Beg, Steal or Borrow – Honour among thieves and all that crap - part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Honour among thieves and all that crap - part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Thu Mar 12, 2009 @ 10:12am
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD8 c. 12:15
"This way then." He said, holding out his arm in the old fashioned way.

Janna took Cordova’s arm with one hand and waved to Joran with the fingers of other. “He’ll be cranky all day now,” she said once they were out of earshot, “and the whole ambassador deal is through his contact. What do you need to know?” she asked.

Cordova laughed. "I thought that was his norm." he said. "Now about the Ambassador. Tell me what you know of the contract, delivery and the like, so I know what we're getting into."

"It was simple at first, we'd arranged that I would make contact and gain her trust ... it was working, until we ran into one of her friends - there was the smallest flaw in the disguise and the Bajoran doctor spotted it," Janna tucked her hair behind her ear, the ornate earring brushing against the back of her hand. "after that she started avoiding me, then Joran tried, and, well Joran is about as subtle as a Klingon. That's the history."

"I can't picture Joran being very diplomatic about things." Cordova said. "So what's the current situation?"

"The Romulan has changed his orders since then, now we just have to snatch her and hand her over. Joran didn't tell me his name, but they're in communication - its all tied up with this attack. Payment on delivery, the funds are in place and will be released as soon as he's satisfied she isn't a problem to him anymore."

"I can assume what that means." He said. "Perhaps I could work things out with Miss Isha and get her to a set location for you."

“Hmmmm, are you planning on sticking around DS?” Janna asked, “I’m leaving as soon as those shields are down, but it does no harm to have associates … being in a similar line of business and all that …”

"Oh, I'll be sticking around. There is a considerable amount to be done before it's time for my departure." Cordova said. "As for associates, well, ask the right people and you'll get the right connections." he said, with a wink. "Now, about the Ambassador. Is there a preferance of condition?"

“I think he wants her alive. Joran said he’s a gloater with a chronic case of verbal diarrhoea … if you can manage that I think he might pay more, at least enough to make your cut worth your while.”

Anthony nodded. "Ah, yes. The ever narcissistical egomaniacal villian." He walked her around to a chair and allowed her to sit, him taking the seat across from her. "I do believe that can be arranged."

Janna fished in a pocket, her fingers lifting the device Joran had given her into her palm, "Care to share?" she asked bringing it out and laying it between them. "When the shields drop enough they'll lock onto its signal. If you can get to the ambassador and attach it in time, she'll be their problem, the payment comes through and we're all happy."

"Getting this onto the Ambassador," He mused, "will be easy enough." He looked directly at her and smiled. "Assuming I can trust you for the payment."

Janna smiled, a bright dazzling flash of teeth, "Of course you can trust me. You know I'm as Bajoran as your friend Kal, and you know I'm really Linara Veidt. I'd sooner pay your share than have you try and find me to claim the reward."

He nodded. "That would be the wise thing to do. Finding you would have us do more than simply claim the reward, which I'm certain you understand given your profession and all." He said with a smile. As he ordered drinks for the two of them, a rather short male humanoid walked past them, barely noticed by anyone. He took the device that Anthony held in his palm as he dropped his arm casually. The transfer was smooth as glass and anyone watching, even closely, would have missed it.

"A toast." Cordova said, raising his glass of champagne, "to future endeavors."

"Future endeavours," Janna agreed raising her own glass.


Janna Pellan a.k.a. Linara Veidt alias ... NPCd by Louise

Anthony Cordova
played by:
