Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Plans for the Future"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   "Plans for the Future"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Mar 11, 2009 @ 3:53am
Location   Briefing Room
Timeline   SD8: After Meeting Ends through to 12:40
Rianni watched, no, glared at Dorian as he exited the briefing room, she'd have loved nothing more than to stick an overloading disruptor where God split him, but, she had bigger fish to fry. As she shook off the disgusting taste seeing her nemesis always gave her Rianni made her way to Commander Davies. She tapped him softly on his shoulder and took a somewhat relaxed, though still military, stance, "Sir, I was wondering if I might be able to ask you a few questions?"

David spun around, glanced at T'lan.
"Commander, now is not the appropriate time. Can we meet in my office in say an hour?" David asked as he started to T'Lan.

"Of course, Sir." Rianni nodded, turning to return to her new quarters.

=1100 Hours, Rianni's Quarters=

Rianni had replicated a book, one of her favorites, 'Flight of the Intruder' and had managed to get comfortable in her new surroundings. She now sat contently tearing through it, chapter after chapter, ~There really is nothing like a good fighter story.~ A chime at her door tore Rianni away from Jake Grafton's mission of revenge in Viet Nam, annoying her greatly, ~Damn it!~

She stood from her couch and walked to the door, admitting a crewman from Ops, a young Bajoran woman, carrying a box, "And you would be?" She asked, more than a little irritated that the woman had just walked in.

"Oh, Sorry, I'm Crewman Ma'erlit." She replied, "These are for you. Sign here, please."

Rianni took the PaDD and signed for the parcel, not yet knowing or even caring what was in it, "Okay, will there be anything else?" She asked.

"No, Ma'am." Ma'erlit smiled, "Sorry to have disturbed you."

"It's all right." Rianni nodded, she hadn't known, she couldn't have, "Have a nice day."

Rianni watched the crewman leave then opened the box, inside were five blue uniforms with her rank on the collar, ~Well, seems I haven't written my last fighter story yet.~

= Just prior to 12:30 =

Rianni, now in the recently delivered blue uniforms, had been waiting for Davies for almost half an hour and was getting annoyed. Sure, she had been early, but that didn't change how she felt about wasting time since she'd lost so much of it. She stood and paced a bit, wondering ~How much time did I lose?~ She really had no idea and hadn't really thought to ask anyone. She stopped in front of a full length mirror there in Tahir's waiting room and looked herself over, judging from the added length of her hair she estimated she'd been down three or four months; she was also more than a little malnourished, that meal with Isha this morning had helped, but it was still obvious she hadn't been eating regularly, ~I don't care what they say, IV's don't cut it.~

A few minutes later, David arrived back to the Captains office to find Rianni not looking too pleased, sat in the chair facing him.

"I am so sorry Commander, I have had a bit of a busy morning." He explained, red in the face from all the rushing around he was doing.

"Of course, Sir. It's understandable." Rianni nodded, she tried to be understanding.

David ordered a cold pitcher of water from the replicator and poured himself a full glass, drinking down the whole glass in an effort to quench his thirst, glad to see the replicator now in working order.
He poured another and carried the pitcher and glass to the table.

"Drink?" He asked taking the Captains seat as Rianni shook her head. "Okay. Questions. You had some. Shoot." He said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Okay, I'm sure you have no idea how I got here, anymore than I do, so I'm not even going to ask about that." Rianni began, taking a glass of the water and sipping it, "I've already wrapped my mind around the idea that I might die never knowing exactly what happened to me or how I got here, it's going to make me nuts but I'll find a way to live with it. Aside from that the most pressing question on my mind is why am I here? I mean, why was I asked to attend the meeting this morning? Am I going to be a part of your crew here? Was I invited so I could be observed? What?"

"Sorry, now you have me at a disadvantage." He admitted. "Your a department head and as such, you were invited to the meeting this morning, but I think you have other more pertinent questions that I am afraid I may not have the answers for." He explained, taking another drink from the glass, the water beginning to have an affect.

"Department head?" She asked, an eyebrow raised, ~Well, that would explain the blue uniforms.~ She refocused on Davies, "So, yesterday I'm in a coma, today I'm a DH here. Starfleet does move fast. So, I'm your CAG I presume. I also presume that circumstances are pretty dire, otherwise you'd not have put someone who just came out of a coma into such an important position this quickly. So, we've got problems, big ones. Want to tell me what they are?"

He sank into the seat, sizing up the woman before him.
"Look," He said, feeling hot and uncomfortable, "I'll try to be as open with you as I can and being as your obviously related to the ambassador AND the fact that we have saboteurs aboard AND we are looking down the throat of some fairly angry Romulans ships out there, 'dire' doesn't quite fit into the description I could give right now!" He scratched at his shoulder, a stray piece of material rubbing his skin and coupled with the sweat was annoying the heck out him. "I know this is not quite what you had in mind when you woke up this morning and your probably not fully ready for battle flights, I need you and your squadrons to cover DS5." He looked her in the eye. "You could be going up against some very strong competition out there and if .... " He paused, "the platforms are not repaired you may be our first line of defence."

Rianni logically knew Davies hadn't meant any offense, but that comment was just as insulting as Hell to her, ~Not ready for battle flights? Have you not been keeping up on things, buddy?~ She focused her gaze on him and said coldly, "With all due respect, Sir, don't worry about me. I'm Rianni fracking Monteros, you go ask the Dominion about me if you got any doubts. Me and my birds will be ready to fight, and I don't give a gorram if I'm facing the entire Romulan fleet. You just make sure the rest of this station is ready, I'll have my birds ready to kick ass and take names in 30 minutes or less or it's free." She finished her water and stood, "Believe that."

"Commander, I don't need to ask anybody. Your record speaks for itself, but before you leave in a huff," Davies retorted, rising from his chair as his hands went flat to the desk, "You have been in a coma, you may think your battle ready, but I need you and your team on the top of your game out there!" His brow raised as he leant his head to a slight angle. "You will be piloting the new Oberth Class and it took me 3 days to get used to it, you will have about 3 minutes and I have good piloting skills!"

"Yeah, I'm sure you do, Sir." Rianni agreed, "But, let me tell you something you already know, I was damn near a missionary during the war, I sent scores of Jem-Ha'Dar, Vorta, and Founders to meet God. Also, why am I going to be onboard a small capital ship instead of in the cockpit of a fighter where I'm best used?" She hoped he had a good reason for this.

"Because Lieutenant Commander, that is where I want you to be!" He retorted. "Besides, the USS Leda needs a skilled pilot and I think you will be surprised at what it can do."
He opened a drawer and took a blank PADD from his desk and uploaded the specs of the Oberth class and slid it towards Rianni.
"Now, you have you orders." He said, a sly grin on his lips.

"Of course, Sir." Rianni nodded, taking the PaDD and exiting as it seemed the conversation was quite over, ~A fracking science vessel? He has got to be kididng. This damn thing better have some serious upgrades. Probably going to have to go through a huge poke and prod session with medical to get back in a fighter. Oh, well, frack it all.~

She stopped dead in her tracks for a second, realizing fully for the first time exactly what Davies had told her, it was a Romulan attack force, she was going to have to go out there and kill other Romulans, "Another one of fate's cruel jokes."


Cdr. David Davies
Temporary CO


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-th'Khellian