countless times and no one seemed to care.

She slammed her fist on the desk and growled. The anger churning inside of her. She no longer felt the pain that lingered in her legs. She no longer felt the pinching of the nerves in her back. She didn't feel the cut on her hand from slamming her fist on the desk and catching the corner of a PADD. All she could feel was anger. She wanted to strike out at someone, at anyone. She wanted to take someone by the collar and make them see and understand. She wanted to fight, but she knew that no matter what she did, Rakka was gone.

Her temper subsided slowly, her clenched fist trying to hold on to it for just a little longer. What did it say of her that she was so easy to let go? Was she betraying her friend by no longer being angry with those who didn't care? Would Rakka ever really know just how much of a difference she made in the lives of those she touched?

It must have been how Rakka felt at Riley's funeral. When no one seemed to care about his death. Now no one seemed to care about Rakka's departure.

Her hand opened gradually, revealing the isolinear chip held so firmly in her palm. She stared at it, fearful of what it might contain and of the answers it might reveal.


Warrant Officer Petro
DS5 - Quartermaster