Interlude – Afterglow
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Afterglow
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Jun 14, 2010 @ 3:21pm
Location   Around the Promenade
Timeline   SD23, very early morning

Yolanthe woke up in Tharek's bed, warm, finally sated and happily exhausted. She still had a rose glow to her skin, and her hair was candy pink. The ambassador himself lay sleeping next to her.

A small expensive timepiece on a nearby table told her that it was 4 in the morning. She'd missed an entire day at the Box of Delights. How had she managed that? Well, she knew exactly how she'd managed that, but she couldn't quite believe she'd been that distracted. Klia was going to murder her. She had to go.

Sitting up, she looked around. Her clothes would be in the ambassador’s office, and that was quite away to run naked. She looked around for a moment, and then spotted the open door to his closet. Moving quietly so not to wake him, she took the first shirt that was long enough to cover her, and slipped from the room. Thankfully the corridor was deserted at this hour and she met no one as she headed towards his office.

Which was locked.

Well she wasn't about to go back and wake him. She'd just have to make the dash up to the next floor as she was. She nodded to the Cardassian manning the front desk, smiled at the sentry who unlocked the door for her, and ran.

It was approximately one hundred and fifty meters from door to door, including three flights of stairs. The promenade wasn't completely deserted, and a few heads turned as she sprinted past. Thirty seconds later, she was inside the shutters of the Box of Delights, and trying not to giggle. Locking up again, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Yolanthe turned to see Klia glaring at her from across the bar floor. The little Orion had her hands on her hips and was glaring at her. "No, I can guess where you've been. What were you thinking!?" Yolanthe opened her mouth to explain, but Klia cut her off again. "Sorry, you obviously weren't thinking. Look at the state you're in. And where are your clothes?" She held up a hand, "No, I can guess where they are too."

"Klia," Yolanthe crossed over to her, "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I agreed to a drink, and just..." She wasn't entirely sure how she'd gone from quick drink to Tharek's bed, but it had all seemed perfectly reasonable at the time.
"Uggh." Klia wrinkled her nose as Yolanthe came up to her. "You stink. And don’t think I don't know what you stink of. I'm the Orion, remember."

"Fine, I'll shower." She headed for the lift.

Klia followed. "You promised me you'd be careful! I told you he was up to something, and the next thing I know, some guy from the bistro down stairs is bringing me a bag full of your clothes and telling me that the Ambassador was leading you off down the promenade. What was I supposed to think? I almost reported the pair of you to security."

"A bit of an overreaction, don't you think?" Yolanthe asked as they headed into the shower area. "Look after this." She handed Klia the ambassador’s shirt and turned the shower on.

Klia took the shirt with distaste. "Going from celibate to one night stand in less than 48 hours deserves an overreaction."

Yolanthe didn't answer, and Klia narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "It is going to be a one night stand, isn't it?"

"More than likely," Yolanthe answered eventually. Klia was right. It was a bit of a jump. But it had seemed the most natural thing in the world. Well, it was done now, and was extremely unlikely to go any further. "Ambassador, bar-tender. I can't see it turning into much, do you?"

Klia looked at the shirt in her hands. "So this is for the trophy wall then?"

"Unless he asks for it back." Yolanthe called over the sound of the water.

The Orion was frowning at the shirt, and she sniffed it. There was something...familiar... about it, that set her teeth on edge. "So you've got him out of your system and you're back to normal?" She raised her voice as she headed towards her office.

"Yes!" Yolanthe shut the shower off and came out hunting for a towel. "Promise."

Klia snorted, and found the little tricorder she kept to check on her own hormone levels. "You've said that a lot lately. Why should I believe you?" She waved the sensor over the shirt, focusing on the hem and the underarms. A moment later the reading pinged back. She frowned at it. It was feint, just traces, but according to the tricorder, there were Orion pheromones all over the shirt, and they weren’t hers.
"I had a momentary lapse of judgement. That’s all. I was expecting another puffed up politico like all those bores on the Pride of Betazed. Turns out he wasn't, so he caught me by surprise. Besides. What makes you think he’ll even be in again? He’s got plenty of staff to run and fetch his kanar, and I’m sure he’s very busy with whatever it is diplomats do."

Klia dropped the tricorder into her desk, and headed back out, picking up some towels from the stack as she passed. She shoved them into Yolanthe's arms. "Huh. You are so full of shit."

"Oh Klia!" Yolanthe sighed. She'd really hurt her friend’s feelings. "I'm really sorry. I am. It was just something I wanted to do all of a sudden. I can honestly say I don't know what came over me."

The Orion tried not to laugh, and failed. Yolanthe had said it with a completely straight face. She wasn't even aware what she'd said. "I think we know the answer to that."

Yolanthe smiled sheepishly, and wrapped one of the towels around her hair, and tucked another around her body, now a more orangey shade of pink than it had been. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. No-more chasing after Cardassian totty. Forgive me?"

The little Orion gave her a grumpy look. “Alright. I suppose.”
“Good.” Yolanthe leant down and gave Klia a fierce squeeze. “Thank you.”
“Urk, you’re making me all wet. Go get dressed.”

Yolanthe let her go and turned back into the spa to replicate some clothing. Klia had forgiven her, and despite how pissed off the little Orion was, nothing was going to change the fact she’d had the most amazing night. Her skin started to turn a deep blue. Coming to DS5 was probably the best thing that had happened to her in a long time.


Yolanthe & Klia
Owners of the Box of Delight
Business Partners and