Intermission – Getting the Facts Straight
by Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Getting the Facts Straight
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Aug 26, 2013 @ 1:19pm
Location   Security - Brig
Timeline   SD73
Rakka sat slouching in her holding cell, recently cleaned up, and her wound was healed. She had changed out of her bloodied uniform to put on something generic. She no longer had any appearance of being an officer, and it was heartbreaking for her... but at the same time, it felt right. It was right that she was here. For a while she'd been feeling curiously unhinged, and obviously now that she had proved she could be a danger to others, it was best for her to be locked away. No doubt her career would never recover.

Her career... everything that had always mattered to her. She felt as if she were drifting away, her feet no longer on solid ground, and she watched all of her most important things becoming smaller and smaller as she disappeared into the void of space. What happened? What the hell happened?

Curling up and hugging her legs to her chest, she pressed her ridged forehead into her knees and thought about giving up and sobbing like a child... but it wouldn't come. Instead the emotion just smoldered in her throat, and her breath passed in and out through her nose in short huffs.

"Commander?" Ensign Deborah Kato said somewhat pensively as she approached the fully-charged field.

The Nausicaan jerked a little at the feminine voice. In a moment that was both blissful and terrifying she thought Petro had come, but she quickly realized Petro wouldn't likely be calling her 'Commander'. Gradually she sucked in a deep breath and raised her head to see who was there. She cocked her head curiously.

Kato watched as the Nausicaan slowly looked upward from her knees. "Commander, I-I want to talk to you about what happened." She said directly to the superior officer.

Rakka processed this statement for almost a full minute, keeping her eyes on Deborah the whole time. "What did... yInchu' say...?" she finally rasped.

"As of now. . .we have not taken any statements from him." Kato said truthfully. So far they had not taken a statement from him, although it was doubtful that he would be cooperative.

Rakka let out a breath, fully surprised that the Klingon hadn't squealed. Although, when she thought about it, it was perfectly likely that he was too embarrassed to admit what happened. Or... for whatever reason, he was protecting her. She combed her hands through her wiry black hair. "Where is Trellis?" she asked. While she was much happier to talk to Kato than to Trellis, she had fully expected him to come strutting in gloating like he had never gloated before. Perhaps he'd taken extra time to hire a marching band and parade just to add extra emphasis to whatever 'look-how-much-you've-screwed-up's and 'you'll-never-work-in-this-town-again's she had coming to her.

Kato knew the answer to that question, but she did not want to say. . .at least not aloud. "He's. . .unavailable for the moment." She replied as he scanned the padd in her hand, going over the information retrieved from the crime scene.

"Commander, tell me what exactly happened in that room." Kato said as close to as firmly as she could.

The Nausicaan bent over again, leaning on her knees, forehead in her hands. "I went... to get... something to eat," she said quietly. "He... failed to respect my... personal space. I... defended myself."

Ensign Kato nodded softly in response. "Thank you, but I'll need more detail than that." She said. "I won't be able to help you if I don't understand just what happened between the two of you." She implored.

Rakka tensed her hands into claws, her fingernails digging into her scalp. Her breathing increased, coming out in short huffs. "I was eating," she hissed through clenched teeth. "And he... came at me. With intent... to mate. I could not have been clearer... on how... disinterested I was. He became... forceful. I used what I had close at hand... to stop him. Must I say more?"

Ensign Kato understood. However her job as an investigator required her to get as complete of a picture as possible. "What did he say to you exactly?" She pressed on.

Rakka bristled and bared her teeth, tearing savagely at her hair. She remembered some of what yInchu' had said, and was so revolted at the thought that she retched. She managed to keep control of her stomach and turned her head toward Kato with an accusing glare. "What the HELL do you mean... by putting me through this...?" she gasped. She pulled her knees up and curled herself into a tight ball. "Th-the room is monitored.... because of the animals. You should be able to retrieve... the footage... if you are so interested in the details."

Kato could tell that she was not going to get any further information from the Commander, at least not in this condition. "Alright, Commander. . .I'll follow up on the information you've provided me." She said, with as much concern she could manage while still maintaining her objectivity.

"If you require anything, I will have an officer outside of your cell." She said as she began to exit the cell.

Rakka lowered her head and wrapped her arms around it. She was scattered and afraid, not truly certain what Kato would see if she did indeed review the Security footage. Was it only self-defense, or had she acted out of pure malevolence? At this point, she hadn't a clue.


Cdr. Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer


Deborah Kato
Security Investigation