We All Fall Down – Dicussion with security
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Dicussion with security
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Jul 29, 2014 @ 12:47am
Location   Security offices: promenade station
Timeline   *current*

The new security chief had been aboard for from what he was told a few hours, Jarred made a deliberate effort to go down and make sure this security chief wasn't going to turn the station upside down for the wrong reasons, as he walked into the promenade station he looked around, he still wasn't a fan of the decor, but it wasn't his department, and he wasn't the Chief of intelligence any more, he was after all the new XO, and he was going to put on a good face after all not all security are bad people, and this was a clean slate for this department.

"I'm looking for Lieutenant Katz?"

Sarah heard her name and looked up. Standing a short distance from her was the Executive officer Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace.

"I'm Lt. JG Katz, sir. How can I help you?" replied Sarah. She hoped that he was not going to interrogate her, but only ask a couple of questions...and gently. From prior experience she had learned that Executive Officers tended to like to throw their weight around as well as their rank.

Sarah waited patiently for a reply.

Jarred could sense her nervousness, along with the fact she wanted to avoid the hard questions, "I'm not the typical first officer, actually I used to be the stations intelligence officer so I'm more likely to fill you in on whose smuggling what and who can be trusted." he smirked as he offered to shake hands, "Plus I earned ninety percent of the scars including this one." pointing to the one that went across his eye.

Sarah looked at the Executive Officer and eagerly took his out stretched hand. A look of interest came over her as she heard him say he was a former Intelligence Officer.

"My name is Lt JG Sarah Katz. I was born in Israel, Caesarea-a small town above Tel Aviv to be exact. I have a BA, MA and PhD in security, I have been mentored by the chief of security on the USS Cosmos for several years, my idea of a good time is to curl up with a technical manual on security updates, I love to work hard but I love to laugh and play hard as well. Any other details can be found in my personnel file but I do hope that is sufficient for the moment" said Sarah. She was not certain what else she should say or what the Executive Officer wanted so she just stood there and smiled.

Jarred had to contain the laughter, he had read her personnel file, "We have a rec center you might want to check out, and there's a Ferengi smuggler who can be trusted to bring in the occasional case of Romulan ale, but don't let him con you on the price, I broke his hand the last time he charged me the 'special price'." Jarred said.

"Any family, married, kids, parasitic symbiotic beings?" Jarred said trying to get a clearer read on the new arrival.

Sarah could almost read the laughter in his eyes. She also knew he had not read her personnel file if he asked if she was married and such.

"No, sir, I am not married. I have been to busy with my career, I guess. So I guess I should not have to say that I have no kids. That is a source of concern with my parents as they want grandkids. I do have siblings though. I have an older brother named Yonni and a younger sister named Deborah. I am not sure what you mean by 'parasitic symbiotic beings', but if you mean is there anyone in my life, the answer is 'no'. I have also been much to busy getting my life in order. I also do not like Romulan Ale. The pure red or white wine from my homeland is best. But I don't expect to find wine from Israel out here. I have not had anything to eat yet and my stomach is growling. Could you please show me where the 'chow hall' is?"

"There is a starfleet mess hall near ops, but its strictly replicator food, there is a cafe three bays down that was popular with my staff, and something called a deli opened up one level down, I don't have a clue as to what that is exactly, I grew up on mars so I assume that is some kind of cafe that serves sandwiches I think." Jarred paused "there is also a coffee shop called 'Seattle' its also strategically located across from an Orion owned place that has had more than one brawl break out." rubbing his knuckles as he mentioned it.

Sarah thought about her options. 'That café sounds good' Sarah said to herself. "The café that you said was popular with your staff....I think I will give that a try. I'm not a fan of replicator food and a sandwich just does not sound right." Sarah walked around the officer but then thought better and turned...."Would you like to join me, sir? I plan on getting just a quick bite, but even with a quick bite company is always welcome. "

With that said, Sarah looked at him and waited for a response. While she was waiting she had a chance to 'look him over'. She took note of the many scars, particularly the one he point out on his face. She also noted the tall, full body that he had. His 6'4" frame was filled out by the compact muscles that rippled under his uniform. Sarah looked at his build and estimated his weight. 'Some where between 200-225 I would guess' thought Sarah as she gazed at him with her trained eye. She turned to the XO and said,

"Coming sir?" said Sarah.

"Ok, I could eat, but I'm not looking for a bar fight....today." Jarred said "I got into enough of those awhile back on Kronos."

Upon arrival, Sarah found that the small deli type place had a delightful atmosphere and great little tables with live plants on them. She picked out a table, asked the XO if that was a suitable table for him and then scooted in the chair. Picking up the menu she was over whelmed by the choices. Usually a place has only one type of food. This place had several types. From hamburgers to spaghetti to chow main! Sarah put in her order and then turned to the XO and watched him put in his

"Yeah lets eat." Jarred said as he took a seat he looked across the way at the bar, it was a little to quiet.
