Beg, Steal or Borrow – Welcome aboard
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox

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Title   Welcome aboard
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Posted   Fri Jun 26, 2009 @ 11:31pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 9 - 11:30hrs

Gabriel smirked to himself as he completed his report of the incident involving 1st Lieutenant Brady. Part of him realized that he shouldn't take pleasure in an officer being arrested for assaulting another officer. However, the larger part of him enjoyed seeing a knuckle-dragger cooling his heels in a Starfleet brig. It was important to establish that nobody was above Federation law, not even a Marine.

Derick had just left the transport ship and docking ring and was headed down to the promenade and to ultimately the office of the Chief of Security/Tactical. It was standard procedure to report to the section chief on arrival. He could not stop thinking that Ayren was here some where. He need to find her and tell her how he felt, that he finally realized that they were meant to be. But his duty would have to come first for now. After a few moments of looking around he found Commander Gabriel's office.

Gabriel looked up as the officer walked into his office. He was expecting this new arrival, although he can't say it was with much giddy anticipation. "Lieutenant Derick Fox" Gabriel said as he reviewed the information on the Padd in front of him.

"So what brings you to my side of the galaxy here on Deep Space Five?" Gabriel asked while still observing the man.

"Greetings Commander, That is a very interesting and complicated question. In short , sir, I was looking for a change. I was a ground-pounder in the war, I have been on Star Ships for the last eight years and I wanted to see what a none moving environment would be like before my career would be over. Time flies. This was a pivotal moment with the decision to come here. I was up for promotion on my current ship. When I put in the request to come to DS5, I received three other offers. One was an Oceanic facility on a Water world, DS13 and another ship. All those would have been a promotion to Lieutenant. I chose to Stay with the DS5 request. Perhaps in the near future I can find a better position such as a section chief or assistant. I have a lot of experience in security and Investigations. The reason that I chose DS5 is very personal at the moment Commander and for now I need to keep it private. Please understand that I have no bad motives. I am a hard worker and my career has been exemplary thus far. I know it sounds a little cryptic but, that is all I have for now."

Gabriel was less than convinced, but at the moment the explanation would be acceptable. "You are right, cryptic is probably the more polite term I would use to describe that explanation, Lieutenant." Gabriel said as he stood up and handed a Padd to Fox.

"You are assigned as the assistant Tactical Officer on board, you will serve with Lieutenant j.g. Michael Duquense. Also be aware that in addition to the Security Department this station also has a Marine Detachment commanded by Major James Darson." He added. "It would serve you best to avoid regular contact with him especially." Gabriel stated.

"I too was in the Marines as a commanding officer. I know how they can act sometimes. If it wasn't for the Marines and Star Fleet working together, Neither would be her today. I have changed since I resigned my commission. I neither like or dislike them, but they have my respect. I have shared in their pain from loss of life during the war." Fox responded intently.

Gabriel merely shook his head in response as he walked over to his nearby vault and placed his palm upon the panel. The computer immediately recognized his palm-print and unlocked the miniature vault. He reached inside and withdrew a standard phaser and comm badge that had been programmed to his vital signs and the station's set of harmonics. He turned and handed both to the officer.

Derick took the items and placed the comm badge on the left side of his chest and the phaser in it's holster.

"Report to Sick bay for your initial physical and then check in with Commander Davies. He's the Acting Commanding Officer while Captain Tahir is off the station." Gabriel said as he sat down again. "Any questions?"

"Yes sir. What shift will I be assigned to?"

"You'll be assigned to Alpha shift." Gabriel responded.

"Understood sir, Will that be all?"

"You're dismissed." Gabriel said with a nod.

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer