Unity – When the cats are away...
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   When the cats are away...
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 7:23pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   (Backpost) After "Answering a call in the dark"
=/=Getal to Raedheol. Meet me in my office in ten minutes. I have seriously urgent business that I need to discuss with you.=/= Tharek said in an obviously hasty tone, like he had been running from a Klingon for a mile without stopping.

Rh'vaurek paused, a padd held between his fingers, "I'll join you in half an hour," he replied, his staff briefing could not wait and with Gabriel's inconvenient escort waiing outside the external turbolift he was not about to appear to be in any hurry, "I'll have an escort with me, Getal, a pair of bookends provided by Gabriel and a matching set of my own, kindly leave instructions for them not to be admitted to your facility."

"Agreed. You must keep your security staff in the lobby when you arrive. Bring no weapons, communicators or anything electronical. Your guards may. Tharek out." Tharek, who had been putting on an 'insane' cloak to disquise his true intentions. But now, he was removing that cloak. He was making a move he wanted the entire sector to know about, No... The entire Alpha Quadrant.

Rh'vaurek had no problem with Tharek's last request - he did not want an escort provided by either side; Gabriel's was there to provide an inconvience and the one that he had himself employed to provide an inconvenience for Gabriel's inconvenience risked becoming a route that interested parties at home could use to monitor his operations. Tharek's other requests ... well, he did not generally go around armed, it was rarely necessary in such an environment, but no electronic devices ...

The Romulan Ambassador arrived in good time and truly his step felt lighter once he was seperated from his escorts - they could entertain themselves by glaring at each other across the hallway.

"Take me in," Rh'vaurek said to the receptionist.

The receptionist noticed Rh'vaurek immediately and stood up. She then bowed lightly to the Romulan. "Vi'kar Gul Getal will see you in his office immediately." She said, pointing down the hall. "He said that you, and only you come in. He wouldn't let anyone else in until you got here."

"Excellent. Will you lead the way, madam, or will you trust me to go alone?" he asked with a wink; Rh'vaurek shared his people's prejudices against aliens, they were indeed inferior, but that had never stopped him from flirting on occaision and the receptionist was attractive enough.

"I'm sure you'll manage by yourself Mr. Raedheol." She answered back. She was part blushing, but knew if she differed from her job she'd have the Vi'kar Gul to deal with...

"As you wish." It was probably a lucky escape Rh'vaurek reflected as he paced down the corridor and entered Tharek's office; he did not much like being on another man's territory.

"Vikar Gul Tharek," he said - a formal introduction, "How kind of you to invite me."

"I'm sorry for all this secrecy erie`Khrein, but I had to make sure that the conversation we're about to have stays with us, and only us." Tharek replied, rather dimmly. "This is all about the depart of our delightfully cheerful Klginon crew and their eye-sore of a ship."

"Secrecy?" Rh'vaurek's tone brimming with affected surprise, "and I thought you were just being cautious. You see this as an opportunity then?"

"Where you see oppurtunity, I see cause. Where you see caution, I see effect." Tharek spoke, lowering his tone. "We must grab this chance now, or we may never get what we seek."

Rh'vaurek smiled thinly, "What is it you seek?"

"I seek something all men seek. Power. Now that mongrel species is gone we can obtain that. I need your help though, Rh'vaurek." Tharek then sat back in the chair behind his desk and planted his feet on the table. "What is the status of your Warbird?"

"Its arrival is imminent, the commanding officer of the vessel likes to make a entrance, its something about carrying the name Khellian that gives one a flair for showmanship - a cousin of Isha's or something, he outranks her in military terms but as she is the heir to the House of Khellian his allegiance to her supercedes that. Its thrillingly complex."

Rh'vaurek did not add that in addition to the Galae R;Vek t'Khellian held rank in the Tal'Shiar albeit in a different faction, and command structure than Rh'vaurek's own; if Tharek was half the operative he purported to be he would already know or have the means to find out that information for himself. "Share your thoughts, Tharek," he suggested.

"I... Exscuse me, we should act now, whilst the Klingons are gone. We take this station and share the spoils. Please, share any thoughts you might have, Rh'vaurek."

Rh'vaurek paused, he was not going to put himself into a position where he was the one that came up with the plan; he had too much invested in the station for that. "You invited me, Tharek, I will bide my time until I see that the time is right, unless you can show me indication that it already is. The presence, or otherwise of the Klingons is irrelevant to me. We proceed as agreed and give the Federation a fright - they will learn that whilst Romulans may opt for dramatic arrivals, we do not pose a threat. They will learn in the process of receiving that fright that they like the Klingons to be present - their absence will be felt when that warbird decloaks, but all will pass peacefully and they will be lulled. What though will they learn of the Cardassians?"

He paused and leaned back in his chair resting his finger slightly on the edge of the desk, "If you do nothing they will learn that the Cardassians are not about to get embroiled in petty rivalries, the spotlight will move way and you can more easily make your plans."

"We Cardassians don't make scenic entrances. There was a time when the mere mention of our name made hardened soldiers tremble. I will make sure that the Cardassian name is threatening once more."

Tharek then paused, standing from his chair he turned to look out of the window and on towards the stars. "I will also send the Rakara on leave. Making the Federation wish both the Cardassian Union and the mongrel empire were present. Once your Warbird shows up, I shall signal for the Rakara to return."

Rh'vaurek nodded, "A good choice. We need to re-educate our hosts to the extent that their suspicions lie elsewhere - that is what we will wait for and be ready for. A little humilaty disconcerts them, because they do not expect it and the begin, as you will see, to question their assumptions. Most of them, anyway, but those like Gabriel will also be dealt with," Rh'vaurek recalled the odd passing meeting he had had with the stranger, "he, I think will cease to be a problem sooner rather than later."

"I'll actually be able to sleep at night knowing most governments don't trust him." Tharek said with a sly grin. "I'm still rather concerned about our safety onboard this piece of crap they call a station. That Darson is getting too overconfident. And I have suspicions that there might be Maquis activity onboard... "

Darson. How interesting. Rh'vaurek had warned Isha about him, they were acquainted mainly by reputation, indeed when he had accompanied Isha to her rendezvous with the marine Rh'vaurek refelcted it was probably the firwst time they had met face to face. Isha was very capable but that one was psychotic and far beyond what she could deal with.

Curious as to what Darson had had to say to Tharek Rh'vaurek continued, "The Maquis were a nuisance, but unlikely to have been entirely disbanded, and there are always the disaffected to take up a discarded mantel ... what do you base your suspicion on?"

"The way these damn Humans waltz into my embassy with no regard for privacy or punctuality. Most of them being Bajoran too." Tharek knew that he might be overexagerating, but he had a gut instinct for treachery. He knew it better than a Klingon knows his drink.

"None of them are in any real position of authority on this station," Rh'vaurek's tone was dismissive, "there's a docotr who thinks he can throw his weight about, but the real power here is vested firmly in the old Human-Vulcan marriage of convenience that somehow conglomerated into the Federation. It is their interests that they put first regardless of what they might claim about the equality of their subject species. You know as well as I, Tharek that some of us are more equal than others, its the Darsons and Gabriels of the station that you should cncern yourself with - the Bajorans will continue with the menial tasks of tending the sick and sweeping the floors." As he said this, Rh'vaurek reflected that if she overheard him, that Chelsea would probably be very tempted to box his ears, but he was playing up to the Cardassian's prejudices whilst introducing his own to the mix.

"That is a very bold statement Rh'vaurek... Especially for someone seen conglomerating with some certain Bajoran medical staff. Oh, and picking fights with her superior officer. Not the brightest idea I'll admit but still... " Tharek then resumed his original position, but put his forearms on the table instead. "In regard to the "Darson's and Gabriel's" of the station; If need be, I could... Have them dealt with. I know some nice fellows on Adarak Prime that'd do the job nice and neat."

So Tharek thought that he and Chelsea were 'something'? So be it! It was a useful misconception.
Rh'vaurek pushed back his chair, stood and strode to the door, then paused and turned back.

"You dissappoint me, Tharek. I do not pick fights, but I do not back down if someone attacks as our doctor learned to his detriment ... as to our other 'friends', they are more useful in place as you will become aware after a little time in situ. Good day!" Rh'vaurek said as he left the room.

Tharek quickly got up from his seat and lept to the door. He then shouted down the hallway to Rh'vaurek. "Come now, Raedheol! I meant no harm!"

Before he turned back Rh'vaurek erased the smirk from his face adopting instead a serious if mildly peeved expression, "I've spent two years establishing our presence on this station during which time I have built a number of extraordinary alliances. I am quite willing to work with you toward your ends but not if those ambitions interfere with my own," he said.

"I understand." Tharek replied, trying to make amends with the Romulan. "I also apologise for any misconceptions I may of had, Rh'vaurek."

For a Cardassian, Tharek was very quick to admit that he was in the wrong; Rh'vaurek would reflect on that later. "Accepted. By the way, something is interfering with communications traffic to and from this station."

"What would you assume it is?" Tharek proclaimed, the last thing he wanted was for communications to be down. Communications being down means that if and when the Rakara leaves, Tharek would be alone. The only superior Cardassian officer, on a Federations station full of psychopaths, murderers and Bajorans.

"I have someone looking into it. If they draw any conclusions I'd be delighted to share them with you."

"Thank you, Rh'vaurek." Tharek said, supposedly sincerely.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador
NPC by Louise

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador