Judgement – Enter the Intern
by Damien Starr & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Enter the Intern
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Damien Starr & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Nov 02, 2010 @ 5:37pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 35: 0800

Damien nervously peeked into the sickbay from the outside window. Watching the base's medical staff buzzing around like a collective hive of bumble bees. They seemed so in synch with one another.

"What am I doing here" he thought to himself. Confidence was not one of his strong points. "I'll never fit in..." He clutched his PAD in his shaking, sweaty hand and took a deep breath. Attempting to take a step forward into the medical bay, he froze in place. He couldn't. He was too nervous.

He was always uneasy starting new things, but this was worse. Damien left the academy behind at the opportunity to take this internship. The opportunity to prove he was ready NOW. After all, eight years of schooling - counting his time in medical school on earth - was more then enough right? Who needed four MORE years at Starfleet Medical Academy. The thought of it was just daunting. But as he looked on at the impressive medical crew aboard DS5... he couldn't help but wish he was still sitting behind that desk back in class.

"Enough" he said under his breath. He wasn't going to be negative. He wasn't going to be nervous. This was going to be his day! He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward into medical bay....

A rush of pain shot through his nose and forehead as he fell backwards on the floor landing on his rear.

"SON OF A ..... " he said, stopping himself. Damien gripped his face, fighting his hardest to hold back the tears. Through squinted eyes he managed to make out out the face of the woman he ran face first into.

"Are you alright?" Chelsea spun round and looked carefully at the young man who was holding his face, clearly in pain. She had been fortunate enough to have had her name called, causing her to turn away from the door just at the moment that it opened and Damien had burst in, his courage screwed up tight and probably his eyes too, judging by the way he had ploughed straight into the back of her.

She raised a bio-scanner to his face and offered up a hypospray of painkiller. "I don't think you've broken your nose but I can regenerate the bruising if you like? And if you want this?" she held the painkiller higher so he could see it through his watering eyes.

"Yes please," he said, now trying more to cover his red face then holding it out of pain. "Thanks."

Chelsea helped the lad to a bio bed and got him to sit on it. "I'm Chelsea Adams" she told him. "Who are you, charging into my Sickbay like George Armstrong Custer?" she teased gently, smiling and sympathetically repairing his face at the same time.

He laughed quietly at the reference then responded "I'm Damien Star. I'm sorry for that. I was just nervous." He relaxed a bit once she was done with the procedure.

"That's probably what was wrong with Custer!" she muttered, still smiling, glad he'd heard of the ancient Cavalry General from Earth's history or the joke would have fallen flat.

"I'm in my fifth year at Starfleet Medical Academy, and I've been assigned to DS5 for a Medical & Science Internship. I was told to come check in with you first, and then with the Chief Science Officer there-after. " He reached for his PAD to hand her only to find out he had broken it when he fell. "Well... these were my assignment documents..."

Chelsea took the remains of the Data Storage device and tossed it on a nearby shelf. "We can download you a fresh one of those, no worries" she said lightly and finished off his contusion regeneration, putting away the medical instruments and indicating with a sweep of her open hand that he could get up from sitting on the bed now.

"There..... so *that's* what you really look like!" she slapped him on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, grinning as she again invited him by gesture of an open-arm to come with her further into the Main Sickbay.

"Let me introduce you to some of the other staff." At that moment Ben appeared as if summoned. Chelsea suspected he'd been observing the 'incident' and timed his own entrance but she said nothing.

"This.... " all that indicated her suspicion was a raised eyebrow at her colleague. "... is Lieutenant Ben Kensington. He's my Assistant Chief Medical Officer so any time you can't find me, this young reprobate is your next port of call." The grin on Ben's face at being called a reprobate was wide and full of humour.

He put his cupped hand up and only partially covered his mouth, leaning towards Damien conspiratorially. "She's a bit stuffy but she could be worse!" he whispered loudly, clearly intended for Chelsea to hear too.

The CMO rolled her eyes and went as if to cuff him round the ear but stopped just short, her face apparently quite serious but her eyes twinkling.

"Too right i *could*!" Chelsea replied, that eyebrow raised again.

Ben continued to grin but suddenly remembered he hadn't shaken hands with the newcomer. "Oh.... sorry....as you've gathered, I'm Ben. Welcome to the Madhouse!" he thrust out his hand and shook Damien's firmly, the lopsided grin still firmly in place.

Damien tried his hardest not to laugh as he shook Ben's hand. "Good to meet you sir. My straight jacket size is XL... I like 'em to be roomy." Damien grinned.

These two definitely put him at ease in his new environment. He got out of the bio bed and followed the pair on a tour of sickbay. He could only hoped the rest of his day would get better from here.


A JP Between:

Damien Starr
Medical/Science Research Intern


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams