Interlude – Analyze This....
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Analyze This....
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Wed Jun 30, 2010 @ 3:30am
Location   Counselor's Office
Timeline   SD 21
Thomas mentally reviewed his list of the senior officers on the base and remembered he still hadn't met the counselor. After his meeting in the Romulan consulate he figured it was a perfect time to drop in and get the meeting out of the way. He changed directions and several minutes later he paused outside the woman's office and pressed the chime.

Kreallia sat in her office, a light workload for the next few days, well not even a work load but being in her office calmed her a bit, plus it's not like she couldn't take some time to finish that redecorating she was planning to finish.

Kreallia heard the chime. "Ugh." She moaned at the sharp tone of the tone that made her ears bristle. "Come!" She called, chime was now number one on her list.

Thomas entered the office and smiled at the woman sitting behind the desk. "Hello there," he said, walking up and extending his hand. "Thomas Whitlock."

Kreallia smiled and took his hand. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay, Chief Counselor, and do what do I owe the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the infamous Thomas Whitlock?" She asked.

"Infamous?" Thomas asked as he sat down. "Why do you say that?"

"Starbase 68, the Brennan was docked there before my transfer to DS-five, we never met but you were pointed out at the Federation Gala." She explained.

"Oh," Thomas replied with a wave of his hand. "That's old news," he said to her. "Do I need an appointment to get analyzed or do I just start talking about my early childhood?" he asked, moving to lie on the couch.

Kreallia smiled. "So you want to be analyzed?" Kreallia asked. "Alright, if you want to talk about your childhood let's start there."

"What do you want to know?" Thomas asked, fluffing the pillow and shifting to get more comfortable.

"Well what in your childhood pushed you to become a journalist?" Kreallia asked.

"I was always good at asking questions and getting people to relax and talk to me," Thomas replied. "I didn't really know what I wanted to do until I ran into the reporters on Starbase 68. After spending time with them I knew the life of a journalist was right for me."

"Ah, the typical run in with the idol." Kreallia nodded. "What did your parents do for an occupation and how did they react to your choice to become a journalist?" She asked.

"My parents owned a small shop in the colony," Thomas replied. "They lost everything when we were evacuated. They tried to start over when we got to Starbase 68 but it wasn't the same. They were happy for me when I became a journalist. I would get out and be able to make a name for myself rather than struggle to survive like they were."

"What colony was that?" Kreallia asked, being from a downed colony her self she took interest in his experience.

"The colony was on a moon orbiting Folus IV," Thomas said.

Kreallia nodded. "I'm from a downed colony myself, the Romulan Colony on Tyrax." She explained. "Back to business, so are you close with your parents or are you distant?"

"I haven't talked to them in a while," Thomas replied. "I try to talk to them once a month or so."

"So not as close as you want to be or are you purposely distant?" She asked.

"I just don't always have time to contact them," he said.

"Okay, so do you like your work? What kind of impact does it have on your personal life for you? Does it get in the way or is it an escape?" Kreallia inquired.

"I love my work and it allows me to meet a lot of interesting people," Thomas told her.

"I see." Kreallia paused for a moment. "So are you here for a news story or not Mister Whitlock?" Kreallia asked with a big grin on her face.

"I'm here to talk and get to know some of the staff," he told her. "Is there a story here?"

Kreallia shook her head. "Most likely not, but there is a rather interesting story with Commander Gabriel, go to him next, tell him I sent you." Kreallia said, smiling a devilish grin.

"So what about you?" Thomas asked, sitting up. "What made you get into counseling?"

"Well I was always interested in Psychology as a child and I saw Starfleet as an outlet, my adoptive mother is an Admiral so you can say it was family supported but I made the choice entirely on my own." She explained.

"Okay, so do you like your work? What kind of impact does it have on your personal life for you? Does it get in the way or is it an escape?" Thomas asked, using her exact words from a few moments ago.

Kreallia wasn't amused, on the surface. "Don't mock me mister Whitlock." She said as the tips of her lips curled upwards. "But I have a healthy balance If you must know."

"I wasn't mocking you," Thomas replied as he stood up and walked around the office looking around. "I'm genuinely interested in what you do."

Kreallia nodded. "Ah well........... not much is what I do, the station runs it's self most of the time, I'm a senior officer just by association."

"So what do you do when you aren't listening to people's problems?" he asked.

"Now mister Whitlock you're digging, so as I am a Romulan and duplicitous in nature, I must ask you to leave as I have an appointment to keep." Kreallia said, he was digging and she didn't like that. "Thank you and please come again." She said as she moved towards the door.

"I was just being sociable," Thomas said from the chair. "I was just curious what you like to do in your spare time. Read? Play an instrument? Cook?" He paused and looked at her. "You could cook dinner for me and we could get to know each other better." he suggested, still sitting in the chair.

"Not a chance." Kreallia said as she stepped out the door, she would leave if he didn't.

"Well, thank you for your time," Thomas said as he stood up and walked out.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter
DS 5

Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five