We All Fall Down – Pressing the Flesh
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Pressing the Flesh
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sat Dec 20, 2014 @ 8:27am
Location   Various
Timeline   WAFD MD03 15:00

Even though her blood test had shown no signs of the virus Isha was wary about going to sickbay. Taahk had assured her that the gesture would be viewed positively, especially by the humans so she had reluctantly agreed.

She exited her office and paused, "Miss Quirm, Commander Soran, would you join me?"

Soran checked her console, decided there was nothing more vital, and stood. "Yes Ma'am." She wanted to see t'Vaurek in action, pressing the flesh. Her file indicated she had been a top flight politician in the Romulan senate, and the trill was curious to see if that experience would leave the captain better or worse equipped for her role as captain.

Isha nodded curtly, "With me," she said leading the trio into the turbolift.

Along the way the trio rendezvoused with a security team - that was for later in case the mood on the promenade was unpleasant.



Sickbay was not the place Isha remembered. She had visited it only once since her return to DS5 and then it had still been a calm have - now it was brimming with noise and the clinically clean smell that usually filled the air was obscured by the scent of people.

"The CMO is expecting us," Quirm said to the first medic she could see.

With every isolation room already full, Wyman had been confined to a biobed at the rear of main sickbay, around which a force field had been erected. Gwen was sleeping on the next bed over, having been placed under mild sedation.

His eyes blurry and his head throbbing, the engineer none the less sat up when he heard the doors open. Though it hurt to move, he still raised a hand and attempted to wave Isha and her entourage over. "Commander, any word on a cure for this... whatever it is? The medical staff has been frustratingly vague since I've been confined down her."

"Very few details, Mr Wyman, but we are working on a cure. I trust the staff are taking care of you?" Isha said, truth was she hadn't been briefed yet and did not want to say something that gave false hope - still, he's have cause to be proud of his department if the proposed 'cure' had proved valid - they would be instrumental in its efficient distribution.

"Hopefully they figure something out soon. I mean, I feel like death on toast; but so far it doesn't seem fatal. I'd just like them to find a fix BEFORE we reach that point. If you catch my drift, Ma'am." At that, Steve shot a furtive glance toward the adjacent bed. Gwen was still asleep, and would likely be kept that way for the time being.

"Commander, sorry to keep you waiting." As she interrupted Doctor Lydia Quick brushed back a stray strand of hair.

"If you'll excuse me, Mr Wyman," Isha said before following the doctor into the office.

[Doctor's Office]

"Where is the CMO?" Isha asked, "I was expecting her."

Lydia nodded, "We've been a bit overwhelmed. I'm just off shift so we agreed I'd make hte briefing," she explained. "I have to report that we've had our first fatality, Ensign Harris, the Security Chief succumbed alarmingly rapidly. The virus appears to impact humnas and those most genetically similar most quickly. Andorians too seem susceptible."

Isha absorbed this information as Lydia paused to draw a breath, was there ever any good news around here?

"We've had some success in identifying certain genetic markers and developed a treatment that at least slows the progress, or should in theory."

"Untested? How long will it take to trial?"

"Weeks," Lydia admitted.

Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth. This was a risk. She needed something to hang her decision on, just in case it didn't go her way. "One moment," Isha said.

The Commander returned to the biobed where Wyman lay.

"Mister Wyman," she said, "You are free to say no without recrimination. The medical and science team have developed a vaccine that should slow the progress of the virus, one that may cure it. Would you be willing to take that vaccine? It is untested on a live subject."

It was a big ask.

The engineer swallowed hard. The proposition was less than appealing. "So you're saying you need a guinea pig to see if this vaccine is going to work. And I'm guessing that there's at least some chance that it'll backfire and kill the patient?"

With that his eyes once again went to Gwen. Could he risk his life if it meant protecting her? The answer to that question was obvious.

"Lets do it." he replied, unflinchingly locking eyes with Isha. Unfortunately, the moment of bravado was ruined by a coughing fit.

"Thank you," Isha said simply, she would remember this no matter how the experiment turned out.

TBC ...