Unity – A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 6 (BACKPOST)
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 6 (BACKPOST)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 11:55pm
Location   Main Astrometrics
Timeline   MD15 - During the anomaly closure

Main Astrometrics was alive with activity. Two department heads, Tovon and Freeman, were ordering staff around and over twenty sciencists grappled with the idea of sealing the temporal anomaly. In the midst of all this Ensign Tral Brosarn was working away on figuring out the background radiative components of local space and trying to isolate the anomaly from the other various incrementally emitting factors and bodies in the system. He had managed to use previous records to isolate many nearby factors, but the anomaly was interfering with many sensor readings. He had to double check everything.

Flexing his neck and wiping his eyes he stood up for a moment to stretch his legs. As he did so he saw Watts walking towards him across the busy room. He waved at the man, who was fast becoming his close friend. Somehow this flyboy was one of the few people he really trusted.

"Hey Watts."

"Hey" said Watts back cheerfully. He looked about the have of activated and then picked up a data pad to porous it and fain interest in the storm of organised chaos around him.

He leaned casually on the computer desk next to his friend nonchalantly looking at what he was working on. "Wouldn't you rather be chasing pirates?"

"What?" Tral was a little confused for a second. So much had been running through his head. "Oh that. Sorry I couldn't make it to the debrief with Lieutenant Logic. How did it go?"

"Same as usual. But we have been asked to follow up the investigation and I got ourselves a lead. An un-registered trading post. Most likely for smuggling. Come on it will be fun"

"A trading outpost. What are you talking about?" Tral's brain raced. Was Watts getting close to the truth? He would have to play his cards close to his chest. He tapped the final few computations into the machine and turned to fully face Watts. "Ok. Look I am pretty much finished here, so why don't you go prepare a runabout and I'll see you there. Just comm me with the docking bay, okay?"

Watts gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Excellent. You boy's get this temporal stuff sorted and then we can crack on with some good old fashioned pirate hunting. Take care." he said as he headed out of the science lab through the throng of mulling science staff.


Ensign Watts
Played by
LT Richard Dunham


Ensign Brosarn
Played by
LT Greo Tovon