Intermission – Preperations
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Preperations
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed Mar 26, 2014 @ 10:41pm
Location   Wyman quarters
Timeline   SD 80 - prior to "Is it Right"

+"Bridge to Lieutenant Wyman."+

Steve was laying on the couch in his quarters, still wearing the scorched uniform from the day before. He hadn't shaved or bathed since the explosion.

He thought about not answering it, but he knew what they were calling him for - he had asked to be put through to Commander Drakt of the USS Cavalry. Apparently they had succeeded in raising him.

"Wyman here - do you have the Cavalry for me?"

+"Yes, sir. Commander Drakt is on the line. Would you like me to patch him through to your quarters?"+

This was the moment Wyman had been dreading. He had sent a message to inform the Cavalry of P'Trell's death, but now he would actually have to face a member of the crew. And not just anyone - a male he considered to be a brother. Slowly he rose to a seated position, stood, and shuffled over to the desk. "Yes, send it down to my console, thank you."

As he sat down at the desk, the Starfleet emblem on the console was replaced by Drakt's reptilian face. Though his features were largely immobile, his eyes showed a great sadness. "By the Emperor... Steven, you look dreadful."

"If it's any consolation, I feel worse than I look." Steve remarked, rubbing the stubble on his face. "Listen, Drakt..."

"Steven, An'ta told me that Gwendolyn and Ceridwen are safe, but I need to hear it from you." Drakt's voice was quivering; his hands shaking despite being clasped together on the desk in front of him.

Wyman bit his lower lip for a moment. "Drakt, they're all right. A little banged up, but then - so is everything else around here. Look, Drakt..." He wasn't sure how to broach the subject. "Drakt, I'm sorry about Sharas. It all happened so fast. I... I got Ceridwen and Gwen to safety, but he was right at the epicenter of the blast. There was... I..."

"Steven - stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault. If anything, it is my own for sending Sharas there in the first place. And I never should have ordered him to remain behind to keep an eye on Drant. If he had returned sooner, he would not have been there when the bombing took place." the Zarnac said forcefully, his voice trembling as he tried to take the blame off of Wyman and onto himself.

But Steve was thinking of something else. Where was Drant since all of this happened? He hadn't seen or heard from the Zarnac defector / Borg expert since the day before the bombing. "I think there's more than enough blame to go around at this pity party, old buddy." he finally said when he realized Drakt had stopped talking.

But, before he dealt with Drant, there was something else he had to do. "Drakt, I think we should send Sharas' remains to the Cavalry. That was his billet - your people should perform the services."

"Actually, I wanted to speak with you about that, Steven. I have accessed Sharas' will, and his last request was that he be interred on Andor - specifically on the grounds of the Andorian Military Institute. I have spoken to Captain Harrison, and he expressed a willingness to deliver Sharas' remains to Andor for burial. Would it be possible to have them sent to Earth, and we will pick them up there?" Drakt inquired, his voice calming a bit.

Wyman nodded, "I'll talk to my superiors and see if they'll let me escort Sharas home. Maybe see if security will free up an honor guard. It's only right."

Now the Zarnac arched what passed for an eyebrow, "And whom would be leading this honor guard? I mean no offense, but you are an engineer."

"I spent a semester at AMI, Drakt. I know a thing or two about drill. And it's only fitting that one of Sharas' former students lead the honor guard."

Drakt nodded weakly. "I suppose you are correct, my friend. I will begin arrangements on this end, and will keep you appraised of the situation. Give Gwendolyn my love."

A tear came to Wyman's eye. "She knows how much you mean to her, you sentimental old fool. But I'll tell her anyway. Wyman, out."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

Guest starring

Cmdr. Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry