Things Past – "A Horse Fly...?"
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   "A Horse Fly...?"
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Mar 10, 2013 @ 4:09pm
Location   Hanger Bay
Timeline   After: "I dun seen about everythin' when i see a elephant fly..."

Chelsea put the shuttle down gently. She went methodically through the post-flight routines and eventually released the inertia belt so she could stand up... well, crouch.... out of the pilot seat and back into the main bay behind where the door would normally open. It did not. ~Well at least that's the only bit that didn't actually work for me. If I had to choose one, this one, after the flight was over, is the least dangerous option. ~ "I was expecting you to give me a harder time than that so I'm not complaining." she told the ship.

She looked up at Rick expectantly. "I only broke the door.... and only then once we were back.... " she told him, looking guilty but still relieved it had gone so much better than it might but she couldn't read his expression. "Did I do okay?" she asked, desperately trying not to shift from one foot to the other as she waited, unable to wait for his comments on her performance a single minute longer.

Rick had his arm crossed and was looking a little grumpy "I think you may've put a dent in it on that last approach."

Chelsea looked affronted. "What???" she huffed. "Dent?? How would you tell amongst all........ " she stopped and smiled sweetly at him. "Oh yeah... nice TRY Dunham! If you think I'm rising to that old chestnut!" She swirled round and poked her tongue out at him defiantly.

Ricked chuckled and folded his arms with a grin "You did fine sweety"

"Awwww! Thank you!" she melted into his arms, relieved even though she did know she hadn't messed up this time but it had worried her that she *might*. "Four's a charm?" she misquoted the old saying about *third time lucky*. She patted the shuttle and then withdrew her hand quickly as if she was scared it was about to fall apart at being touched. She grinned at him lopsidedly. It was odd to note that she'd developed that habit since she had fallen in love with Rick who had always done it first.

"NOW can I fly a real Valkyrie, boss CAG man? Perleeeeeeeeeeeese?" she cajoled, nestling closer in his arms, grinning up at him.

"urrmmmmmm" said Rick still a little un-sure. There was a big difference between flying a shuttle and a fighter craft, even if she did do the 'training course' "What training course did you do again?"

"The one on the holodeck!" she said, sounding as if it was an obvious answer.

"Ok...." Rick paused "urrrmmmm" he was the CAG and he had a responsibility to the equipment, including fighters, under his command, and that included letting them out for joy rides by new pilots. "How about we do the advanced fighter training on the holiday deck then take you out." he had a sinking feeling he had just hurt her feelings but he also had a duty.

"Nah!" she took his arm. "I'm okay with taking out the Chelsea. I just wanted to be able to do it. I'm not so bothered about the real thing." she smiled. "How about you buy me a pizza to celebrate my maiden voyage. I want a pineapple, ham and mushroom please!" she grinned.

"You're mad?" he asked confused. He thought she would be miffed at him at least, though this was fine too.

Chelsea nestled against him for a hug. "I'm not mad honey!" she laughed. "I'm a Starfleet Officer too....... I understand. What made you think I wouldn't? Let's face it, if you asked me if you could operate on a patient because you'd taken a holosuite course I'd have said no too. It's your job not to let people put lives at risk, nor to let anyone trash equipment that's taken up half a planet's worth of resources to put together." she grinned.

She knew the Valkyrie was valuable but half a planet's worth *was* an exaggeration designed to make him smile. However she was making light of the point which she had fully understood from 'day one'. No novice pilot was ever going to manage a 'real' Valkyrie without a whole LOAD of airtime experience first and no Sensei became a master with just one course on a holodeck either. It was a given.

"But you did think about it though... just a little bit?" she teased as she put up her face for a kiss. "And you were just a lil bit impressed, right?" she nudged him in the ribs gently as he left himself open by raising his arms to put them round her.

He put them and fore finger close together with a small gap between them "Maybe just a little, wittly, tiny,incy ickle bit" he said with a smile and hugging her.

Chelsea cuffed his upper arm. "bah!" she responded with a mock scowl that quickly replaced itself with another grin. "You were SO impressed you're lost for words!" she teased as they went off arm in arm, bantering happily.

A JP Between:

Commander Dunham


Commander Dunham