Interlude – Catching Up
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Catching Up
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 8:37pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   Current
Jana was walking down near the shops, it was her day off and she thought she would get some shopping done, perhaps send something to her mother. She had already stopped by one of the flower shops and picked up her favourite flowers, stargazer lilies. Jana brought the flowers to her nose and was looking in one of the shop windows when she walked into a woman. "I am sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, are you alright?"

"Hi Jana," Alison said, "I'm ok." In truth she was confused. Giles had still not returned and she could not find anyone who knew or would tell her what had happened to him. The dig he had claimed to be on had no knowledge of his whereabouts and the antique shop had remained closed for weeks - even his Vulcan assistant was missing. "Fancy a coffee?"

"Sure, besides me nearly running into you are you ok? You seem troubled?"

"Let's get that coffee first," Alison said, "are you going to buy those?" she asked with a nod to the flowers, "they'd make a nice display."

Jana nodded, "bought and paid for. I haven't really made my quarters home. I left on a dig and basically dumped my bags before I left. There is a table over there. I'll grab the coffees and you grab the table." She handed Alison the flowers before leaving her to find her way to grab coffee.

"Ok spill the beans." Jana said when she returned with their orders.

"Thanks," Alison said wrapping her fingers around the cup. "I'm worried about Giles," she said. "I've not heard from him, his assistant is missing and the shop has been closed for weeks. The dig he went on ... they have no record of him. I can't get anything out of Starfleet. I'm sure there's a good reason for it, and he'll be back. But I'm worried."

"What dig site? Maybe I can help you."

"A recent landslide on Betazed uncovered some hidden ruins, he said he was going there to assess a few objects. They have no record of him/ He's another liar, Jana ... I thought this one was ok. I mean I want to hope that its all a mix up but with everything ... but I don't understand why the shop is still there and full of artefacts. If he was leaving, surely he'd take them."

Jana reached across the table and took Alison's hand. "I have known Giles for a really long time. Claire and I wouldn't of pushed you into saying yes to dating him if he wasn't a good man. Perhaps he has been called away on a classified mission for Starfleet. I know he isn't Starfleet but they have asked archaeologists and treasure hunters for help in the past. Have faith Ally, he will contact you when he can."

Alison sighed. "I hope so," she said. "So tell me what has been going on with yourself," she suggested taking a sip of her coffee, though she knew it was still a bit hotter than she liked.

"Well let's see...I got re-acquainted with someone I dated 11 years ago to find out that he is happily engaged to a woman I am friends with. He didn't recognize me and we didn't part well. We were young, fresh out of the Academy and in love." She laughed. "He thought because he was happy he would set me up with his friend. His friend got too close to the truth about why I feel my life is complicated and I stormed off in my usual manner." She said, warming her hands around her mug.

"Wow," Alison said, "its been drama all around."

"I don't know what to do Alison, Krem is a nice man, he isn't like any Ferengi that you have met and yet...I had Ferengi men come after me and my work when the man who tried to originally steal it couldn't. I am afraid that I pissed him off and even if I go to apologise...Rick will be pissed off with me too..."

"Why? Just tell him. Go back, say you've had bad experience in the past, but let him know that you've thought about it, and even if you panicked, you don't really think a friend would set you up with someone bad. Then try the date again."

"Wasn't that the same advice Claire and I gave you?" She smiled. "Perhaps you...I mean the three of us are right."

"I can't bear right now to think that it was wrong," Alison replied, "I believe in it, and I think its worth the risk. Its either that or you lock yourself in your lab and I lock myself in ops and we never see anyone again."

"I already have been locking myself up in my lab. I will go talk to him though...and I will check on Giles for you too if you like. Perhaps one of my connections has heard news of him."

Alison's tone became tinged with cynicism, "Give it a go, but I'm already thinking its a good idea to move on. There was one lie at least, and if there's one," she shrugged, "I'm looking for someone who doesn't feel he has to lie. You give your Ferengi a chance," she suggested, "one, anyway."

"Alison, I am betting that he is on a classified dig. They don't allow any outside communication, his assistant probably went with him. Give him a chance to come home and explain. When I see you with him...let's just say that I have never seen either one of you happier."

"You're probably right," Alison agreed, "and if you promise you'll give your Ferengi a second chance, I'll give Giles one," she said.

"I'll go find him as soon as we are done our coffees and chat." She smiled. "I hope he forgives me, even if he and I just end up friends..."


Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova

Lieutenant (Jg) Alison Bennett (NPC)
Strategic Operations Officer