Incommunicado – The Station's Hexed
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The Station's Hexed
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jul 17, 2012 @ 11:20pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 57 2300

The Box of Delights. If not the heart and soul of the station, certainly it's information processing center. Here, all the information on the station gathered together, was sorted through, then went out to it's destination. Every place in the galaxy had one, and the bar was Deep Space 5's. Anyone at the Box could know anything. It was all just a matter of asking the right people the right questions.

Ka'er slid up to the bar, his eyes wandering briefly over the dabo girls on duty before turning to the bartender. "Hey," he said softly, his voice firm enough to carry to the barkeeper without being audible above the din. "Cinnamon whiskey, on ice." He paused. "And not one of those pitiful 'shot' glasses either."

Yolanthe turned towards the speaker, running a tumbler through the ice bin as she did so, and setting it in front of him. The customer was a huge male, though she was not certain of his species, and once side of his face was covered in a mass of fine spidery scars. For one of the few times in her life, she found she didn't have to look down to meet his eyes. "Just say when." she tipped three fingers worth out into the glass.

"When?" Ka'er gave her a toothy grin. "That's good," he said after a moment. He took the glass, and drained it slowly, savoring the burn all the way down. He set the glass down. "So, you must be Yolanthe. I hear nothing but good. More or less." He added under his breath. "Refill please," he smiled over at her again.

She topped the glass up with another three fingers. "Yes I am." As she spoke she changed colour, from violet to a pastel blue. "Though it appears you have me at a disadvantage."

"Akamu Makani," he answered. "But just call me Ka'er."

"Kaer," she echoed, not quite getting the pronounciation. "welcome to The Box of Delights. Every possible pleasure, well legal, or mostly legal, can be found here. What can i offer you to take your fancy?"

Ka'er leaned forward and pulled a small padd from his jacket pocket. "Information," he responded. He slid the padd across the bar to Yolanthe. "Who is she?" It was a high-res image of Hex outside the Selen'ai.

Yolanthe studied the picture. "You know, I know how this games is played. I look, then I feign amnesia, and you offer me money, which miraculously resotres my memory."

"Yes, it's a lovely dance, isn't it?" Ka'er said sarcastically. "So let's just save ourselves the time and headache, and you just answer the question? You're not an idiot, and neither am I, so let's just be adults and get this over with."

"That's no fun." SHe raised a blue eybrow, then leaned over and looked at the picture. "Though I couldn't justify the price in any case. I don't know her. She might have been in - Most of the women on this station have - but she doesn't ring a bell. Whats the angle?"

He paused, wondering what to say to this damned perceptive woman. "She's offered me a tidy sum for a job." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Interesting job?" she asked back, just as nonchalantly.

He shot her a glance. "It's... putting me in an interesting position." And that was all he was going to say on the subject. Resolutely, he took another long pull on the whiskey.

The bokkai hesitated, thinking. "Well, if it's important, I'd try asking around Qu'its. There's bound to be some one in there who knows her." She frowned "it's a bit rough though. you shouldn't go in there alone."

Ka'er flashed her his wide, feral grin. There was the Wolf again. "I've been in far more dangerous places than a Klingon restaurant."

She looked him over. "Not that succesfully I'd say." She was slightly ochre, and her tone radiated disapproval.

"What?" he said. "These old things?" he gestured casually at his scarred face. Luckily, his tunic wasn't open in the front, so Yolanthe couldn't see the massively worse scar across his chest and shoulder. "I'm alive, aren't I?"

"Where I come from thats not good enough." She leant on the bar looking at him. "And if you're that cavalier you definitely should go alone." She thought about it for a moment. "I'd go with you, but Q'uit and I aren't on speaking terms right now. I wouldn't get through the door. Hmmm. You could do worse than trying to find Rianni t'Khellian, in the Romulan Embassy. I suspect she's quite handy in a fight."

"You suspect?" Akamu repeated dubiously.

"She's federation and Romulan trained. She's strong becuase she's part romulan and she's got that little touch of crazy which makes people wary of kicking off. Plus she has friends in high places that are able to make people in low places think twice. If you don't like the sound of her, find some woman you do trust in a fight, and go with her."

"Her?" Akamu repeated again. "You have something against men?"

Yolanthe shrugged. "Force of habit. Men don't fight where I come from."

"And people say I'm backwards..." Akamu muttered.

SHe shrugged again, "Men on my world are too precious to risk now, and to valuable to risk before. If any woman of my tribe let one of our men end up looking like you she'd get fifty lashes."

"I got these scars in the service of the Emperor," Akamu said tersely. "I'd gladly get into that cockpit again." He sighed. "But why I'm justifying this to you, I have no idea. Our cultures are obviously very different."

"Very," Yolanthe agreed, "but it doesn't change the fact that Q'uits is nasty, and you need to be on your toes in there."

He drained the last of his drink and stood up. "Maybe I'll drop by the Romulan Consulate, as you suggest, ma'am."

"Good boy," She smiled at him and moved off to serve another customer. "Good Luck."

Ka'er nodded and exited the Box, the swagger back in his step.


civilian mercenary

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & Bartender, The Box of Delights