Incommunicado – Neglect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Neglect
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Wed Jan 25, 2012 @ 11:46pm
Location   Captain Office
Timeline   SD49 08:55

With a clear desk, Tasha made sure the two blue boxes were on hand in her drawer. She took a moment to look around her office, something that she rarely did. She had neglected to speak to Dorian since his trial and had made a personal promise to see him later that day. She now had other things on her mind, especially concerning her new Chief security officer. She emptied the contents of her glass, a berry flavoured water and refilled it from the near full jug as the first of the summoned arrived.

Tasha had watched Karen as she entered and took her seat. Her pristine crisp white uniform belied the fact that her mind was not as sharp as her attire as she was obviously deep in thought, but still gave Tasha a nod as she took her seat to the left and turned it around and at once, brought the PADD to a level where she could read but also see those who followed her through the door.

She brought the glass nearer and began to trail one of the cool droplets on the outside of the glass as it tracked its way directly to the polished table top.

It had already been a busy morning for Lt. Kramer. Reviewing the issues of the day with the senior engineers and assigning the repair teams was priority. The Nimitz had been utilizing their 4 best teams and would continue, as well, today. He would probably be joining them after the briefing with the Captain. Lt. Kramer entered the Captain's office, trying not to look to worn. He didn't get to the command decks too often with his schedule. "Good Morning Captain."

Tasha moved the glass forwards and rose her eye at the greeting, careful to glance at Commander Villiers.
"Good morning Lieutenant. Glad you could make it. Please, take a seat." Her hand swashed about the remaining seats that were neatly arranged around her desk.

Bruce arrived next. Almost completely black from various different sources. After the Captain had volunteered him he got stuck doing the work no one wanted to on the Nimitz. He didn't mind but be still liked his position on DS5 that allowed him to be some what cleaner. "Captain, remind me to thank you some point down the road for allowing such a wonderful ship to dock with us." He said sitting where he normally did.

"I will, every day." Tasha responded without so much as a rise to her lips but she knew Mr Freeman was only jesting. To her, Bruce as a man who liked nothing better than a challenge that would dirty his uniform if not his hands.

Lt. Kramer pivoted in his chair to see his boss. He covered his mouth quickly to hide the laugh. This was not the time or place to kid his boss. Especially since he would be going over to the Nimitz directly, himself. "Good Morning Chief." He wanted to say more, but didnt have the heart.

Though already present Karen had remained silent as each of the officers arrived. She sat, unusually reticent in the corner, her eyes skimming a padd as she tried to make sense of the sudden departure of the Romulan Ambassador. The glimmer in the woman's eyes as her gaze had slipped from Gabriel to the Cardassian Ambassador at the exact moment the verdict had been given was perplexing. In Karen's eyes it bordered on amusement and wavered towards derision.

Within an hour she had departed DS5.

"I'm sorry," Karen said as she got to her feet and announced herself to the new arrivals. "Too engrossed in my notes," she added as she deactivated the padd and slipped it into a pocket though her words were not addressed to anyone in particular.

"Morning campers" said Rick with a cheery grin. He took a sip of coffee from a silver mug with the star fleet logo on it, then took a seat at his usual spot. Placing his cup on the table he looked around the room; the mood seemed to be generally light hearted but there seemed to be a sombre edge to things.

"Commander Dunham." Tahir replied as her eye fell to the cup Rick had placed on her desk as she studied the logo, which though it appeared to be Starfleet, from this angle looked awkward and misrepresented. "Still a few more to arrive." She advised as she reached forward for her cold juice and lifted the glass, toying with it like a Tiger with its kill.

It seemed to Kramer that they all might be there another minute or two. He felt it might be a little inappropriate to have a full blown conversation with LTCDR Freeman about an engineering matter, but pulled out his PADD. Displaying the recent repair completion notifications on the Nimitz and slid it a cross the table subtly to the Commander. He just wanted to get a thumbs up or down on the current flow of repairs, looking at Bruce with interest.

Lieutenant Trellis entered the room in his typical manner. He never felt as if he "fit in" with all of the Senior Officers onboard the station. Of course he was in Command of one of the most vital departments on the station, nonetheless, he still felt like an "outsider", as if he was merely a place-holder until Commander Gabriel returned. However, there had been no word on exactly what Gabriel's fate was going to be as a result of his verdict. Command had been so tight-lipped, he wasn't even sure IF Gabriel would ever return.

Trellis was more than prepared to take over. He had served within the department for years before taking over during the Commander's separation. He felt that he had done a better, more efficient job of running the department without any friction. Reports were turned in on time, civilians were free to come and go, and the Promenade had seen an actual reduction in crime and property disturbances during his tenure. It was hard to imagine a more peaceful time on the station.

When Petro entered, the room was already teeming with quiet conversation. She looked around at all the faces. Some she recognized. Most she did not. She took a seat towards the back of the conference room, allowing the others to have a more distinguished seat. After all, she had been gone for a while and was still working on getting back into things. Communications had been a challenge, more than she thought it would be and things did seem to be getting worse.

Joining Petro and slipping into a seat between her and the main group, Chelsea smiled at her and then at Rick. She looked around and nodded quiet acknowledgements to each of the other officers.

Tasha didn't ask Petro to come closer, she felt that for now, it would suit the J'Naii to be on the fringe as she pressed her console, closing the door.
"I think we are all here. Firstly, before we move on to other matters," The captains eyes fell upon Kramer, then to Petro, Bruce, Trellis, Karen, Rick and Chelsea. "I would like you all to welcome back onto Deep Space Five, Lieutenant Petro."

The captain paused as all eyes fell upon Petro and added, "our newest Communications officer." Chelsea's eyes widened in pleasure and she mouthed 'congratulations' as she joined in the applause enthusiastically, grinning at her friend in encouragement.

Petro blushed, though it was difficult to see with the grey skin.

Tasha allowed the crew to make their welcomes as she pulled open her drawer and retrieved a small blue felt covered box.

"Secondly, Lieutenant Kramer," Tasha stood and eased herself from her desk and approached Vincent, "it gives me the greatest pleasure to promote you to full lieutenant." She stated as she extended her hand that contained the small receptacle.

Kramer stood as the Captain approached. He accepted the small box and looked inside, then at his CO and smiled, "Thank you Captain." Extending his hand in gratitude. "Thank you very much."

Tasha shook Vincents hand and gave a solemn nod." You are very welcome, just remember, with the extra pip, comes extra responsibility." She warned with a smile as she looked at the Chief Engineer.

"Oh if you think my uniform is black now you just wait." Bruce responded with a mischievous grin. Just ruffling his assistants feathers.

Krame followed the Captain's gaze over to the Chief. Kramer smiled without a word at his comment. He knew that the Chief would find something more for him to do. Kramer then sat as the Captain went back to her seat.

Again there was a round of appreciative, congratulatory applause and plenty of smiles all round.

Tasha waited for the applause to die before moving onto the next subject, role of Security Chief. She glanced at Trellis, knowing that although prepared, he was not to be chosen at this particular moment in time as the smile dropped from her face.

"Chief of Security. With Commander Gabriel's ..." She paused, looking for the better choice of word, "departure, the role of Chief of security is next on our agenda. Lieutenant Trellis, commendations have been passed down on taking on this role and you are requested to remain as stand in until the new Chief of Security arrives." She said flatly.

"arrives. . . ?" Trellis asked, confusion flooding his voice as it strained to produce the response. "What do you mean arrive? I. . .was not aware that Starfleet Command had decided on someone replacing me?" He said with an emphasis on *replace*, since that's exactly was happening. Someone was taking the position that he was well-qualified and prepared to hold.

Something had to be wrong or mistaken. . .

Dunham coughed and fidgeted in his chair at the encroaching awkward silence.

Chelsea looked at the table, suddenly acutely aware of the difficult situation that had just arisen. She wished someone could have taken Trellis aside and broken this to him away from the eyes of everyone else. It seemed monstrous to do this to him in front of all the other senior officers and she searched her thoughts to see if she could have been the one who should have done it if the others were busy.

Karen had been absorbed by Gabriel's trial and Tasha had been taken hostage and then they'd all been blindsided by all the diplomatic and intel 'surprises' surrounding Wallace and his wake. She herself was barely back from what could be termed a *snatched* honeymoon and in the past few days her best friend and Matron of Honour had left the station without a word leaving her frantically trying to contact her to find out why.

In all this avalanche poor Trellis had been buried under the snow. She felt desperately guilty. Where had been her 2CO hat? She had promised to cover both sides of her duties and yet, here was an officer who had fallen through the cracks. She blushed with shame and wished the floor would open up and swallow her, empathising with the poor man deeply.

Tasha shook her head. "You are not being replaced Lieutenant, far from it. You have stood in admirably as Chief of Security, but it was only a temporary role until either fully promoted to the position or returned to your assigned position. You are still the Assistant Chief of Security for Deep Space five and Starfleet has already despatched a replacement for Commander Gabriel." She hated herself for saying it so bluntly, but it was her responsibility to do so, as it was supposed to be her responsibility to look after her departments heads instead of letting them fall foul of an improper justice. Her eyes darted around the room. The smiles of just a few seconds ago had dissipated into stern looks and she felt like the evil step mother.

"I. . .understand, Captain." Trellis said, once he regained his voice. "Do you know who the new Chief would be?" He asked.

The air was charged with tension and Tasha could feel it as well as hear the slight despondent tremble in Trellis' voice.
The Captain nodded. "Lieutenant Commander Girauna. I believe she served on the station during my absence and that some of you have already met her." Tasha stated.

~wow~ thought Rick to himself, he felt for this guy, but a part of him was hoping that if it ever came to him being replaced it wouldn't be done in public like this.

As she looked around the group and its silence, Tasha felt now was the best time to end this meeting and do what she should have done a long while ago.
"If there is nothing further?" Her tone was agitated as she again cast a look around the crew and then added, "Dismissed!" As she turned and exited first.

Rick watched the Captain go and wondered to himself just exactly what had happened.

A quick glance around the room was quite enough for Karen. She did not want to get involved answering any questions about what had just transpired, she didn't quite get it herself.

Karen got to her feet, "You heard the Captain," she said and made something of a quick exit herself.

As Commander Freeman walked away from the table, Lt. Kramer caught up to him, looked at his face as they walked and pointed, "You still got a spot right there," He said kiddingly.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Commander Chelsea Dunham

Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer

Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering

Lt. Commander Bruce Freeman